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Everything posted by BenStark

  1. Not difficulty to comprehend for the average person, which doesn't seem to include you. In the US EV's are sold for many more years, so the woke market get saturated, and some of the early buyers already have learned their lesson. In Asia the EV market is still in their puber time, so of course sales increase, until the same happens as in the western world
  2. Which defeat? I have pointed out the errors in your posts, seems you can't even accept those
  3. Did you read the news that the discounts on electricity will not be extended? And yeah you may charge cheaper, although you have paid a higher purchase price compared to an equivalent ICE car, repair costs are much higher, and let's talk again if you have to replace your battery or if you want to sell your car after a few years
  4. Well little boy, did you notice that my first post in this thread wasn't a reply to you? So this thread is not just about YOU YOU YOU. And while I don't know either what the range is of the vehicle of the poster I replied to, it reflects the range of the majority of EV's currently in use. And about your other ignorant answer about hybrids can't be charged, yes you are right. Your ignorance is that they charge themselves trough regenerative braking and by the internal combustion engine, which is FREE
  5. It seems that you are either ignorant or lying through your teeth to make your boat float, if you want to claim that EVERY EV now at once can drive 500kms.
  6. Correct, if you use your EV only to go to the local 7/11 you can charge at home. Once you want to travel more than 300km in one go you will have to charge somewhere else. So it's obvious that you have restricted your travelling to the limitations of the vehicle you own
  7. Maybe you should indicate if you use sarcasm in a written post.
  8. Strange that you had a completely different opinion about 30 minutes ago in another thread. Bi-polar much?
  9. I haver sent items before to Oz with ePackage and small packet air, and was told that in Australia post only update when delivered. I have also had packages that arrived in less than a week. DHL has different tracking system, cost also a multiple of postal service So as you suggest, probably stolen or delivered wrong address
  10. Was the package from France also sent by EMS or Epackage or whatever options only Thai post offers?
  11. I really appreciate it how during those 7 dangerous days they block certain U-turns, but not others. I think it is to make it easier for the rescue services to pick up the corpses, since they will be concentrated to fewer locations
  12. No idea, I only know from his previous posts that he is a teacher, and going by those post i doubt it will be in an international school
  13. For a sudden power outage a surge protector will be of no use. For a lightning strike I doubt there is any surge protector that is of any use
  14. I'm not an electrician, but I see some thick black wires connected to the neutral of the C63 and another breaker, then seem to go to the neutral bar AND the grounding bar. I doubt that is correct
  15. I put a 3 pin plug on the cable from the oven, and i have a 3 pin socket behind the oven, so easy to remove when needed
  16. It depends on what you mean with a good woman. Obviously your understanding of it is different to that of others on here, otherwise you wouldn't have a need to find more than one
  17. Keep dreaming. Most of what you say about people unhappy, promises not kept, is correct. Remembered at the next election is something completely different though. This is a populist government, so close to the next election people will be made happy, and their memory will fade, or there will be solutions in place, similar to previous elections, to make sure those who are supposed to govern will govern
  18. Water heater? I have 4 individual water heaters in this house, and in the 12 years since i moved in, i have never switched on one. I shower 365 days a year outside, which obviously doesn't have a water heater either.
  19. Thanks for that, which I think it is solid prove that the money in the FCD is not in Thailand, until you transfer it to your deposit account
  20. You know the difference between a foreign currency account, which is the subject of this thread, and a deposit or savings account? Obviously not
  21. Well that would be a good idea, not? Include every party in the coalition, then there is no opposition any more
  22. And you didn't notice your reputation is way lower than your post count? I can circle those bits for you if you need help.
  23. I'm so sorry for you that you can't even read. I didn't point it out again, you did. And that you don't understand the difference between badges and reputation rating is also a shame. Try harder, but I would suggest, get lost
  24. You even can have the OTP sent to your whatsapp, so you receive it worldwide
  25. She was under house arrest, which involved security guards employed by the government outside her residence, who failed to see her fleeing. She crossed the border to Cambodia in a car without border security or immigration noticing. Who you think should be punished?
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