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Everything posted by BenStark

  1. You could have bought btc at 69K in 2021 and already halved your money. And I know you gonna come back and say smart people don't buy at those prices, but if people weren't buying en masse it would never have reached that price
  2. Cement work beneath the tiles? In Pattaya?
  3. None of your business, and if i would give you the figure you would call me a liar or a bragger any way. Point is that I don't envy people who can afford jewellery and wear it, as that is what it's intended for
  4. I can hear the sea in an empty tin of baked beans
  5. When reading AN I always wonder why there are gold shops, because according to the members here, you are not supposed to wear any of the jewellery sold there, other than inside your own house, maybe. And even then........... Could it be that most of those members never can afford gold at the current prices, and their comments are driven by envy?
  6. Only an idiot would buy a car without checking the book and notice no tax has been paid for years.
  7. Nothing to do with shortage of cash flow, they simply woke up to the reality https://finance.yahoo.com/news/hertz-is-selling-20000-evs-and-replacing-them-with-gas-powered-vehicles-153302670.html However, in October 2023, Hertz said it was slowing down plans to electrify its fleet. At the time, CEO Stephen Scherr said EVs cost Hertz "about twice in terms of damage cost repair than a conventional internal combustion engine vehicle."
  8. How would you know, when it is obvious that you aren't in Japan
  9. I was waiting for you. My question was already answered by @hotandsticky but I knew that you always want to have the last word. Very sad life you must be leading, always looking for arguments and wanting to have the last word in every thread
  10. Is that one they just invented, since I can't find an account with that name on Kbank list, and I very much doubt it is even a saving account, more likely a fixed 24 month term deposit
  11. And that was my point. What are the chances that a court will approve an unregistered will as being legit? Even when registering a will at the amphur there have to be witnesses for a reason.
  12. It doesn't have to be. So you reckon the executor will have access to the deceased bank accounts by just showing an unregistered piece of paper?
  13. For you and you only, bye
  14. So you reckon that a 800sqm lawn can be watered with a hose? Good guess
  15. Nice try at reading and comprehending what I wrote, but more reading classes are needed for you. Nice attempt at deflection, though. But I can see my post woke up the wokes, must have hit a nerve
  16. If you have a 10sqm lawn probably yes, if you have a 800sqm lawn no way. I have 48 MP rotators of the type pictured in the OP buried in my lawn
  17. Just waiting for the wokes to claim trump killed his wife's mother in an attempt to delay the court case, and extreme left will swallow it
  18. Yes, new rule, nothing to do with thinking, and another reason to continue to do my reports online
  19. Maybe you should look closer Tesla recalls over 1.6 million faulty vehicles in China https://daoinsights.com/news/tesla-recalls-china-vehicles/ Here's the list of all its recalls so far Tesla’s Model Y: America’s most recalled vehicle of the past decade https://qz.com/tesla-car-recalls-china-model-y-accidents-autopilot-1851144035
  20. Must be a new rule then, which I'm not aware of since I do my reports online. And if that is an issue for you, then why you don't do your reports online. It works perfectly, if you are smart enough to enter the data correctly
  21. I don't know what happens in the backroom, but I know what I see with my own eyes in the markets
  22. There are no copies need for a 90 day report, the people who had to make copies most likely were there for something else than a 90 day report
  23. To do the online report you don't need a smartphone, any device that can connect to the internet will do, which they obviously have since they use it to whinge here. Online reporting works excellent without any problems for those who have a functional brain. What has the staff to do with this? I'm doing extensions for the 16th year and no issues, because I have the correct document ready and signed. For a 90 day report no documents are needed BTW
  24. Will see when they arrive today. Cost was only 97 baht for 5 x 45 cm, so not killing the bank if they don't work as expected. The need for cutting them is because need short pieces, like on top of a flood light, or the horizontal stretch of a downpour pipe, for which even 45 cm will be too long
  25. A simple Google brought up these results, a more intensive search may provide more results. It may be good to add 4pda or Reddit in your search terms https://support.google.com/assistant/thread/184491092/google-home-will-not-connect-to-third-party-apps?hl=en https://bgr.com/tech/google-assistant-commands-third-party-android-apps/
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