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Everything posted by BenStark

  1. Very poor attempt at discrediting a professional bicycle seller comparing him with the Chinese crap you hardly can afford. Are you still working without work permit? https://www.specialized.com/us/en/shop/sale/c/sale?q=%3Afeatured%3Aarchived%3Afalse%3Aclearance%3Atrue&sort=featured#/sort:ss_price:desc
  2. Why not buy an electrical bicycle. I was last month in Europe and visited an old friend who owns a chain of professional bicycle shops. He showed me his assortment of electrical bicycles, and said they sold like sweet cakes. They were around 15K Euro
  3. Did that poster say, the Thailand government ? See, others can also be pedantic
  4. Of course I wouldn't have expected anything less than an Apple fanboy, trying to minimalize it, but regulations are the same for everyone, including Apple.
  5. There is a reason why Apple is constantly rated as charging top prices for their products and service. See what I did there? Why would I pay 9k, on top of that already overpriced product, for care+ as it would cost me less to replace my phone, which does the same an iPhone does, and more
  6. You could have made an online appointment, like i do, then you pass the whole queue
  7. Daikin's core business is aircons, so if they can stay in business after all those years, that mean they must do something right. Not like all those other brands, that make TV's, video recorders and microwaves and also aircons, so if one of their products is pure crap, they still stay in business because their myriad of other products covers for it.
  8. Maybe tell us about the brands that never have had a problem, and I don't mean the one hanging in your room, but from all they have sold in Thailand
  9. Some people seem to live to complain
  10. First you press the subtitle icon. You then click on subtitles and select download subtitles from the drop-down menu Next you press the magnifying glass and enter the title of the movie or serie. VLC is not Google, so take care about spelling. The Globe with the digit 1 is to enable other languages than English, which is enabled by default
  11. If you use VLC player for your movies and series, it is also easy to download subs in any language through the VLC app
  12. How strange that I never have an issue, extending my permission to stay without using an agent for 14 years now. Even during Covid it was not a problem. Make an appointment online, complete all the documents on my PC, which takes minutes, as they are all saved already and have to change also a few details. Get the document from the bank on the day of the application, or get it up to a week upfront, and just do a small withdrawal or deposit on the day. Then go to the immigration office with my appointment printed, and pass the entire queue. Maybe I also should start an agent business and collect 10K for an hour work
  13. Nothing to do with being cool, only some evidence about the kind of desperate idiots that come here to find a wife. Maybe, you're one of them?
  14. What's wrong with EMS? My embassy advises using EMS, so why you used a forwarder for a domestic postage?
  15. I knew such a guy as well around the same time, as I had a relationship with his future wife for 2 years already, at the time he was gonna married. On a side note, he had met his future wife for 7 days prior to decide on the marriage, because he actually had come to Pattaya to marry another one, but he couldn't locate her when he arrived. He was not a pensioner, but a guy in his late twenties, working for a multinational semiconductor company. I was 47 at that time. I shagged her in a hotel near her home the day before the wedding, and again in Pattaya about a week after the wedding,
  16. That is still a lot for a previous university worker.
  17. Yes I got it already that you're not the brightest light in the shed, and you just confirmed, as it seems you don't even understand your own post. Sinsod is only for first marriage, not someone who has 2 kids already
  18. So you negotiated a price for a second hand, and come here to pretend you know Thai culture?
  19. I push them through my own bum. Wanna buy some?
  20. So I understand you paid for yours, if not you're just trolling
  21. How you text any Android or Windows device with Imessage? With WhatsApp I can call those devices as well. WI-FI call, available on all the newer Android phones. Also not on all Iphones Also only on a couple Iphones, starting from Iphone 14, and as with everything Apple, has to be paid for after the first year I'm not complaining, it was you who said that a Chinese built Apple phone, sold at twice the price a comparable Android phone is sold, has features that Android doesn't have. Did you say something about being foolish?
  22. Airdrop? Well Android has Nearby Share. Same thing, different name, and with that major difference that with Nearby Share, you can send files to other devices than Android as well. As an alternative, you can also download the free app Send Anywhere. Imessage? Ever heard of WhatsApp, can text and phone free to any device in the world, be it Android or Windows. Find my phone? Android and google have similar features. I thought you were gonna name some features that Android didn't have, or even didn't have better
  23. Welcome to the 21st century, Apple users. Unfortunately, this also means that Apple can't charge their cult members top dollars any more for a cable that only can be used on their China built phones, so I guess this will have to be compensated with an increase of the device price
  24. I guess that calculation is based on your own expenses
  25. Yes it is just you You don't say
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