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Everything posted by lordgrinz

  1. Banning people by discriminating against them is wrong, and won't win Thailand anything but more disgust in their own behavior.
  2. I don't agree, they should just make it easier for the Immigration Police to deport the troublemakers (all nationalities) on the spot, if you cause trouble, straight to IDC and on your way home after being fined heavily and blacklisted.
  3. Can we add some Thai's to that list too?
  4. Spoiler alert: This conflict has been going on for 1000's of years, it is never going to End.
  5. I'm an independent, one of the spoilers in every election, sometimes you have to make hard choices......Liberalism and a Senile President were the straws that sealed their fate, and his parties backing a losing unelectable horse (Harris was an insult), was their downfall.
  6. He doesn't have to, just tell Israel to do what it needs to do, take care of Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, and Houthis. No more holding them back, let them get it done, then the rest of the world can get back to normal.
  7. You're the one using the insults to make your points, who should grow up? But I will state that I am completely opposed to Progressive Liberalism, and the absolute mess they have created.
  8. You must cry yourself to sleep every night knowing that your backed a losing horse.
  9. Then Thai's ignored those teachings, and created their own perverted version of Thai Buddhism.
  10. That would be the DemonRats and their CIA buddies.
  11. Put down the crackpipe/bong my friend.....LOL
  12. The same way Thai's are giving Thailand a bad name?
  13. If only that worked for Thai behavior, maybe Thai's should look at themselves first.
  14. This is why I have my wife do the check-in process whenever we travel locally, without any info from me, and nobody has asked yet.....so no need to worry about TM30's. But I still get hit for them when travelling outside of the country, no way out of that, they (Nonthaburi Immigration) insist they want a new one when I get back.
  15. LMAO.....I just spit out my coffee all over my laptop screen.....That remark is just awesome!
  16. None of which will work here, Thai drivers completely ignore the rights of pedestrians, refuse to stop at redlights or STOP signs, and generally don't care about the welfare of anyone outside of their own vehicles. They don't even care about their own safety, which tells you a lot about their mentality.
  17. Or a working defense system after Israel wiped those out in just one mission.
  18. Good to know, as I hold an anti-Thai sentiment 🤪
  19. AMEN! It works for just about everything here, just apply the exact opposite to all logical situations, and you have the "THAI WAY".
  20. I use the SCB over on Bond Street in Pak Kret before I head off to the Nonthaburi Immigration, but it's right down the street from the Bangkok Immigration, it opens at 8:30am https://maps.app.goo.gl/PVb3U9FUi7NBiPTk8
  21. I love it more when they are driving the wrong way down the road, looking at their phone, and without a helmet either. You have to wonder how anyone can combine so many bad decisions at once and think it's even remotely safe.
  22. I got a solution, remove all STOP signs and red lights, let Darwin fix the problem. Remove speed limits too, after a few years the herd should be thinned thoroughly.
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