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Everything posted by freeworld

  1. Which bank? The bank websites would explain all. Here is a link to Kasikorn https://www.kasikornbank.com/en/personal/Loan/Home-Loan/Pages/Home.aspx
  2. Is it possible to please inform the name of this nice smelling cologne?
  3. Just type alum into lazada search and many shops come up selling the stuff (brand names; also bags of the plain stuff for about 30 baht) Can also be bought in Big C, Lotus's and Boots from the deodorant section. A few brands available. 711 also have small bottles of powdered alum. Another use for alum (the plain stuff) can also be used post shaving. Alum is an astringent which causes the skin cells and tissues to shrink. Used in shaving, it helps to soothe freshly shaved skin to combat razor burn, ingrown hairs, bumps, and redness by reducing inflammation. It’s also effective at stopping any bleeding from nicks and cuts by constricting the blood vessels.
  4. Yuck, should be shower before going to bed.
  5. What is that going to help dealing with two people who get into trouble with each other and them one decides to kill the other? They can't control every visitors emotions or evil thoughts.
  6. Immigration chief is going to double double down on the O/A visas.
  7. You are supposed to wet the area first before it is applied or wet the top of the alum deodorant stick.
  8. Goodness me, of course they work. Some foreigners walking around in bkk, in the malls and on trains obviously not using deadorant, oblivious to and leaving a wafting trail of stink behind themselves.
  9. And insist on a comprehensive health checkup and medical practioners certficate to be presented at immigration on arrival.
  10. So people lined up about 8 persons would be about 20 min wait estimated, so urgent or important cannot wait? You left the trolley full of stuff which created unnecessary additional work for the limited staff. And you saved time because now have to find somewhere else to shop and buy all that stuff again /s
  11. In addition to police record checks which some posters seem to favour, perhaps everyone visiting Thailand should also be required to produce a fitness/medical certificate on entry into Thailand.
  12. Inflation should not be considered. Real wages and money has not kept up with real inflation and in most govts eyes 800k is a lot of money (I guess except for Thai immigration bosses and certain Thai people) 800k is still a lot of money to keep stuck in a bank account earning pitiful interest.
  13. Inflation should not be considered. Real wages and money has not kept up with real inflation and in most govts eyes 800k is a lot of money (I guess except for Thai immigration bosses and certain Thai people) 800k is still a lot of money to keep stuck in a bank account earning pitiful interest.
  14. Some icons double click. in File manager you can set it to open with a single click https://www.howtogeek.com/657251/how-to-enable-single-click-to-open-icons-on-windows-10/
  15. Maybe you don't owe tax, have you considered the allowable deductions and allowances if you have any. I think a fine if any would be minor from what I have previously read from others. TAXABLE INCOME = Assessable Income - deductions - allowances See how to calculate Taxable income with allowable deductions and allowances you may be entitled to. Personal Income Tax | The Revenue Department (English Site) (rd.go.th)
  16. Depends on your annual income and the tax brackets in which your income falls. Tax rates of the Personal Income Tax Taxable Income (baht)Tax Rate (%) 0-150,000Exempt more than 150,000 but less than 300,000 5% more than 300,000 but less than 500,000 10% more than 500,000 but less than 750,000 15% more than 750,000 but less than 1,000,000 20% more than 1,000,000 but less than 2,000,000 25% more than 2,000,000 but less than 4,000,000 30% Over 4,000,000 35% Based on the tax table and income brackets you calculate if you have underpaid or overpaid tax on your total annual income.
  17. If you are employed in Thailand, A certain tax is stipulated to be withheld. That is not a final tax and you as an employee and taxpayer are responsible for filing a return to ensure the correct amount of tax is paid by or is reimbursed to, you; depending on your total annual income. 4. Withholding Tax For certain categories of income, the payer of income has to withhold tax at source, file tax return (Form PIT 1, 2 or 3 as the case may be) and submit the amount of tax withheld to the District Revenue Office. The tax withheld shall then be credited against tax liability of a taxpayer at the time of filing PIT return. The following are the withholding tax rates on some categories of income. 5. Tax Payment Taxpayer is liable to file Personal Income Tax return and make a payment to the Revenue Department within the last day of March following the taxable year. Taxpayer, who derives income specified in c, d or f in 2.3 during the first six months of the taxable year is also required to file half - yearly return and make a payment to the Revenue Department within the last day of September of that taxable year. Any withholding tax or half-yearly tax which has been paid to the Revenue Department can be used as a credit against the tax liability at the end of the year.
  18. 1st you need a Thai tax number. 2nd you get a bank statement of interest and tax withheld from the bank for the tax year you want to claim a refund. 3rd you fill in the tax form and submit it to reclaim the refund (you can ask the tax office to help with this) All is done at the tax office for your area. Be prepared to be asked some intrusive questions about income etc... Sometimes better to have a Thai speaker along with to help translate/communicate.
  19. Thought you were describing persons from a large west European country there for a moment.
  20. Ah just hollering the old money laundering statement again when there is no evidence of such.
  21. I stopped going there in 1996 mostly because of all the foreigners.
  22. Apply for Resident Certificate at Chaeng Wattana.
  23. deleted
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