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Everything posted by freeworld

  1. Yeah, mandatory criminal record checks and a uniform standard for all countries to apply for any kind of visa to visit anywhere for all travellers for tourism and other reasons. See how that works when all travel grinds to a halt and one has to wait to get the criminal record check and then apply for a visa to be able to travel somewhere. Not to mention the boost in employment and increased revenues for govt to manage that. That will control everyone....no?
  2. Ok but fair is fair and applying for all visas should be reciprocal. It will certainly bring more revenue for the foreign affairs dept.
  3. Save the data somewhere else first. That is not too difficult. You can always transfer the data back to your phone. You could also consider installing a custom rom such as Lineage with microg. Apparently it also has google playstore so apps can be installed.
  4. Did you try a complete factory reset or get the xiaomi service centre to completely reinstall the latest firmware?
  5. If you caught him that's a good first step. Show him a pot, a fire and a recipe such as chicken cordon bleu, chicken a la king or roast chicken recipe. He will soon get the hint and shut up.
  6. ''I am living mostly on saving which I believe will be seen as income when coming into Thailand.'' No that is not income. You may just have to explain it if they ask. The only income may be some interest accrued and there were requirements when it had to be transferred out and even then it will be below the marginal limit when one starts to pay tax.
  7. Why not install the app one time from Google play store., effect a transfer and uninstall the app. Choose transfer to your bank account, input the name and account number, the money will be transferred. You can choose once off transfer [account details are not saved on Lazada]. You could also try through chat [that cleo thing] and then get a live rep and they will need you to send you bank details. Lazada will then transfer your money to the designated account.
  8. Imagine my surprise. Last night arrived home to find two bank statements with account balances now at zero and final bank statements showing accounts closed. No prior correspondence before that they were going to close my accounts. Have to contact them Monday to see where my money is now and how to get it back.
  9. Must be disappointing to break the 4 days of sobriety.
  10. I don't think that owning a house is reported. It will be reported when there is buying or selling of the house and any financial transaction in and out of a bank account or if one has to report in their home country any immovable assets held outside their home countries. This is dystopian levels of govt control.
  11. https://www.commondreams.org/opinion/libya-disaster-us-imperialism Who can forget the US Hillary Clinton gloating
  12. Ah the current govt and leadership who lobbied for NATO and the UN for the change of regime and who have let everything fall into disarray.
  13. NATO, the ICC and UN should be paying reparations and upgrading the dams and infrastructure and restoring the flood management systems they destroyed due to their military adventures in Libya all those years ago.
  14. No, they will not tax you 35% Banks are not the income tax dept. The bank may report the transfer to the treasury/amlo and Thai tax people (CRS) who will share the financial info with your home country tax office.
  15. Little spies are everywhere, even monitoring how many day one parks.
  16. Does one not feel shame or embarrassment posting something like this.
  17. Social media has caused this upheaval, there is no stopping it now. People from the world over have information and many are headed to where life is better, how they can game the systems, how they can earn money and the infrastructure and management is better than the places from whence these people are arriving.
  18. There are alarms in all carriages and no humans had the gumption to sound the alarm but they did have the time to take photos and videos. People expect everyone and everything to be managed minutely by govt with detailed instruction how to live their lives.
  19. Says a lot about supervising your subcontractor and installations. The world over, artisans need supervision, inspection and correcting.
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