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Ben Zioner

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Everything posted by Ben Zioner

  1. I live in Thailand, but the Revenue Department just gave us strong incentives to have our holidays abroad.
  2. Obviously, there is that other case with a dirty German. Fortunately.
  3. If she could prove there was sex i.e get a proper medical, it would be statutory rape.
  4. Jesus, what a waste. I guess it is yet another generational thing. I was happy to rake in a quarter of a million CHF a year until I was 62. Enjoyed the work and the environment, and had the feeling I was getting what I deserved. Preserved my sanity, much better than computereffinggames. Also had 10 weeks paid leave and my week ends for my outdoor life.
  5. Well, could you give me your definition of "achievement". I am asking because it becomes relevant at this stage of the conversation. Different generations may have different definitions.
  6. They have actually, AFAIK they've said that remittances from overseas income, earned from Jan 1, 2024 must be "factored in" tax returns, in accordance with DTAs. They said that they would modify tax forms accordingly. So I wouldn't expect anything new until the publication of the 2024 tax return forms.
  7. I can't imagine why someone would retire at 40.
  8. Would be utter stupidity to deposit. Keep it for shopping at Tops and Makro and go back to COD on Lazada. I would even be reluctant to change USD at Super Rich where they will record your passport. So go to Singapore, get as much as possible out of ATMs and let the Chinese money changers deliver THB at your hotel room. After that you have to make sure customs don't pick you up at Don Muang. There are ways of doing it. If you get caught you'll have to pat Tax, and get fine double the Tax amount. So be smart.
  9. I think it is plain stupid, because sucking out more money from a weak economy to finance populist schemes is utter garbage. They should make the best use of the money they got now; eradicate corruption. If this happened I'd be happy to contribute.
  10. Would someone know how low these brackets have been applicable, and what the [real] inflation has been since. This is a very dirty trick by ALL governments, who logically should impact yearly inflation rates to the income tax brackets. This is why modest incomes end up paying 30%.
  11. Don't thinks that's true. The 25% bracket starts at 1 Million and the 30% bracket ranges from 2 to 5 Million. These aren't "seriously high" incomes. The brackets are clearly designed to hit the middle income earners.
  12. RD can come and match standard of living with declared income. That's one of the basics.
  13. I think it would remain low risk for a year or two, but they will get organised, staffed, etc.. To get on top of it will cost them more than anything they recoup. At least at the beginning, their clever little change will require investment.
  14. Maybe UK is cheaper than EU. I don't own property, so I don't see myself trying to settle in Germany or France, with a family and 45000 Euros a year. So, a wise move in IMHO.
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