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Ben Zioner

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Everything posted by Ben Zioner

  1. If that's so UK business must be really short of human resources.... Where I come from you either want to work, or not.
  2. Maybe, but it could be the opposite. For instance the Taxation agreement with [one of] my country of origin states clearly that pensions are taxed at the source. So how do you prove that a cash transfer is pension? That's why I could imagine that they would require pensions to be paid [by the funds] into Thai bank accounts, free of tax. All other cash transfers being considered as Taxable. Still complicated but more workable from an enforcement point of view. It remains that the division pension vs "other income" may vary from country to country.
  3. Unlikely to happen if PEA keep selling only On Grid solar systems and buy the KWh for a ridiculous 2.4 Baht.
  4. Can you elaborate? If you are sick to visit a doctor and he will prescribe a medical Canabis product if needed. You don't need to be protected by the "Thai Social Safety Net" to have access to medical care.
  5. Easy, sell it through pharmacies who would require a prescription from a medical practitioner. Set standards for labs producing the extract and enforce.
  6. The one thing I am absolutely sure of is that if I didn't have a family I wouldn't have stayed more than 6 months.
  7. I agree, some guys are good. Also never ask anyone to do outside their area of expertise, the vast majority of Thais have a very narrow spectrum of skills; and they will never admit they can't do properly something you asked them to do.
  8. More than that, I have seen several studies and articles saying the senior males slightly overweight and normally active have a better life expectancy than those with lower BMI and exercising intensively. Also intense exercise under high temperature bears a lot more risk than exercise in cold conditions. I used to have a massive burden of PVCs with hours of Bigeminy which resolved when I reduced my load and exercised only 3 o 4 days a week. I seems that of electrolytes depletion needs more than a day to resolve. Forgot to say that one of the cause of arrhythmias is electrolyte imbalance.
  9. Does Romla Saiwaree have a husband? As it could be just a story of Mia Noi and wrong time slut.
  10. This is Thailand where driving the economy by private economy means stealing money from the industrious through a remittance tax and give it to no hopers who will use it to gamble and drink some cheap gasoline. At best it could only be neutral. And I am not getting into the issue of the property market which will be significantly affected as well.
  11. How is healthcare in the Philippines? Anything at the level of Bumrungrad in Cebu? As I wouldn't even get close to Manilla. "This “brain drain” of healthcare workers is a serious problem for the Philippine healthcare system. In 2019, the country had approximately one doctor or nurse per 20,000 residents, which is not considered adequate to a population’s needs. " Healthcare in the Philippines Thailand has one doctor for every 1000 to 2000 residents, depending on sources.
  12. Well, in this price range nothing beats an entry level Mac mini. Think of graphics...
  13. Ohhh the righteous US folks. Many people came here because they could be exempt of income tax. Legally, mind you.
  14. I am happy with Japanese cars. Might go Chinese for my first EV, but another 3 years down the track.
  15. BOI must be quite worried, since the Taxation of incoming monies would kill LTRWP, LTRWFTP as well as a large chunk of dependants. The whole LTR program would be dead. And I have little on the effect on Thailand Elite.
  16. So? This shows a one week, insignificant, dip in the value of the Euro against THB.
  17. Oh, I didn't know transgender people were born with oversized mouths and 56 teeth.
  18. Yes, I use 13.5 for for drains inside the house and supply outside. Blue pipe will age and harden hence become more brittle, 13.5 will last longer For supply Inside the house I use only PPR. Should not use blue pipe for hot water, but that not applicable if you use these electric chair like water heaters.
  19. I'd stay put. I don't have a house back home, so renting a place like the one I got here would costt me as much as the 850000 I could end up paying here. And even in Portugal I'd have to pay some income tax. Further I have two girls of school age, they speak and write English and Thai. I don't think EU government schools have English programs. And last there is the risk that wife and kids become utterly unhappy in a strange country and want to come back... So I'll try to mitigate the impact of the changes, but on the other hand I understand the need for income tax. And paying it here will give the warm (and expensive) feeling that I give a lot to Thailand, and get very little back. But this is the land of the ungracious.
  20. I think the base VAT at 7% to 9% is just fine. Shouldn't go to double digit IMHO. A separate "luxury" tax might be politically attractive, but the definition of luxury always leads to sterile debates, so forget it. The Thai income tax rates from 0% to 35% aren't too bad, but the thresholds seem outdated, 35%, max rate, at 55000 USD is plain ridiculous. Also I don't think that a 0% rate is a good thing, the minimum should be 5%, too many people think there is no income tax, while it should be a fact of life for everyone.
  21. Why are these girls getting these ugly oversized mouths. They also seem to have 56 teeth. Ridiculous fashion.
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