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Everything posted by MangoKorat
You and Trump supporters appear to live in a parallel version of the 'real world'. That's both a laughable statement and one from someone who really has nothing factual to come back with.
Perhaps you'd like to tell the actual truth - the whole story on that one?
He's actually creating problems - did you look at Wall Street today? I predict that this is just the start.
Do you have any intelligence at all? Everyone who finds Trump's policies abhorent is a 'leftist' according to you but let's placate you OK? All us 'leftists' on here find it incredible that Trump wants to normalise the relationship between the US and Putin's Russia. This after decades of calling out (by both sides) Putin's actions..........incredible, the man is a pure lunatic.
Get out of here.........Republicans are running scared of Trump's retaliatory nature. Musk appears to have more power than Congress now.
I'm sure you're correct but have you noticed that nobody on the Republican side of the seemingly redundant US government is prepared to criticise any of Trump's actions. Governance in the US over the last 5 or 6 weeks seems to have taken place by 'Executive Orders'. What is the role of congress these days?
Yet again you need to be reminded who invaded Ukraine and started the current war......................or, much like your great leader, had you missed that point?
What's your point? That Putin's actions are OK because he's carried them out over 20 years? Is he able to dictate Ukraine's destiny?
NATO is a defensive organisation. They have only ever reacted to aggression, not started it. Putin has forced NATO troops to be positioned on countries such as Georgia through his own paranoid actions.
Absolutely no point in debating this further with you. Like most Trump supporters........you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink. However - to rebutt your point. It is well known that Ukraine suffered from huge corruption - they have been trying to deal with it but just as it is in Thailand, its not something you can stop overnight. Its also a hangover from the break up of the USSR. Where do you think all the oligarchs came from? The people of Ukraine made ot clear what they wanted in 2013. I'd also like to point out to you that defence is not warmongering - Putin should not and must not be rewarded for his expansionist aggression. If that means war - so be it. You can take it up the ..... if you like.
I don't know where you get the thought that I am a war monger - I'm actually far from it. Can I just remind you that Putin is the aggressor in this situation. Ukraine is a sovereign nation and as such, just as any other nation is entitled to choose its destiny and who it aligns itself with. Putins use of not wanting NATO on his borders is rubbish, it a ruse. How would it be if Russia took Ukraine, who would it have on its borders then? You need to learn that whatever 'deal' Trump and Putin cook up together, Putin will renage on it. Trump thinks he has some kind of friendship with Putin - Putin will bend him over and ............... him. You don't go from hate to love overnight. How would Putin explain his new 'friendship' to the Russian people? For years, no matter what party has been in charge of the US, Putin has been blaming the US for everything. You might want to look back in the news since 2014 - Putin stated on several occasions that the US was behind Ukraine. Russia is proven to have interfered with several US elections . Go ahead and normalise relations. Just understand though, that what you might think of as 'normal' will almost certainly be viewed differently in Moscow. You want the US to normalise relations with Russia? A country who's people have been conditioned to believe that the West is guilty for all its woes since 1999. A country led by a thug who kills and imprisons his opposition, who authorises wholesale child kidnapping and the butchery of civillians of all ages. Yes, go ahead, normalise relations with Putin and see where it gets you.
No, looking at it from a UK perspective, the UK does not spend anywhere near enough on defence to be able to defend itself. Military leaders have been warning of that for years. Its sad that we should have to worry about such things but we live in a dangerous world and never so dangerous as it is right now.
Nobody wants to fight - but Putin must be stopped. The US is best placed to do that but instead, Trump's cuddling up to him. Morally - any free and democratic country has a duty to, jointly with others, stop aggression by one country towards another - if not, it may well be them tomorrow. Putin is the one who started this - its disgusting how Trump fails to call him out on that.
There is only one person responsible for those deaths - Putin.
Trump's behaviour in his 'spat' with Zelenskyy was outrageous, deliberate and planned. How many times does he want the man to say thank you? This was all part of Trumps aim to get rid of Zeleneskyy to suit Trump's new pal, Putin. If you couldn't see that, you need help - the man isn't even a good actor! Its shocking that you yanks who support Trump still can't see the wood for the trees. Thankfully not all yanks are the same but I never thought I'd see the day when a US President aligned with a thug like Putin - a real 'dictator' who has no opposition as such because he either has them killed of locks them up. A man responsible for the deaths of hundreds of soldiers on both sides and who oversaw the massacre at Bucha. What does Trump have to do for you to wake up from your MAGA intoxicated trance? When will you realise that Trump is the one who is at risk of starting WW3? European leaders may be cow-towing now - out of a fear of tariffs but that won't last forever - everyone has their limit and it is well known that apart from a few blind lunatics, very few people in the US actually support Trump in his disgusting attempt to take down Zelenskyy. It was clear what he was doing when he 'invented' his accusations against Zelenskyy. So - so much for the end is nigh - Zelenskyy's ratings are up in both Ukraine and Europe. Your leader - US citizens, is going to ruin your country and its standing in the world order. He's not going to 'Make America Great Again', he's going to wreck your country's reputation and isloate the US. You just can't (won't), see it. The only thing I agree with him about is that European NATO members should be countributing far more to their defence budgets.
Is it impossible for you to simply admit that you were wrong? I don't know what you mean by nobody 'gave an arse about it' - I and millions of others are very concerned about the situation in Ukraine - especially now that Trump is supporting the aggressor - a man (not quite) who clearly is a dictator, despite his sham democracy. Maybe you could explain?
Go away and read Ukraine's constitution, an English translation is available if you look. Zelenskyy was the duly elected President when Russia invaded. Thus, Marshall law was enacted and the constitution state there will not be elections under such circumstances - which part of that do you not understand? By the way, I cannot comment on whether he is a 'lover' or not.
Its bad enough that Trump spews his daily rubbish - usually factually wrong and often just made up but that there are people, and so many of them, that believe his every word, is ver.y difficult to understand. The first time I heard Trump claim that the previous election was 'stolen' I had his game. I don't actually think he stupid - I think he's quite smart. He's realised that being ultra populist actually works - he could tell some of you that the World is indeed flat and you'd dote on his every word. Follow the Yellow Brick Road.
That one sentence tells me, and many other rational people, all we need to know. There's no medicinal cure for your illness that I know of and I think its too much for a psychologist. You should isolate though because its clearly highly contagious.
Oh jeez........................and Covid was spread by the 5G network right?
Let me correct you. Zelenskyy (correct spelling) was elected and under Ukraine's constitution, there cannot be further elections whilst the country in under marshall law (normal for any country at war). One of the reasons for that is that during war, many people are displaced and therefore cannot vote. Therefore Ukraine's constitution follows accepted democratic principles. Secondly, I didn't make the claims - its for Trump to evidence his ridiculous almost daily claims.
You cannot be serious? Trump won the election because people in the US care more about the $ in their pockets than anything else. I just sold my house to a couple who are leaving the US because they can see where the country is going. Another couple I know in Bangkok will not return to the US whilst Trump is in power. Seriously, you listen to his daily 'speeches' and call others delusional?
There you go again - another left claim. Listen, if being rational and accepting the facts is left - guilty as charged. If not accepting claims made without a shred of evidence or where the facts prove them wrong is left - guilty as charged................ things like: 'They're eating cats and dogs' 'Foreign criminals and people from mental asylums are pouring over our borders' 'Zelenskyy started the war' 'Zelenskyy is a dictator' (unlike Putin who is of course democratically elected, despite his opponents being either dead, in exile or in prison 😁) People who believe the utter rubbish that comes out of Trumps mouth on a daily basis, need to see a doctor. I shudder to think what the state of the US will be after 4 years of Trump - or indeed its standing in the world order..........I doubt its going to be 'great again'.
You know, I was thinking exactly the same when some female US politician was on TV supporting him in his battle of words with Zelenskyy. You've nailed it there - absolutely correct. They simply cannot think for themselves - I guess its pointless debating matters with them. If Trump had come out supporting Zelenskyy, they would too - bunch of uneducated sheep who are incapable of checking the facts and making their own decisions. If Trump says or does it, it must be right so we'll support him...........jeez.
Really, then I think you need to educate yourself. You are as bad as Trump - coming up with un-evidenced remarks and claims without a shred of evidence. Anyone who disagrees is a lefty. 555 When you are prepared to post verified facts and not simply enter into a slanging match, I'll be happy to debate with you but you don't so I bid you goodnight.