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Nick Carter icp

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Everything posted by Nick Carter icp

  1. You are not making much sense , could you post the link ? "Google" , could you add some more words so I know what you mean ?
  2. Could you provide a link to where that came from ? Nothing comes in in a websearch
  3. Yahoo is a search engine . Netanyahu isn't a search engine
  4. In recent history, Nazis and Jews had some disagreements and Nazis were rather unpleasant to the Jews and contemporary Nazi sympathisers blame Jews for the friction . It is impropriate to call Israel Nazis , as it is offensive to the millions of Jews who had their families murdered by the Nazis
  5. But I use the correct spelling , why do you use the incorrect spelling ?
  6. Do use the name "Netinyahoo" because in rhymes with the word *Jew* ? What war crimes has Netanyahu committed ?
  7. The true comparison is between enemy states who attack their Country . Palestinians attack Israel by throwing missiles into Israel and Israel retaliates . When Afghanistan based people used airplanes as missiles to attack the USA and the WTC , USA retaliated by waging war on Afghanistan for 20 years The USA also retaliates when its attacked by other Countries
  8. How do you know what food will be served and how do you know the prices of the restaurant ? You must know the prices to call it "over priced " So, what are the prices ?
  9. If you are looking for a Republican to have a fight with, well I am sorry but I am not one of them, you will have to find someone else to argue with
  10. You could try to forget about Republicans or a while , not everything revolves around what they think
  11. Do you believe everything you are told without questioning it or being a bit suspicious that some people may not be being completely truthful
  12. If you are going to reply to me, you should at least answer my question
  13. How far away from the Wuhan institute if virology , where they experiment on virus's like Covid 19 was that Wuhan animals market ? What was the distance between the market and the institute ?
  14. You're welcome . Just put Do ******* need visa for ******** Put your Country in the first space and the other country in the second space and press ENTER
  15. Get to the check-in as soon as it opens and if you need an outward flight , just go online and book a flight . You would just need a computer , ATM card and bank card reader to purchase a flight ticket there and then , airports usually have free wifi internet connection
  16. Its the week -end , you can take time off from thinking about Trump . A British chef opens up a Restaurant in Thailand and you think about Trump That seems obsessive and unhealthy
  17. Where are you living in Soppong ? I was staying at the end behind Jungle Guest House
  18. Considering that you are one of the best Chefs in the World , in the top ten of Worlds bests Chefs , I am surprised that you don't cook for yourself more often
  19. From the U.K , the dark side of the moon is on the left hand side, rather than underneath
  20. Can I fly UK -BKK on a one way ticket and arriving Visa Exempt?
  21. Just read the story Lieberman accuse Netanyahu of being a Nazi because Lieberman claims Netanyahu spread rumours about him claiming Lieberman hired a hit man to assassinate someone 20 years ago . Lieberman says that is how Nazis acted , spreading false rumours about people . The claims may or may not be true , there's no proof that Netanyahu even made those claims about an assassination . A poster then claims that is proof that Israel is a Nazi state !!!!! An opposition Politician claims a Former Prime minster started false rumour about him hiring a hitman = Israel being Nazis !!!!!! How is one expected to have a debate with someone when they claim Israel are Nazis because Liebermann accuses Netanyahu of starting rumours about him ? Like, Trump accuses Biden of spreading lies about him and that means the USA is a Nazi state ???? Its absurd and irrational to accuse Israel of being a Nazi state for the reason given
  22. That can depend on when you bought the tickets as tickets become more expensive the scarcer they get and closer to departure date , also travel agents may charge fees .
  23. They want to be the first one to get it , seems that just want the attention of having a new phone
  24. Are you able to look on the internet and find out whether you need a visa or not ? Do you have a Google search facility ?
  25. These are the scenes from the London Apple shop with customers queueing for the latest iphone
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