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Nick Carter icp

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Everything posted by Nick Carter icp

  1. It wouldn't get any responses , because some people only seem to take an interest when it involves Israel . I am just wondering why some people just take an interest in Israel , wonder why that is ?
  2. You should take an interest in World affairs . Which side of the Yemen civil war do you think should form the legitimate Government in Yemen ? Do you think that the Houthi forces should form the next Government ?
  3. Another one giving a running commentary !!!!!!!! I was asking the question as to why you take such an interest in Palestinians and not some other group, like Aborigines for example or American Indians
  4. I don't have an interest in Australian Aborigines as they have nothing to do with me
  5. Smooci was registered the U.K and I thought it was ran by some felangs . Anyone from T.D remember Luigi ?
  6. OK, so why do you take such a big interest in Israel ? You don't get many Israelis taking an interest in Aboriginal rights for a homeland in Australia What does Israel personally have to do with you ?
  7. I was making the point that Israel didn't behave like the invaders of the USA and Australia did. Israel didn't slaughter all the Palestinians , had they done what the USA did who killed all the Indians , Israel wouldn't currently have a problem with the Palestinians
  8. I know I did . You don't need to give me a running commentary of the discussion and telling me what I posted
  9. Why do you take such an interest in Israel ? How does Israel's existence effect you personally ? What is your opinion about West Papua seeking independence from Indonesia ?
  10. What point are you making by C&P ing the above paragraph ? Are you saying that Israel should have wiped the Palestinians out , like they did in the USA with American Indians ?
  11. So on principle, you agree that Israel should keep all THEIR land for themselves ?
  12. American Indians ? Australian Aborigines ? (Although they would really like having just half their land for themselves)
  13. For those who haven't yet got one, apply for the dark Blue U.K passport NOW , just incase they go back to being Red again
  14. At the time , the Jewish groups in France would have been unaware of what was happening in concertation camps in Poland . The French Jewish groups also assisted the French resistance . You are trying to distort the reality by suggesting that French Jews were partially responsible for the Holocaust ,
  15. The two state solution was never an option because the Palestinians reject a two state solution , they want the land all for themselves .
  16. Rapists and people who abuse others deserve all they get IMO , some famous guys think that they can rape anyone they like , its great to see the victims exposing rapists
  17. Stick to the actual reality . He hasn't been tried anywhere and he hasn't been found guilty anywhere . There have been numerous allegations and also some evidence . He is a multi millionaire and he doesn't need to earn a living . There is some actual evidence in the E-mails he wrote
  18. If Hitler ended up killing every Jew in the World , would Judaism still exist ?
  19. Maybe you misread the story ? "Mr Abbas said Adolf Hitler ordered the mass murder of Jews because of their "social role" as moneylenders, rather than out of animosity to Judaism."
  20. Russel Brand will get his day in Court and he will be tried there . He isn't getting a trial on twitter
  21. I have done some research and the French Jewish group in question ,UGIF , were a group set up in 1941 by the Nazis in France . UGIF were founded by the German Nazis in France and they collaborated with the Nazis to save themselves , UGIH had the choice of either working with the Nazis or getting sent to a concertation camp . So UGIF didn't act voluntarily , they were forced into it
  22. Ah Zelensky . He is a Jew as well isn't he . So a Ukrainian S.S soldier died under the command of a Jew Who started the Russian / Ukrainian war ?
  23. Please provide a link to that claim . A book written in French available on Amazon for 15 Euros is not a suitable piece of evidence . Please provide a readable link
  24. See the post above this one for your neo Nazi opinion
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