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Everything posted by TroubleandGrumpy

  1. You are correct - where do you get your info - sounds exactly like what happened to me. I left here and went there - I was tagged as a 'senior member' and invited to participate in the running of things. When I questioned something, which was obviously the wrong way to go, I was shouted down. I then pleaded my case to the owner and in response I was removed from the 'leadership'. I stayed out of things and did not 'play' on any forums - then saw a few posts on AN and it looked 'better'. I started posting about the impending income tax change by Thai RD, and aside from a few nutters it is OK. IMO if someone says something you cannot abide with, then block them - dont report them like a nasty school kid/teenage girl.
  2. IMO there is nothing wrong with calling someone an idiot. What is this - a woke university campus where feelings are more important that facts?? Let them have at it. There are some descriptors that should be banned, but idiot is not one. Maybe make a list - banned derogative terms - but his/him and other such nonsense will not be accepted. However - he who has the Gold (Boss) makes the rules - so if idiot is banned then so be it.
  3. My point exactly. In fact (in another life/membership) there were a few members who would bait and bait and bait - and then report. They were especially prevalent in the 'political' forums and the3y clearly saw an expulsion as a win - absolute scumbags IMO. If they did that in a bar or club - they would get a knuckle sandwhich and be shown the door/street.
  4. Please add me - I would feel privileged (that is not a real post) That is the sort of post that gets some Mods knickers in a knot - especially when the recipient lodges a complaint and they are a person that has opposite political views to the Mod. If you know what I mean.
  5. I agree 100% - becoming a Moderator should not be a lifetime position. They aint serving on the Supreme Court - but some of them behave that way. 2 years at a time - minimum of 2 year break - then again if they want to nominate. Good Moderators are hard to find - Bad Moderators are hard to get rid of - so get rid of them all. Membership (minimum 1 year member) votes every 2 years for the new Mods. BUT there should also be a new category of senior members - Experts. Eg. Sheryl on the medical issues - not as a Mod but as an Expert Adviser to members. IMO Experts should not have to deal with the mundane issues related to policing member's posts. IMO the only thing that should be 'moderated' are things that would legally be unacceptable. If it aint illegal to say something then it should not be 'moderated' - if you are upset when insulted, then either block them or go away. Too much watsed time for Mods in dealing with member's complaints - which are often just malicious anyway. Having said all that - if it is a legal obligation to moderate all posts due to laws in Thailand - then pay them. But I would still like the Forum to have 'Experts' - and pay them too (if not already). If Mods are not paid then that is an issue - in my experience some people who 'volunteer' to be 'boss' (unpaid) are on a power trip.
  6. There is more than enough 'evidence' that Fauci lied to Congress - knowingly or not. He did not say 'Not to my knowledge' - he said 'No' (he is not a skilled politician liar). The next few years are going to be 'fun' - Fauci and a lot of others are going to be attacked (maybe punished) for what they did during Covid. At the very least they are going to be attacked - and that alone is worth it - I say attack them all until they rot in the ground. Unless and until public servants are held accountable for the outcomes of their decisions, their impunity will forever be abused. Acting with impunity means never saying 'hey wait a minute guys, what if ..............." That is the problem - they have no fear of getting it wrong - they made a lot of mistakes and were driven by politics more than science. In China they have no fear at all - all the evidence is removed and the people responsible have been 'dealt with'.
  7. Ever wonder where all this 'hatred' from some posters towards Israel comes from? Ever think why do they think that way when it is obviously not rational or logical? Then read the headlines - such as this today from the Guardian (left wing progressive rag): Netanyahu rejected ceasefire-for-hostages deal in Gaza, sources say Now any rational and logical person would immediately think - what/who are those 'sources'. Any rational and logical person would then look into this obvious 'click bait' and discover it is 'allegedly' about an 'alleged' offer made to Netanyahu 'allegedly' during the fist few days of the conflict. Any rational and logical person would then realise this is left wing progressive scumbag click baiting. Meanwhile - woke progressives read just the headline - they dont 'think' anything, they just react emotionally - Netenyahu wants to kill all babies in Gaza !! Israel are murderers!! Multiply that reality by 100,000 and throw it daily at the young impressionable over-educated idiots in Colleges and Universities, and now you can understand how these people will march on the streets in support of a proven murderous terrorist organisation. From the Holocaust to the Idiotcaust - unbelievable - all those men and women died for nothing.
  8. THE biggest Hamas apologist on this forum - You mate. Unbelievable how you always say just enough to not actually criticise Hamas - while expousing smooth thoughts of hatred regarding Israel. I have seen many smooth talking ******** in life - they always in the end get cut to pieces (often by themselves).
  9. Wrong. Both Ways. All Ways. It is not 'endless, pointless unnecessary slaughter' - it is a War - And Hamas started that War. It is not the responsibility of the World Leaders to stop all Wars - yes they should and do try - but it is not their job/responsibility. The leadership of Israel has offered a means of stopping - the Hamas leadership has rejected it - release the hostages ! Last night Hamas showed on video a 70+ woman and a 13 boy - terrified - they said stop the invasion or we will kill them. THAT is terrorism - Thai is NOT what Israel is doing. It is ALL on Hamas now - they have a way out to stop them and their people dieing - it is ALL on them.
  10. AND anyone lodging a DTA exemption will probably have to do it in Thai and though a Thai certified accountant/lawyer. It astounds me how some Expats think the Thai RD is going to be more organised and efficient than the Immigration Police and 'better' or 'easier' to deal with. They just do not realise that Thai RD is not setup to deal with Expats who dont speak Thai - unlike the Immi Police. Hopefully they are not going to find out the very hard way one day. One bloke said he would just pay an agent - how someone here can possibly even think that is beyond me. I see this all the time, most recently when they are 'arguing' with each other about the road rules in Thailand, and quoting paragraphs from the road rules on websites back in their home country. A mate of mine said it a long time ago - "They are not our brightest and best, and that is the main reason we avoid them." Me thinks that perhaps many of the very 'active' posters (most argumentative) actually do not live, nor have ever lived, in Thailand - they just visit now and then (chasing the bar girls and parties).
  11. History will show that the woke progressives supporting Hamas in their 'fight' were just ill informed delusional over-educated idiots.
  12. You are an ******* if you believe any of the PR being sent out by the Pro-Hamas media. Just like they blamed Israel for the bomb that hit the hospital, when it was a Hamas accident - everything they say is a lie. They are all lies designed to make those silly people in the west who think they are merely 'independence fighters' seeking their own land. They are Islamic terrorists and what they want, and always wanted, is the removal of Israel and all Jews from 'the river to the sea'. Not one Jew lives in Gaza - that is a death sentance - but there are plenty of Aram Muslims in Israel living in there peacefully. These are not 'normal' Muslims who want peace - they are murdering Islamic terrorists - and you are a silly westerner they love to fool.
  13. Is that AOC? Or one of those other pro-Islamic pro-Palestine idiots in the Democrats?? Exactly how can you have a 'resolution' - when one 'side' demands nothing less than the total destruction of the other side. I mean it is not like the USA UN etc etc have not tried to do this for the last 50 years. Israel has been maintaining a 'peace' by the threat of over-whelming force if the terrorists did anything really bad - which they just did. By the way - Israel is still 10s of thousands of rockets short of the number that Hamas has fired into Israel over the last 20 years. Hamas went far too far in their 'protest' and they are going to be destroyed for doing that - and yes it is a warning to Hezbolla etc etc. Israel has officialy declared war on Hamas - and it is Hamas that is causing any civilian deaths - by hiding behind them.
  14. Israel PM has made an announcement that if Hamas releases all the hostages then they will stop. Hamas has not responded - if they do IMO they will demand that Israel stops and leaves first (so we can take back control of Gaza). Israel will not accept - they are going to destroy Hamas and this time, and they will not withdraw until it is done. Hamas only has to release all the hostages and the whole world will demand Israel stops. It is all on Hamas - all of it is on Hamas.
  15. Hamas - all of them - if they are terrorists and support Hamas then they support the destruction of Irael and killing all Jews. Amazing how regates always complain when kids are accidently killed by Israel, but not the kids that Hamas deliberately butchered. No matter what you think of Israel troops - none of them will hack the head off a child and scream out a religious call. If you have not seen that yet - I suggest you go find them and watch - they are evil terrorist scum and I hope Israel kills them all.
  16. If Hamas did not hide behind civilians - then no civilians would be killed. Just because they are not wearing a uniform, does not mean they are not Hamas. Saw a video recently of Hamas people sending multiple mortar rockets from inside a building - dressed as civilians. They are evil terrorist scum and I hope the Isreal army kills evey single one of them.
  17. As that bloke found out the hard way, going back to 'serve out the 2 years' is not the way to do it. You go back because now because you are getting the age pension and benfits, and therefore you can now afford to live in Australia - permanently. Anything - ANY THING - that makes it look like you are merely do it to then p-off in 2 years can be denied. You must make it look like you are returning permanently - the rules have changed - portability is not a 'right' nor is the pension. Rent a cheap 1 bedroom unit somewhere and claim the rental subsidy. Open bank accounts, get a driving licence, get club memberships, etc etc etc - make it look like you are staying (forever). Report everything you are doing to Clink - write a letter and upload it online. Update your assets and liabilities - try to save up some money - apply for jobs (you wont get anything of course). Do your tax returns - and do not go visit Thailand or anywhere else overseas. Do not say to anyone that you are planning to return to Thailand - no one. CLink gets a lot of 'reports' - especially about old blokes going overseas from old women whose hubby 'spilled the beans' on another bloke. Then - after 2 years and 3 months in Aust - ring CLink and ask what the rules are about portability - ask can you visit OSeas. Say it is too expensive to live in Australia and that you are getting nowhere - and you cannot find a job to top up the pension - bla bla bla. Dont mention Thailand, other than saying you are thinking of maybe living on Bali, or Philippines, or Thailand, or Vietnam - because cheaper. Say you have spoken to a few blokes down the club and they have said how cheap it is - and that Thailand was much cheaper too. 2-3 months later send a letter to Clink saying you are going to stay with an old friend in Thailand for a few months. 2 months later send a letter to Clink saying you are going to stay in Thailand for maybe a year or so. Stay. All Done. There are blokes being denied the pension and/or portability, because they spoke too much and CLink decided that they never inteneded to stay living in Australia. The rule is simple (idiotic but simple). Yopu must be in Australia to apply, and you must intend to stay permanently in Australia. Once you have the Pension and have 'qualified' - then you can 'change your mind' and moive overseas and keep the pension. I did it in reverse - I returned to Australia 5 years before pension age and waited. Told everyone I was staying - did all thsoe things above and a lot more. 2 months after getting the pension I moved back to Thailand - no problems. CLink is simple - they are all feminist man-haters who despise the idea of an older bloke having fun with young Thai girls. That is how you MUST view them (not 100% are) - because everything you say and send to them 'will be held against you later'. Tell them nothing (other than what you have planned).
  18. Seems to me that quite a few people are arguing what 'this clause' or 'that clause' means under a DTA. @Sheryl Is merely pointing out what the rule states - there is no point arguing about it guys. Exactly how the Thai RD determines how any applicable DTA clause will/wont apply, is solely up to the Thai RD. This is not the West where the rules and laws are detailed and people can 'push back' on what they mean in application. This is one of the many issues that the Thai RD must now address - they never have for personal taxes in the past. We will all have to wait until the Thai RD releases its clarifications and exemptions and determinations, before 'knowing' anything. Arguing over what a clause/paragraph in a DTA or the Thai RD Guidelines is a waste of time. IMO best to start preparing and planning and wait - best case scenario, worst case scenario, acceptable scenario. The Thai RD has been 'operating' for decades based upon very few detailed definitive 'guidances'. A lot of their rules/interpretations have been sorted out in Court - it is a very complex thing writing tax laws/rules. This change is being made (for obvious reasons) to an 'interpretation' that was ratified in a Court over 30 years ago. The reason is simple - the Govt needs more money - but they have under-estimated how hard this will be (far too many issues). My plan is simple - and it seems others are of the same thought. I am bringing forward remittances into Thailand this year (for 2024) and will bring in the absolute minimum in 2024. Before the end of 2024 it should be clear what the Thai RD is going to do regarding remittances into Thailand by retired/married Expats. It could also be that the Thai Govt does what Malaysia did, and defers implementation for a few years. Malaysia did that because it was going to take that long to determine all the rules and clarifications etc. and publish them. If I am going to be 'forced' to lodge a tax return in 2025 and it appears I will be paying income taxes - then we are leaving Thailand. Unless it is a resonable amount and I get something in return - legal rights, no 90 days, no annual begging to stay, health services, etc.
  19. My thoughts exactly - I hope he has not already paid the deposit.
  20. Reading Poms arguing over the road rules in UK - Hilarious Poms 'explaining' any situation in Thailand - Abolutely Hilarious. Demanding 'constructive' posts - meaning 'what I agree with' - Delusional and Hilarious. Get a Life and Have a Great Day
  21. Maybe Enoch Powell's unheeded words of wisdom will come true soon. Seems to me, as an outside observer, that pro-Palestine demonstrators have the right to 'peacefully' show their support. But to allow that 'support' anywhere near the Cenotaph, or other people supporting Armistance Day rememberances, is wrong. And if/when Hama nutters start shouting out viscious hatred to Israel and to Kill the Jews - they should be arrested and jailed. If they dont get arrested, like those who abused people in a BLM/LGTQ rally, then people will eventually take the law into their own hands.
  22. Judging by all your argumentative (UK centric) posts - same - BLOCKED. And no one gives a rat's rear either - especially not me.
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