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Everything posted by TroubleandGrumpy

  1. Gen Z - not likely to have any 'contribution' to anything - exceptions always will - but as a rule - nothing there nor ever will be.
  2. That is my read of your posts - mainly a Hamas apologist - not 100% but mainly. Come on then - just say it - what is your position?
  3. Thanks Mike - much appreciated. Clearly he is thinking about someone working and getting a salary paid and taxed, when I am talking about someone that lives there 180+ days and is retired or married - like most Expats in Thailand that this change affects.
  4. Cool - You and Morch can go have a lovely day - Hamas deciding to pay you both a visit aside (which I hope does not happen).
  5. You remind me of what Paul Keating (Australian PM in 90s) said after being criticised by a political opponent in Parliament. "Mr Speaker, all I can say in response, is that it was like being slapped with warm lettuce."
  6. Now why would you think that I care one iota about whether you are impressed or not. My 'side' is clear - I am on Israel's side and Hamas are murdering terrorists. What 'side' are you on Morch? You are more Hamas apologist than Israel apologist - but which side do you support.
  7. I will say in response that obtusive arguments and refusing to do any research on an issue - that is my read of yourself.
  8. Thanks - that will be interesting to see when it is finalised and changed. I am still concerned over what happens when they 'reject' an assessment and send me a tax bill. But actually I am more concerned about having to complete a tax return at all - hopefully Expats will be exempted.
  9. IMO Thailand has zero chance of successfully taxing its Tax Residents and Citizens who are making money overseas. Only the USA has been able to get away with that for its Citizens - Thailand has no chance. There are so many reasons why - just to start all the DTAs they have in place preclude that being accepted.
  10. You sound like an old spinster berating someone, or a young Karen going off about a random issue. Mate - go and do some research on the matter - it is very factual. I even gave you a suggested google search - which I do again. You dont have to come back and admit you were wrong or misinformed - but just go research it all. "Why is US the only country that taxes its non-resident citizens?"
  11. Perhaps you need to take one side or the other (consistently) rather than sitting omnipotently on that fence.
  12. Yes indeed - I too will be 'gone'. Whilst not 'wealthy' as such by western standards - I am well off and financially secure. But I am certainly wealthy here and it is one reason we are living here. That is what must surely one day make the Thai Govt think twice (I know not a natural thing). If they start taxing 'financially successful' Expats, all that will be left here are the Pensioners and 'strugglers'. All their 'high value' Expats - those that buy new cars and houses - will be gone. If/when places like Cambodia and Vietname improve (they are going that way), they will also leave too (and visit here).
  13. You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. I suggest you stop digging that hole - it is only getting bigger.
  14. What this whole episode shows the Expats who did not know - perhaps more clearly than ever before - is that senior Officials in every Thai Government Department (and many Private Companies) have absolutely no idea how their organisation operates. I am reminded of how companies like Daimler and BMW and Siemens and Bayer actually teach their future Execs how the business operates - before they take on positions of authority. That does not happen in Thailand - going from the basement to the top floor is not an outcome - people pay for promotions and appointments here - or they are someone's relative. Most senior management in Thailand do not have a clue. That is why the Thai RD can release a change of 'procedures' to address a known tax avoidance method, whilst having absolutely no idea how that change could be implemented or the possible ramifications downstream. Clueless and Ignorant. Dont blame the people who actually work in the Thai RD - like in every organisation here in Thailand, it is NOT an option to point out to the Boss that they are wrong.
  15. Wrong. Only if they are working for a foreign compoany in that country - for which IRS allows exemption. Google - Why is US the only country that taxes its non-resident citizens?
  16. You are lucky on two counts - being under the USA DTA and also having a Thai wife in the 'system'. I have calculated my potential income tax obligations, and without DTA 'exemptions' I could be up for between 124K Baht and 178K Baht during an 'average' year. If I was to bring in money so we can buy a house - I could be up for well over 1Million Baht. What I do know about all DTAs, is that the USA very rigorously 'defends' its right to tax its own citizens, anywhere in the world. There is not many countries who will take on the USA and try to tax its citizens. IMO any US Citizen will be left alone by the Thai RD - unless extremely large amounts of money are involved. However, Australia is as weak as ***** and does not 'protect' it's citizens against paying taxes overseas. It is very unlikely (snowflake in Hell) that the Aust Tax Office will 'defend' me in any way - I will be on my own.
  17. Certainly not - I in no way condone those personal attacks and those attacks to his family and friends. I also felt the same way about all that abuse that was thrown at SCOTUS members when Roe V Wade was over-turned. No - what I mean is relentless 'attacks' though Government process - investigations and hearings and hopefully charges. Fauci lied for political reasons - a lot of the 'medical authorities' in USA and Europe and WHO played politics and did not focus enough on the science and the actual realities on the ground.
  18. You are correct - where do you get your info - sounds exactly like what happened to me. I left here and went there - I was tagged as a 'senior member' and invited to participate in the running of things. When I questioned something, which was obviously the wrong way to go, I was shouted down. I then pleaded my case to the owner and in response I was removed from the 'leadership'. I stayed out of things and did not 'play' on any forums - then saw a few posts on AN and it looked 'better'. I started posting about the impending income tax change by Thai RD, and aside from a few nutters it is OK. IMO if someone says something you cannot abide with, then block them - dont report them like a nasty school kid/teenage girl.
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