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Everything posted by TroubleandGrumpy

  1. Good point - Laos and Cambodia do it on the right. That is another tick for Malaysia then. No it is not 'easy' - but it can be done - never done myself - but once read about doing it somewhere. I think you need to get a Visa approved/stamped and get Raod Transport documentation done first. Many years ago I did the border run to Vientienne for another 12 months on my O-A Retirement Visa and was thinking of driving over. I parked in Nong Khai and took the bus instead Maybe talk to an agent who could organise the Visa and Car approval (for a fee). Worth it if it is something you are going to do every 6 months or so over future years.
  2. That is one way to look at it - but there is another way - one that you fail to understand - reality. Firstly - those 'discounts' you got were to encourage locals to visit for business and social reasons, and they were provided to all locals whatever the colour of their skin or ethnicity. In Australia seniors will often get discounts - it is a social reason. Movie theatres give 'Tuesday discounts' for business reasons. It is not based on any group of people for thei ethnicity or skin colour. Thailand imposes dual-pricing on Farangs (white expats) on sight - not based on anything but their skin and ethnicity. I knew an expat that was a permanent resident, and when we visited a Zoo they also charged him the farang price - despite him showing his resident card and his wife complaining. And guess what - his wife is Laos and they charged her the Thai price. It is endemic in Thailand like corruption - does not happen everywhere - but it happens a lot - and it is wrong - and it is racet based. That Court case I mentioned was a bloke in Thailand that took the local hospital to court for charging him 3 times what they charged Thais which is against the Constituion. The Court ruled that it was OK, because farangs have more money and it is good for the Thai people. And guess what?? Nothing has been done by any Thai government agency, or Thai politician, or Thai human rights agency, or any Thai people, to try and fix this matter. Because they all agree with it and they do not see price discrimination as a problem - it is endemic (part of the culture). Quote: A Dutch national said today he will appeal a court ruling against his lawsuit challenging dual-pricing at Thailand's public hospitals as unconstitutional. Erwin Buse said the Administrative Court in Phetchaburi province relied on incorrect information provided by the health ministry in its Tuesday decision. Dutch expat to appeal after Thai court sides with higher hospital fees for foreigners | Coconuts Quote: "The pricing was set on an appropriate basis of socioeconomic status, and it benefits Thailand, so it therefore doesn’t count as discrimination,” the court ruling said.
  3. Well said Mate - agree with everything you say. As you say, it can be very frustrating and annoying, but it is what it is and the Thai wife keeps me calm and on an even keel. Many advantages to having a good Thai wife, and dealing with Thai bureacrats is just one of them. Regarding medical insuarnce, I knew a bloke (passed now) that started here as mid-70s and paid the ever increasing premiums, but when he started getting some medical bills they would 'fight' - his Thai wife dealt with them. And when when he hit 80 they refused to provide cover, and no one else would accept him. Yes mate I will take it all and keep smiling - but my 'terminal limit' is if they impose income taxes on me (unless it is a very minor amount). If/when that happens we will be living somewhere else - I refuse to pay income taxes to a country that treats me like a criminal/tourist. And for the 'end game', we will then go back to Aust with both getting the pension - subsidised housing and rental subsidies - free nursing support programs - free/subsidised medications - free hospital services - and so many other freebies and benefits (rather than spending all our money here on that stuff). And then when it is all over, the wife will come back to Thailand and have plenty of money to see our her final years and pass on to the family.
  4. I have never done this in reverse - but my Australian SIM is in a separate mobile phone here and I receive SMS OTP - for the normal minimum monthly plan. Maybe find out how much it is for a Thai SIM to be able to recieve SMS overseas on roaming. I dont make or answer any calls or use it for anything else - massive costs when on roaming. Friends family either email or SMS me. When finding out how best to do it long term, I went through all the options and tested things to make sure they worked on my previous visit. This was the best option - way better than VPN etc etc. I use Bangkok Bank and once I have set up a payee, any future transactions do not need an OTP - only when setting it up.
  5. Not easy I know - and it is getting harder too. But if you have the best protection, and take the right actions, and dont do the wrong ones, that is all you can do. No need to have a constant fear - you just need to be vigilant and aware of the latest scams and how hackers succeed. Dont go into the bank branch - only to open the account - and then only do that at a big branch. Only take out money from an ATM in a secure location - Mall or Makro etc. I only bring into Thailand what I intend to spend over the next 3-4 months. Absolutely no one in Thailand has my home country details - addreess,banking, taxation etc. (when forced here I give mistaken details). Using an app on a phone for banking and payments is just not the best strategy IMO As others have said - limit the amount in there and that is a wise move - certainly do not use the bank account with 400K/800K in it. If I had to - absolutely had to - I would open a new account at another bank with a small amount of money - and use that one only. But I doubt that will be mandated in Thailand while I am alive - however, this 10K 'digital currency handout' is a worry.
  6. Listen again - he says exactly what Hamas did and what they expected to happen in return and why they did it. Yes he did not say that Hamas were terrorists and war criminals - I did.
  7. I agree with what he said when advising that Hamas decided that they would allow thousands of Gaza civilians to die when Israel retaliated, in order for their own political gain. What Hamas has done in Israel is a genocidel war crime, and what Hamas has done since then in Gaza is a genocidel war crime. I think the world is beginning to realise that Hamas is a murderous terrorist organisations, and that they do not care how many Gaza civilians die in Israel's retaliation because that is what they wanted. Israel is in a no win situation, unless they exterminate Hamas and re-occupy Gaza to control the Hamas sympathisers. IMO Israel will be doing the world a favour, if they continue their attack until they destroy the war criminals that are Hamas, and their supporters. The only alternative is the continuation of the current cycle of terrorism and retaliation, which has been going on for the 16 years since Israel left Gaza. Israel will pause - Hamas will re-group - Israel will then continue their campaign.
  8. Yes that is true - and it is another reason to 'resist'. Not that I would call it a conspiracy, but if it suits the banks benefits and the govt gets benefits too, then they will encourage it - and maybe even eventually make it mandatory.
  9. Good strategy - unlike back in 'the west' where if you can show it was fraudulently obtained, you will get refunded, that does not happen in Thailand much. I still recall that bank manager in Pattaya that stole Expats money - it took a long time and I am not sure even with the media exposure if they ever got it refunded.
  10. True - points taken. And yes - not only do I know how to secure my laptop - I guarantee you that I can secure it far more than I could secure my phone. By as you point out so many people these days have no idea how things work - they just want to use what is easiest. Up to them - but I certainly will not - unless/until smart phones can bemade as secure as laptops can be. PS - iPhones are as good as you can get, so if you must use an App (maybe try BKK or KB) use it on an iPhone. Maybe also Google Youtube on how to secure your iPhone - lots of available advice - and even some software you can pay for to help.
  11. The banks, especially in the west, have been pushing people to use their App on their phones for a reason and it aint for the customers. Same thing with the ATMs - remember them when they first came out - now there are less and less branches (that was the plan mate).
  12. So many ways that it is impossible to say which one was involved - but all it takes is pressing the wrong button or opening the wrong email or text or message etc etc etc. And then there is the additional problems/issues that arise when using the app to pay for something. Endless. Scammers and hackers are attacking phones relentlessly - for a reason.
  13. There are only 3 banks in Thailand that are 'fully certified' in Australia which has one of the best if not the best banking syhstem in the World as evidenced by the GFC in 2008-2009. Bangkok Bank, Kasikorn Bank and Siam Commercial Bank. I cancelled my SCB account when they decided to only offer phone app banking to its 'ordinary' customers. Neither BKK or KB have gone down that road and probably they never will.
  14. I suggest you immediately do one of two things. Go into the Jomtein Immigration Office and ask those questions and find out what is needed and how best to do it. Go and see an Agent and ask those questions and find out what is needed and how best to do it - and how much they charge for doing it.
  15. You can take it as a rant or advice - totally up to you - not compulsory - but maybe read the headline again (and a lot of other similar stories). I see many Thais doing things I would never do (riding bikes without helmets etc etc etc) - that is not a very good example as to why to use an app.
  16. I thought the same. Did he fall over the low balcony rail (which is common) or did he try to jump into the pool (perhaps under influence of some drugs). Either way very sad - RIP. Happens too often in Thailand.
  17. Good point. Making up for lost profits during Covid ?
  18. Especially the 'wrong' one - meaning someone in power/wealthy, or who has a relative who is someone in power/wealthy. Tread very carefully and avoid any confrontation in Thailand. It is like having an argument with your mother-in-law about something your wife said/did - you cannot win, even if you are 'right' - just do not go there you foolish man - suck it up and move on princess.
  19. Yes and No - I did read the full article. The story states that it was a business matter that went wrong between business partners. People do not end up in jail in the west when there is a dispute between partners in a business. Unless that person has subsequently been tried and found guilty of fraud - and even then a fine and agreed payment of all/part of the disputed amount usually suffices. As far as I read it, this guy has been accused of fraud by the partner but has not been found guilty in a court. The 'business agreement' that was reached was that he would return home and work to pay off the disputed amount of money - but he was detained when leaving the country, and has been in jail for 2 months since then. But as you say, it is complex and it is clearly complicated. My point being that in Thailand Expats and Tourists can end up in jail for things that in the west are handled in a civilised manner. In fact you can end up in a Thai jail for the most ridiculous minor matter. Best example is the US bloke that spent Friday to Monday in a Thai remand jail for writing bad Facebook and Tripadviser reviews about a hotel (defamation). The only way he could get out of jail was when he agreed to and deleted the posts, and the hotel owner then withdrew the charge. The American subsequently left the country and will never return - nor will any of his friends and family.
  20. Yes indeed - well spotted. Most of the blokes living off only their pensions should be fine - but for some of them 3,000 Baht a month is a worry. As someone who is bringing in a lot more, and with plans in some years to bring in a large amoun (car/property, etc), it is a big concern. Plus of course it is the principle of the thing, not just the principal amount - as someone once said.
  21. Makro prices have definitely gone up over the last year or so. And given that the Govt reductions in diesel/petrol and electricity will not flow 'down the food chain' for a long time, if ever, prices are going to stay higher for a while - maybe forever. Funny how increased costs always quickly flow up the food chain and prices go up almost immediately, but it just not want to do the same the other way. Not just in Thailand - Worldwide.
  22. Thailand, especially Pattaya, is a totally disorganised clusterpharrk of incompetent people 'managing' civil works projects. If I recall correctly, this 'promise' was made months ago promising that all the roadworks and flood mitigations would be finished before the high season. And if I recall correctly again, this seems to happen every year. But I am 'older' so maybe I am not recalling things like I used to do Many years ago we attended the first LPGA golf tournament at the Siam Country Club in East Pattaya. We booked a hotel near the course for the full 4 days of the event, and on the morning of day 1 we drove from the hotel to the golf course. Well we tried to do that, but on the road going around the lake they were working on a bridge - it was 'gone' and they were building/erecting a new one. Absolutely no thought that this was a major road and they really should do one side at a time - although there was a small 'bridge' for people and bikes to go over. It took hours to go back around the other way - the traffic was a nightmare. When back at the hotel the manager said that they have been working on that for a long time and it will be many more weeks before they finish - he said they work for a few days and then 'disappear'. He advised that if we had a bike we could ride 'through there' and it would only take about 10 minutes. Needless to say we hired a bike from him - and as an added bonus we were allowed to park the bike right near the gate - a short walk inside. Every time we go to the LPGA we now do the same - drive to hotel and hire a bike - because of the free and easy parking.
  23. Never use banking app on a phone - or any payment apps - there are many potential downsides - it is a risk. And in Thailand, or any 3rd world IT country with a dubious banking system and very few legal protections and legal rights, it is absolutely a massive risk. I worked in IT for 30+ years and have been saying this for years - they are phones - smart phones - but still they are phones. I guarantee you that if any Company (eg. Bank) or Government Dept (eg. Tax) is offering you something for nothing that will "make things easier for you to live your life and fulfill all your goals and ambitions' - it is a croc of poo-poo. They are doing it for their own benefit - not you. Unfortunately these days with so many young stupid over-educated idiots - banking and payment apps are being used a lot on phones. Which is a good thing, because that is what the scammers and hackers are all targetting these days. Meanwhile all us old school dinosaurs using heavily secured laptops and paying for everything using cash (like many Thais) are sailing in far smoother waters - we still have got to be careful, but far less chance of a major catastrophy.
  24. I know of several blokes who are doing same - Cambodia or Laos. They plan to return for no more than 179 days each year - 2 times on a Automatic Visa (hopefully 90 days by then). As one bloke said - I can always pop over to Thailand for any required medical procedure, and the Loas, Cambodia and Malayis emergency services are OK - keep the money in Thailand to pay for things if/when needed. One bloke said he is going to check out all the neighbours including Malaysia (not Myanmar) - then back to Pattaya/Jomtien for 3 mths at a time. TAT will be happy - more tourists - and each Expat re-entering Thailand 2 times a year counts as 2 tourists
  25. It was actually 'Pay the 2 dollars Roger" - but I accept your point. It would be OK if they wanted just a few dollars - but it looks like maybe they are after a lot more. As Dusty said - Wishin' and hopin' and thinkin' and prayin'
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