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Everything posted by TroubleandGrumpy

  1. There are 'technically' no 'Immigrant' Visas in Thailand - they dont have any (unlike Australia and the rest of the first world). All Expats (long termers) have a 'non-immigrant' Visa - which is technically a long term Tourist Visa - one with added conditions. That is why 90 day reporting exists - the legal maximum period for a Tourist Visa in Thailand is 90 days. Likewise, that is why you cannot get another 'Visa' in Thailand - you can only get a 12 month 'extension' of permission to stay (as a Tourist). That is all 'legal and technical' I know - but that is what my 'argument' (if required) to ATO would be - yes I have legal training and experience. All Super Funds pay 15% tax on their 'earnings' across all their accounts that are in 'accumulation' phase (not individually, only at the total level). Anyone that decides to convert their accumulation account to a 'retirement account' (once over age minimum), means that their account is placed into a 'pool' where the earnings are not taxed. BUT - it also means that any money paid out (lump or regular) is classified by both ATO and Centrelink as 'income'. WHEREAS, someone that keeps their account in 'accumulation phase' does not have any withdrawals counted by ATO or CLink as income. And here is the 'kicker' - once you convert to 'retirement' you cannot put it back as 'accumulation' - A BIG GOTCHA. I have always taken the view that when the Govt and/or Industry are pushing for people to change/add something, and talking about all the benefits in doing so - look into the details and find what they are not talking about. My Super Account will remain in the "accumulation' phase for as long as possible - which at the moment is til age 75 - but there are exemptions (which will change - but I will be across them).
  2. Not the majority - only ther loud idiot protestors - mostly woke proghressive young fools. The majority agree with what Israel is doing and support their actions - they just dont march and protest about it.
  3. IMO you are out of order and wrong - perhaps you are just trolling? Israel is NOT killing civilians deliberately - Hamas are hiding behind/under them. Hamas has placed its HQ and the hub of its underground tunnels - UNDER the largest Hospital in Gaza. And from day one they have been releasing PR lies about Israel bombing Hospitals - including one they bombed themselves. Because they want to protect themselves - they do not care about the civilians in Gaza - they want their blood/deaths. They are evil scum and Israel is rightly going to eradicate them from the face of the Earth - permanently. If they surrended today and agreed to face the ICC - Israel would immediately cease fire and hand them over.
  4. 1. No one knows for sure, but up to you if you want to plan ahead. 2. Unless Immigration make lodging a tax return a requirement to extend your Visa/Permission - then NO - Wait. All will be revealed - soon - one day - next year - maybe.
  5. I can see that - but why not do it yourself? A quick simple search would give the answer - as shown by all those replies to your 'demand'. Certainly if a google search did not give you that - and/or it stated something else completely - then by all means 'push back'. Do try to be civil.
  6. They can be - see my post - but it aint a definitive situation.
  7. Yes Indeed - that definitely applies to many older blokes. Now kh.heiniken is a psychologist as well as an economist and more... But I still have him on ignore. Up to you mate. He is a bit 'direct' but I can handle that - no problems at all.
  8. Not sure I agree with you on those ones. That 'community answer' is very generic - the guy did not really give a detailed explanation - and it is only an opinion. Checking this out has been very 'interesting'. PSS Pension taxation for non-resident | ATO Community There is no 'definitive' answer provided by either ATO or CLink about if your Age Pension is taxed by ATO if you are living overseas AND it is the only income that you receive. It is technically 'taxable' in that it is counted so that any other income you receive (if any) is taxed at the right rate. Whilst the Pension is included in taxable income, it is generally deemed to not be a taxable payment. However as you have said that may depend on whether that person is a tax resident - that might affect their pension payments being taxed - nothiong is clear. I am not aware that the ATO taxes the age pension payments of a non-resident - therefore I always thought they were exempt. What you are saying is that if you are a non-resident for tax purposes, then ATO will tax your age pension payments and I still doubt that very much. However, we will see what happens. Perhaps a 'soltuion' is top remain as a tax resdient while living overseas. There is an online test that the ATO provides to determine if and how you can be a tax resident, plus there is a very long detailed ruling. Questions | Determination of residency status – leaving Australia (ato.gov.au) Work out your residency status for tax purposes | Australian Taxation Office (ato.gov.au) Tax Time · Residency for tax purposes (ato.gov.au) The number 1 issue is 'do you intend to return to Australia (say Yes). The number 2 issue is 'will you be residing in the same place for more than 2 years' (say No) The number 3 issue is 'will you be purchasing a property (to live in) overseas' (say No). That seems to result in you being a tax resident - if you dont stay at the one place for 2+ years, dont own a place, and do intend to return. One of the 'tests' is called 'domicile' - where you legally and technically consider that you live. Unlike CLink whose definition is deliberately taregetted to exclude ability to get a payment, the ATO test is far more 'technical'. Your tax residency | Australian Taxation Office (ato.gov.au) IMO as long as I dont stay/rent anywhere for more than 2 years - then I am a tax resident. This is further 'proven' by the fact that I only have a Tourist Visa - report every 90 days and apply every 12 months for another. Likewise, I have Super Account in Australia that pays taxes to the ATO on pfoits made during the year (15% Net). Plus banking and other financial ties and an official residence and address - a friends house. However, it does appear that around about 5 years, it becomes extremely difficult to pass the 'test'.
  9. Yes Indeed - that definitely applies to many older blokes.
  10. I am talking about posters who personally abused me and others who said it was 'real' - aholes and nutters. It was not that they held a different view - many posters did that, but they were not blocked - these few I blocked were abusive trolls (aholes and nutters).
  11. We used to live in Chiang Mai and as anyone who has been there knows, these types of accidents are always happenning - Minibuse drivers are nutters - many of them high on Yaba and Red Bull type concoctions. But if you want to see and experience the worst of it in Thailand - drive the highway between Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai - I was genuinely scared - it was unbelievable - get out of their way quickly or you die. Not just the minivans - it was trucks and utes too. Did it once and only once - never again. We drove a lot in Thailand - West to East and North to South - nothing compares with that road - I was told it was bad - but I had no idea. There are more deaths in the Chiang Mai Province than Bangkok - that and the smoke is why we will never return.
  12. Lets not get political - the 'real enemy' is not the politicians of either side. I was hoping people would see that after Covid, but yet again 'they' have evaded accountability and blame. 'They' are the people who worldwide never lost their job, nor even a day's pay, during the Covid disaster. And yet they are the ones that caused most of the problems. The main problem is the huge amount of pensioners living overseas - most of whom started doing that in the 70s and 80s. They did it before Aust realised what was going on, and before the rules were made about portability and qualification etc. Over 100,000 immigrants who came to Australia in the decade after WW2 (like myself as a kid) worked in Aust for 15-20+ years and then when they got the pension (at 60) they returned to their villages back home (why not) - and many are still getting the pension. The largest number of pensioners overseas are Italians, then Greeks, then Kiwis. It became a thing to do - Kiwis are still doing it - they would come to Aust and work - then go back to the village when they get the pension - many still get it - the number of Aust pensioners living in SEAsia is small compared to those numbers. Australia has been clamping down since 1990s - but it was too late - they now have to wait until they pass away because (unless they come back) they are entitled to receive what they got back when the rules were the way they were (cannot do a retrospective change). And because of the large number of 'dead ones' still getting the pension money, they started introducing rules such as proof of life. Massive failure by ignorant politicians and 'those' is causing this potential disaster for us now.
  13. As you said George, what should happen, is that the members block those 'regulars' they end up 'arguing' with. We are all guilty of 'firing back' - but that is what they want - they thrive on it and need it (they are not well) - next thing you know you are responding to their taunts and their antagonistic drivel - muh guilty as charged. I have solved the problem for myself - I have just blocked all those who seem to argue with everyone - noting that some of them never argue with each other - same person? certainly same type of person. My earlier point, and that of others about also blocking them from seeing your posts should be implemented. I dont want to see their posts and I dont want them seeing mine - that is the ideal fix.
  14. Yes mate - myself and several others were attacked as being just that back in September when this first surfaced - we were accused of being scaremongers and doomsayers. Idiotic commenst like 'it will never happen' and 'what a load of khrapp' were numerous and that was fine - but they also attacked the messengers. We all said things like 'well just ignore us and go away then' - but given they are just so negative and 'ugly' they just kept attacking (until blocked). Now we are in November and mutliple media stories have been saying that this is real and it is going tpo hgappen and they should postpone this etc etc etc. Unblocked the aholes and looked - but not one word saying anything like 'maybe you guys were right' or 'ooops I got that wrong'. The only way to deal with those people, who are the Expat nutters we avoid in public, is to ignore them (walk away).
  15. Thanks mate - much appreciated. Ever since that Covid disaster, Govts all over the world are looking for more money - and to pay out less. However, in order to make this happen, the Aust Govt would have to pass a Law that makes age pensions received by people who are residing overseas taxable. As it currently stands, the age pension is not taxable - even if it is over the tax free threshold. It is counted as income, but only for anyone receiving additional income beyond the pension. Therefore to make this happen, the rules/laws would have to be changed specifically for pensioners living overseas - that would IMO be discrimination and illegal. If this goes ahead, I can see a challenge being lodged to AAT, and then to the Federal Courts, and then to the UN under the International Social Security Agreement of which Australia is a signatory. Australia already reduces the amount of money paid to Pensioners living overseas, and further reduces that amount based upon the number of years that person lived in Australia, and only allows applications to be made by persons actually living in Australia at that time (most countries do not impose those limitations). IMO this would be a step too far and is legally doubtful under both Australia's existing laws and its international obligations.
  16. That is a good idea. I believe that the previous 'management' actively seeded the political arguments and abuse by continually posting provocative news headlines - the worst form of click baiting. Yes - put all political stories in a politics subforum and keep it off the main pages.
  17. No it is not too much to ask IMO - but that is up to that publication to decide. It is not Asean Now if you did not undersatand that - it is a publication that is not allowed to be referenced or mentioned on this forum. IMO they encourage that type of behaviour - click baiters for the advertisement money. Back to my point though - IMO criticism of Thai behaviours and norms is not racism - but abusive racially based attacks are and should be deleted. How and where that line is drawn can be difficult - because 'feelings' come into the matter. Some people get 'racially offended' far too easily, and some people are seemingly 'immune' to what they say and do not realise they are being racially offensive. Unfortunately there is no definitive 'this is, this is not' list - we all know the 'N' word is unacceptable - but there are people who take racial offence at any criticism (there is 'industries' built on that ability).
  18. I agree 100%. When/if Trump runs for POTUS again - then we will see how much of a change that George has been able to make. I am not saying any 'side' in that coming debate is right or wrong - but several years ago it was extremely obvious which side of the political divide the Mods on TV were situated. And they were 'exploited' continually by toxic posters who would stir things up and then gang up on and report those on the other side, and Mods behaved extremely unfairly suspending and banning a lot of members. I was one of those banned back then - and many of you know who I am talking about. No names Charlie - that is understood. I do not seek retribution - all I ask is no bias from Mods and that in the future the 'toxic trollers and reporters' are the ones who are dealt with harshly.
  19. Thanks for that - you are right. I have checked and Eritrea has indeed imposed what some are calling an 'illegal tax' to try and prop up a dictatorship. Eritrea’s ‘diaspora tax’ is funding violence and oppression | Opinions | Al Jazeera Likewise, the dictators at Myamar have also done something similar recently to try and prop up their illegal regime. I discount both of those countries as 'genuine' members of the international tax treaties that underpin the DTAs under which USA taxes its citizens no matter where they live in the world. But technically you are right - they are both technically trying to do what USA does.
  20. Hamas sympathiser and apologist gets annoyed when asked to clarify his/her position - continues to deflect. And then her/his girlfriend also joins in and defends his/her honour. This is great and I would love to continue - but my wife is out of the shower and is ready for dinner. It is Friday boys/girls - make sure you get out and about away from your PCs/Phones - have some fun meeting new and interesting people.
  21. Yes that is true - not an ideal solution if it goes that far. People should be able to disagree without going too far - but some cannot help themselves I guess - they take it too personally.
  22. If that is the way you feel, then dont read the comments by Expats (mainly) on the website of the largest English publications in Thailand. I would say that you should just let it go and not seek to get anyone banned - put them on ignore and you wont see their rubbish - you can do that here - not on that place listed above.
  23. My position is that you have an omnipotent impartiality towards what is happening in Gaza and are not taking any side. That is your right of course, but why dont you just come out and say it. Makes me wonder why you are posting so many comments on both the threads about the Israel Hamas war in Gaza.
  24. Agree not all people you disagree with should be 'ignored' - but the vicious and nasty and trolls should be ignored (and hopefully if we all do that they will go away).
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