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Everything posted by TroubleandGrumpy

  1. I'll be back .................... I got a life - going out - not staying on social media all day/night 🙂
  2. Thanks - and No Thanks to the Thai apologists saying everything is fine and stop discussing what to do if/when and planning accordingly.
  3. Show me where Morch has said he supports Israel and where he has denounced the terrosits murders committed by Hamas, and I will stand corrected.
  4. I think Morch can speak for and defend himself - which he did - you dont need to answer for him. But I take your points - I have decided to agree to disagree with him. Glad to hear you are rational - Israel should and will destroy Hamas. Saving any of the hostages will be a bonus, but should not be their main aim, because that is why Hamas took them - to 'hide behind' - like they do with Gaza civilians. I saw an interview today with a Hamas leader from a few weeks ago, and he was asked - 'why did you spend 15-20 years building tunnels for your fighters, but you refuse to let civilians use them when Israel bombs their buildings, os why dont you build bomb shelters for the Gaza civilians. His answer ws a bunch of rubbish about the fighters being protected so they can fight for their unholy cause, and when pushed again aboutbuilding bomb shelters, he replied that it was up to the UN to protect civilians from Israel bombings (by making Israel stop). They are truly evil and inhuman and they should be eradicated from the Earth.
  5. Lets just agree to disagree. I support what Israel is doing - You do not.
  6. Indeed - they call that 'selective appropriation' (or cognitive dissonance). Those that support Hamas and what they have been doing, or just condone their attacks as 'freedom fighters', want Palestine to be 'From the River to the Sea' - which means the removal of all Jews and the destruction of Israel. I would suggest that they learn the history of Judea-Christian societies versus Islamic societies - they have been at it for thousands of years. Not just there - they should take a look at the history of India and Pakistan - peaceful settlement has always failed. IMO what Israel is doing now is fully acceptable - destroying Hamas - just like 'The Crusades' when Islam and Muslims were driven out of Europe.
  7. I stopped reading after "reading comprehensions and anger issue, on top of being uninformed". I am happy to have a debate - but I will not accept 'argument' from anyone that imnplies 'you are an idiot because you dont agree with me'. Lets just agree to disagree. I support what Israel is doing - You do not.
  8. Thanks - will keep that in mind. If you can try again to advise where and how to get cannabis oil/pills that would be much appreciated.
  9. When Israel 'handed back' Gaza, it was the PLO (Arafat) that ran the place. Hamas took over in 2006 and after Arafat died, they have enforced a strict hold over the people in Gaza. Since then they have been indictrinating everyone to hate Israel and Jews, and to become a part of their 'army'. It is like the Nazis in Germany - the German people had no chance to remove them once they locked down their power and control. Anyone speaking out against Hamas has been klilled. Under Cover Of Conflict, Hamas Killed Palestinians, Amnesty Alleges : Parallels : NPR Golda Meir’s observation remains as true today as when she said it more than half a century ago: “Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us.”
  10. Good luck with that - but I dont think he is listening at the moment 🙂 One of the problems with dealing with Expats in Thailand, is that the Thai Govt does not know how many there are. Therefore, they have no idea how many left when the Junta started cracking down on the 'Bad Guys'. Likewise, they will not know how many will leave if they start imposing income taxes - nor will we know for sure. What I can say is that one of the Thai lawyers I know has got involved in the 'review' currently being undertaken by the Thai RD, and likewise so has a member of my Wife's Thai family (who is also married to an Expat). The lawyer is saying nothing, and I doubt he will be trying to stop Expats having to lodge a tax return (good for his business). But the Thai family member has said that there are hundreds of other Thai Wives also complaining about the fear that their Expat husbands will leave Thailand if they have to pay income taxes. Obviously they are all on the 'Married Visa' - but I assume the same thing will be felt by many of those on the 'Retirement Visa'. Certainly there has been a lot of Expats saying the same thing on this forum. And I do know a few Expats, and all of them are saying 'no way' - it is one thing to deal with all the illogicval, inconsistent and downright stupid things that Thai Immigration imposes on Expats, but it will be another thing altogether if the Thai RD becomes a part of our lives.
  11. I recently did an 'experiment' using Wise to transfer money into my Thailand bank account. Some say I have a big 'attention to details' and others say something else. I say that more ships are lost at sea on the rocks near shore (the details) than are lost in the huge open oceans. As part of the process to transfer money, Wise asks what the money is for (you must click on one of the boxes). The first time I did this I clicked on the box that said something like 'To meet overseas Visa requirements'. The amount when it arrived was noted in the bankbook as "FTT" and online it was noted as "International Transfer" The second time for a much smaller amount, I clicked on 'living expenses' and it was noted in the bankbook as "BTN" and online it was noted as "Transfer from A/c at Other Bank". There are also other boxes - including 'to buy a property' - I assume that one and all the others will provide a different code/s. Does OFX request a reason for the transfer? Maybe try Wise for your next transfer?
  12. Good point - I meant both - in Thailand and on this Forum.
  13. Thanks mate - much appreciated. Checked it out and it seems to work better than Diclofenac for some people. Will give it a try.
  14. Sorry, but no you have not provided where to buy the stuff. Maybe that post you deleted had that info ??
  15. Thanks - I am very interested in knowing how things go on 7th.
  16. Thanks for the reply - but I only meant that I did not want to smoke again. I am happy to try pills/liquid - just asking where and how to get some.
  17. So you are Morch's Mother? Father?? Or are you a 'second' account ?? Careful if you are a second - they can check your IP and MAC - and ban you for life. Now answering your rubbish. If Israel stops to allow hostage negotaitions, Hamas will re-arm and in the future do this again. Likewise, Hezbolla PIJ PLFP etc etc etc will all take heart and do similar things. The destruction of Hamas and much of Gaza will stop other terrorists follwing in Hamas' footprints.
  18. IMO it will be massively bulldozed and then Israel will resume 'occupation' and manage the rebuild very very closely. Hamas has been conducting terrorist activities for decades, saying that Israel occupies their lands (even though they have no lands). Well now they are going to experience exactly that - Israel occupying the land that was given to them by I. Apparently a lot of posters have no idea of history and the truth that surrounds Hamas and the Gaza Strip. I know a lot of that ignorance is because they listen/watch woke progressive liberals, who are always looking for a new 'oppressed group' to virtue signal their superiority over 'unenlighted people' (the majority). So if any of them are willing to learn and perhaps realiuse they have been mislead, then I provide the following for them. Gaza–Israel conflict - Wikipedia Israeli disengagement from Gaza - Wikipedia And lastly, an interview with the son of one of Hamas' co-founders.
  19. Great - I am so glad that you are fine with my views - even though you have no idea what they are.
  20. You and I both have no idea what you are talking about.
  21. Unless they earn money for you - rent, interest, returns, etc. which technically is taxable. I do not think capital gains tax would be applicable - but I am not sure about that one. I dont have assets that I will sell for a profit.
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