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Everything posted by TroubleandGrumpy

  1. Because of the internet people everywhere (maybe not Chine, Nth Korea, etc) are far more informed about their leaders - both truly informed and more so misinformed. The leaders in our pasts were just as bad, if not worse, then the curent mob. It is just that we know more about them and what they get up to these days, than we did in the past. Churchill said - Many forms of Government have been tried, and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.… What I do know is that the people are far better off when their Government (Politicians and Public Servants) is as small as possible - making them larger does not solve any problems, it just makes them interfere and screw around everyone's lives more (just look at the Covid debarcle).
  2. Yes indeed - The Junta has been replaced by the 5 wealthy Bangkok Thainese families of which both Thaksin and Strettha are members. Those two groups have been exhanging power and control of Thailand and its people for many decades. Seems clear to me that both Yellow and Red shirts are vested interests, and those interests are their own. I hope next time the Thai Govt becomes Orange and that it slowly slowly takes both the others down - after all Red and Yellow makes Orange 🙂
  3. Pheu Thai (and MFP) will take Thailand back to its pre-Junta stance of being neutral between China and USA and Japan and Europe. The Junta basically made Thailand a subservient supporter of the Chinese expansions in SEAsia (Belt and Road etc) in return for Tourists.
  4. This will be the first of many junket trips and consultancy fees for what is basically a ridiculous idea. It apparently saves 2-3 days for a ship at sea - not much at all compared to the Suez or Panama canals. And all the charges to unload, move and reload shipping containers, plus port costs and delays, makes this IMO a stupid idea. A canal could be economically viable for the shipping companies - but a land bridge IMO is just a waste of time and money. But then again, when did not wasting money on 'hubs' and other rubbish, ever stop the junkets and kickbacks in Thailand.
  5. True. But the manufacturers always make a certain number in a few basic colours - the colours that sell well. White is very popular for many reasons, including that for commerical vehicles it makes any advertising signs stand out much better. They all make white (excluding top end vehicles) and many years ago they also made a red variation - nowadays most have a blue or a silver/grey or both.
  6. No specific problem - we live nearby and it looks big (1000 beds) and that it would do most procedures. It is apparently (Wiki) linked with both Burapha University and the Phramongkutklao College of Medicine. Just looking for any feedback regarding the Hospital.
  7. Before leaving check Thai Embassy website in his home country - what is needed for 90 day non-immigrant Visa to visit family. Go home and earn/save some money - get all the paperwork needed together. When ready apply for a 90 day non-immigrant Visa to visit the wife. Come back on the 90 day non-immigrant Visa. Deposit the 400K in bank account in your name ASAP after arriving. Go see local Immigration with Thai wife and ask what is needed for 12 month extension (varies Office to Office). Show bank book with the 400K and Passport with non-immigrant Visa - that will help get the right answers. Go back tio Immi Office and apply the date they say to come back and apply. Good Luck.
  8. Yes I agree - colour does not make that much difference regarding a car sitting in the sun getting hot inside - most heat comes through the windows not the panels. Which is why all my cars in Thailand have had window tinting - which also brings me to my point. Visibility at dusk and dawn, in terms of someone seeing your car, is better in a white car than in a black car - especially on the highways. It is even more so when the person looking does not have great eyesight, and/or is affected by alcohol, and/or has a too-heavily tinted front windscreen. I remember telling the guy fitting window tinting to our City many years ago - 'no please - only 60 on the front windscreen, 70 for driver side window, and 90 OK for the rest - it is hard to see when dark and in rain'. He looked at me very wierdly - the wife explained what I wanted - he did it - but I bet he told his mates later over a 20 baht bottle of rum - 'guess what stupid farang made me do today ..........'
  9. Thanks for trying Sheryl - some people are just 'to diificult' for their own good. Thanks for that list of 'top' hospitals in Thailand - much appreciated. As a related question - have you any feedback or information about the Queen Sirikit Naval Hospital in Sattahip ?
  10. I just opened a bank account on a non-immigration Visa (visiting family), so that I could deposit the funds needed to apply for a 12 month extension (marriage). I did the same thing many years ago and it was a lot easier then - not so now. I had to go to the local Immigration Office and get a 'Residency Certificate' to open a bank account - that is what it will say (in Thai) on the document. Take that and all documents with copies - Application, Passport, TM30 from the Hotel, and Photos. OR - Find an Agent and they will do all that for you, and help you open a bank account. Do not give the Agent a lot of money to deposit into the account (1000 Baht only) and dont pay them until you have the bank account book and ATM card and all your documents returned. If they demand all the money up front, smile and walk out and go find another Agent (never argue). I have always found Bangkok Bank to be the eaiest to deal with - both before and afterwards. Maybe just walk in there and ask what you need to get in order to open a bank account so that you can deposit 800K to apply for a Retirement 'Visa' (extension). Use a bank account that is in a Mall - they are open a lot more and longer than the street Branches. In the future get a second bank account from another bank - always good to have a backup account in case something goes wrong with Bangkok Bank (mine did that while we were in holidays). They do not operate Nationally - they are like local francises - for anything serious (blocked account) you must go back to the Branch where you opened the account. That is why I got a new account this time around - had to go all the way to Chiang Mai to reopen my old account to get new ATM card and updated book.
  11. If you were employed by a business, or own a business, or recived 'taxable income', it is compulsory to lodge a tax return in Thailand if your taxable income was over 120K Baht PA. The interpretation and implementation ofg Thai tax laws are very 'fluid' depending on how the Thai RD are instructed. The recent change that led to this Post and lots of media reports, was an instruction from the Thai RD to change their previous interpretation of the tax laws.
  12. If the people who live in Gaza did not want this to happen, they had one obvious thing to do - remove Hamas from power. They voted them into in 2006 (from PLO) and they have enabled and supported them ever since. The PLO was not popular because Arafat tried to negotiate peace, and after he died his group (Fatah) were attacked and removed by Hamas. Since then Hamas has been repeatedly attacking Israel with rockets and terrorist attacks - which always results in Israel responding harshly and Hamas using that for their own political means. This latest atrocity by Hamas (and the people of Gaza) has resulted in Israel embarking on the path of destroying Gaza - all of it. There is a verse from the Bible that fits perfectly: "You reap what you sow". Isreal is reaping now, exactly what the terrorists in Gaza have been sowing for decades - the Gaza is going to be destroyed. There is no other options IMO because there is no other genuine solution to dealing with a terrorist organisation that has been enabled and supported by the majority of the population of Gaza. Only now are the people of Gaza realising what that really means, and only in the future will they know what that has really cost them. Many decades have passed since the PLO under Arafat attempted to reach a peace settlement, and the hard-line Hamas taking over - they want Israel removed and all Jews killed. And to anyone saying this will make the people of Gaza hate Israel more, I say the obvious. What - you mean more than making them want to kill over 1300 people inside Israel including innocent civilians like 30 Thai workers??
  13. I have been told (in emails) by two Thai tax lawyers/accountants that they believe that in the future a TIN will be required for annual extensions for all Expats. They pointed out that all working/business Expats are required to do that for their annual extensions, and that they could expand that requirement to those on retirement and marriage too - if they wanted to. According to one of them, if you are a Thai tax resident and you have revenue earned anywhere in the world and you bring money to Thailand, you are supposed to lodge a tax return and declare that. He stated that it is very unlikely that you would be required to pay any income taxes, and that is why they dont bother chasing non-working/business Expats for returns now. But IMO they are both saying that to get business from me/Expats - but they could be right - and as you say - never say never.
  14. In Australia and most western countries, banks require a Tax Number or they withold part of the 'earnings' and report that to their Tax Dept. Likely that one day Thailand will also adopt the same practice - if directed by Thai Govt (very suprised if SCB has already done that). Also a possibility that in order to receive an extension in the future, a TIN and last year's tax certificate/return will be required (years away).
  15. Anyone here use 'Nova Tears' Eye Drops - Perfluorohexyloctane. NovaTears® - AFT Pharmaceuticals
  16. Both. I am not a 'fashion' addict who gets what is popular - and I do not have a 'reality' issue. White Color Costs More to ProduceYes, white generally cost car manufacturers more compared to lets say red, silver, black or gray. Why? Because white requires more coats of paint, base and other necessary coats during the whole painting process. Reasons Why White Cars Cost More? (noahsgarage.com) PS - here is some more reality for you: While color trends can change over time, white is always in style. There are many reasons for this: White better reflects heat. Dark colors absorb heat from the sun more efficiently whereas white stays cooler. White paint fades less noticeably. While all materials exposed to the sun will fade over time, it is white which fads the slowest. White makes objects appear larger. This is very helpful for rooms that need to seem bigger or for fleets who want more presence. White is a clean color. While white can get dirty faster, it also shows customers you are clean if the vehicle is kept clean. White is the ultimate background. Whether white is part of your brand or not—logos look great and stand out on a white background. But if you want to choose matt black, because it looks 'cool', then you go right ahead mate.
  17. USA UK AUSTRALIA GERMANY JAPAN KOREA I could go on and on - but I think that will do. Wait one more CHINA
  18. The issue is if Somchai in his new Ford Ranger going at 100+Ks and with some alcohol in his blood can see you. The reason why all Police cars worldwide are light coloured (usually white - except Thailand sometimes) is because that is the best colour for visibility by others - especially pre-dawn and at dusk. Bright yellow is good too 🙂
  19. I knew a Kiwi once - he would always ask people he just met and told them his life story - "So, I have done all of those things and achieved all those successes in my life, but do they call me John the Builder?, or John the Kiwi Rugby player", or John the Lawyer? or even John the Father? - No!! But you fu** one lousy sheep and they never let it go."
  20. It always amazes me how ignorant some people are about the facts - and how they usually resort to insuklting others that they disagree with because they have no logical argument based on facts - they tend to be all emotions. Which aboriginals are you talking about exactly - which one of the 300+ separate tribes with different languages and no written records and buildings and no roads or paths and no villages and no crops or any other form of civilisation - before those evil white people arrived. The first waves of aboriginals were wiped out completely by the second wave (save for a few left in Tasmania). The aborigines used to start fires that raged across the country - go back 20-30K years ago and the flora right across the country was vastly different before that last wave of genocidals arrived - which resulted in the plague of Eucalyptus trees taking over most of the continent. Those same last wave of genocidal aboriginees made extinct hundreds of species of larger animals across the country - look it up. I was born in UK and had no choice about living in Australia - but that does not mean my last 15-20 has to be there - I would much rather live with my lovely Thai wife for over 10 years and share her country with her. You can go visit the girlie bars and enjoy yourself mate - stay away from me thanks - enough said.
  21. Something for Smiley to talk about when meeting Putin 🙂 But it sure made a lot of people from other countries ask the same question - why not us? Thailand has decided to drop tourists from the West - China, India and Russia are very welcome. What could possibly go wrong with that strategy? Only time will tell I guess.
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