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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Exactly. Maga cultists are not worth the time. They're a minority and Trump can't come close to winning with them alone. Focus on real Republicans like Cheney and independents.
  2. Led by their dear fascist cult leader the petulant child.
  3. You know it was a great speech because Mr. Trump is totally flipping out about it on "Truth" Social!
  4. Biden isn't his son. Trump is invested only in what's good for his own big fat ass.
  5. So now Biden is Hitler. I'm calling a Godwin's law.
  6. I see you're butt hurt that it was such a massively effective speech. As far as Reagan goes he would hate maga and magadonians would call him a rino.
  7. It's like reviewing a movie without watching the movie. Basically moronic.
  8. I don't believe you get more but you can use the already vaped weed to make cannabis oil or butter as there is still some thc in it. So if you do that you get more.
  9. If the weed is too dry / stale it will combust in a vape and that's really bad.
  10. So you're "informed" opinion based on two minutes. Massively stupid.
  11. More "interview" content for Putin's butt boy Tucker Carlson!
  12. I am one person. I already said I am not predicting a wave of new expats because of politics after the election but its possible.
  13. No. I already mentioned that my move had nothing to with politics. I don't know what percentage of Americans have left over the years due to politics but some have and some will later. Also worth mentioning is that clearly politics is at least a part of the motivation for many. Follow social media on expatriation and one of the most common reasons of multiple reasons given is to escape the toxicity of political division in the US. That sentiment comes from all types from right to left and the apolitical as well.
  14. Why do we even bother taking such an extremist maga zealot seriously? Logic has nothing to do with maga.
  15. Predictable load of low information toxic garbage. You're both not American and ignorant of how American government works. On Roe v Wade he clearly meant if he gets a different congress he hopes to legislation the same protections as Roe v Wade.
  16. This article isn't about this but I wonder if President Biden being reelected over Mr. Trump will motivate a wave of super Magas to leave as well? If so where will they go? Russia and Hungary sure but does Thailand have appeal for such extremists?
  17. Obviously the Nazi thing is hyperbole and that's unfortunate if that makes people think there isn't a real and serious problem of antisemitism. Because there is.
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