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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Your post is stupid. Are Indians not indigenous to the Americas because they originally came from SIBERIA?!? As our species started in AFRICA, are any people indigenous. Yes of course there was a wide DIASPORA of Jews from Roman times. So what? You're just out to erase the legitimacy of Jews being in Israel. It's so transparent. Jew haters / Israel demonizers falsely accuse Israel of genocide of Palestinians (a people that has massively increased in numbers) while at the same time promoting River to the Sea rhetoric promoting the genocide and or ethnic cleansing of Jews from Israel. Disgusting hateful hypocrisy.
  2. Facts like that are wasted on the Jew haters. Not to mention the fact that Israel includes 20 percent Arabs as citizens.
  3. Jews weren't seen as "white" in Europe. Jews in the Muslim world did live under discriminatory laws but you're correct not as severe as Christian nation ones. Of course never mind the Jewish Nakba that came later -- something Israel demonizers act like it never happened if they're even aware of it. Your problem is that you've bought into the simple minded leftist ideology that "white" people are always bad and darker people are always dear lovable oppressed angels. It's a crock! It has nothing to do with the history of Israel. Jews are indigenous to the land that is now Israel. They were there far before the Arabs who were indeed colonialists there, not to mention the Turks and Brits. According to your truly vile Jew hating narrative the Jews that did save themselves by migrating to Palestine (British mandate colony) before the holocaust should have just stayed there to be shot and gassed. I'll ignore your pathetic and moronic attempt to try to tie the history of the Zionist movement (a LIBERATION movement) to current western border issues. It doesn't wash. You really don't need to reply to this. I know all your talking points. They are vile and we have zero space for agreement.
  4. Yeah and wanting to end Ukraine as fascist dictator Putin does is not anti Ukrainian. Yeah that's the ticket.
  5. You just own goaled. No Zionism. No Israel. You want to kill Zionism means you want to end Israel. Yes we all can and should despise Netanyahu but any Israeli leader from left to right is going to be a Zionist.
  6. This is true. But you're talking about a more common motivation -- economics. While politics no doubt touches everything, I don't consider moving to achieve a decent quality of life to be political in motivation.
  7. Magas aren't patriots. The origin of America First in the American context are pro Hitler isolationists. Now under Trump we have pro Putin isolationists. On top of that magas are against the peaceful transfer of power, believe in the most insane conspiracy theories imaginable, and basically worship one man as if they're in a cult of personality (like Mussolini)
  8. Yes of course most people will be watching clips on tv and social media and the speech was so great it will be used in campaign ads as well.
  9. Many North American expats or wannabe expats are interested in options other than Thailand. Southeast Asia is quite poor for permanent residency to citizenship opportunities, but Latin America offers a lot. Chile unlike what you might expect in South America is a first world country and has some options that I didn't know about before. I knew about the retirement one based on pension but check this out, there is also a residency option based on showing money, and an investment option to start a business. How to Get Chile Residency: The Ultimate Guide (nomadcapitalist.com) Even though the pension option says 1500 a month, I've heard they're flexible if you plan on living outside of Santiago. The show money retirement option of 125,000 is about half what Mexico requires for permanent residency show money and the money doesn't need to be imported into Chile, unlike the Thailand 800K baht system. For younger people the 60K start a business option sounds quite low. Based on my research Vina del Mar would be a top choice. Valparaiso is too hilly. Santiago is too polluted. Perhaps La Sirena. On this topic, I just heard there is some bad news coming about the Colombia retirement visa, which has already been made more difficult in the last few years. I don't know the details yet but I'm guessing they might be raising the financial requirements because the current ones are very low (under 1000 a month).
  10. Crazy, evil, criminal, rapist, treasonous, and dangerous. What private company would even hire him as a clerk, much less CEO?
  11. Thank for stopping your hijacking of this topic just to deflect your disappointment that Biden speech was a historic triumph.
  12. The topic here is President Joe Biden's (Fightin' Joe) masterful State of the Union address.
  13. Dizzy. It's really catchy. Too good for Eurovision?
  14. Different reasons but I reckon a big part is that Thailand is in actuality a very conservative country. It's one of if not the most religious country in the world. Where are the casinos? Nowhere. It was "legalized" sort of accidentally and I wonder if the shops that opened up were much fewer and more dignified in presentation instead of mostly being about in your face getting stoned, that this may have been avoided. I don't think the people in power like all the the wild wild east more Amsterdam than Amsterdam international publicity. Plus of course the money issues, even probably seen as a threat to the alcohol establishment.
  15. A presidential historian described the speech as a state of the president rather than a state of the union. He needed to do that. The state of the president is fit for fighting for democracy against a criminally corrupt insurrectionist Putin loving wannabe dictator.
  16. It cannot be denied that President Biden hit a home run. Did he hit a grand slam? Maybe not but there was at least one player on a base.
  17. Trump cares only about himself. He's running to dodge prison.
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