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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. I've seen this trend happening for about five years. Instead of Pattaya being totally ignored for the stupid reason of the sex industry, more and more Pattaya is not only mentioned but specifically highlighted. Of course maybe it isn't good if it gets TOO popular, but it is pleasing to get confirmation about what expats here already know -- Pattaya (including the metro area of course) indeed is one of the best places in the world to retire abroad on a budget. As far as the budget part of it, no it isn't the absolute cheapest, but bang for the baht, the value for what you get is incredible. Cut Your Living Expenses in Half By Moving Abroad to These 3 Locations (yahoo.com)
  2. You have no idea what you're talking about. This is probably way too advanced for maga types but others will learn a lot.
  3. That's one of the games of the maga fascist movement -- to project on their opposition everything that they are.
  4. You would hate ANY Biden speech no matter how great because you're obviously following the maga cult. There are many non-American maga fans, particularly in our enemy states like Russia.
  5. Why would anyone choose a fascist dictator who's running to dodge prison over a decent man like Biden?
  6. Five Guys is a higher level than McDs. How are prices at Five Guys the fault of ANY president? Is there something in the constitution about being able to afford to eat out as much as you want?
  7. Biden MUST build on the momentum of his massively successful speech. He doesn't need to run around and do Mussolini style tiki torch rallies like his maga fascist Putin Orban loving opponent, but he DOES need to be out there fairly often, all over the country, and continue to show the voters the version of Joe Biden they just saw. In other words, the WINNING a second term version. He does have reasonable leeway to actually be president though and that's the way it is for any incumbent. You need to do the job and campaign simultaneously. Exhausting? You betcha.
  8. Approaching the election date I seriously doubt that either Biden or the unhinged fascist will be way ahead in the polls. Trump "demanding" debates is a bluff. He's scared <deleted>less without one of his bountiful diapers of actually debating Biden as Trump's mental decline has been dramatic and rapid. I've never had any doubt that fightin' Joe Biden wouldn't debate Trump but I do think once concrete proposals are made Trump will come up with excuses why it is rigged.
  9. It's time for me to pause posting. There is only so much that I can take of such a rapid fire of toxic extremist Israel demonization. It's not like anyone is going to change their mind.
  10. Oh I get it. You're accusing Israel of being the same as Nazi Germany. Very predictable.
  11. You're a liar. Another one that doesn't know what Zionism is. All Zionists are not like that!
  12. In my life experience I have found people that claim that they're free of racism are not to be taken at face value. As an American I know that American society teaches everyone to be racist. You need awareness of that reality to fight it.
  13. More B.S. Some Zionists are like that and some aren't. Its like saying that all Palestinians are terrorists. Just being a Zionist does not mean a person believes in the things you say. In that sense I think you're promoting Jew hating -- falsely suggesting that all Zionists think the same things such as support for that horrible leader Netanyahu.
  14. There are issues. Such as if you do high doses, it changes your brain chemistry, and you'd need higher doses to get the same effect, etc. Compared to alcohol much safer of course. People don't die from cannabis.
  15. I don't think that a Palestinian that wants to have a state side by side with Israel is racist in a harmful way even if they're very nationalistic. Nationalism is part of the human condition. You can't wipe it out. If it gets out of hand, of course it is very harmful. A good example is modern Russia.
  16. Such idiocy! Nazi laws were totally about race. If a person had a tiny percentage of Jewish blood from a distant relative, they were on the hit list. It doesn't please me to say this, but the Nazis got most of their ideas of how to enforce their Aryan race utopia by studying American racism (treatment of blacks and the garbage "science" of Eugenics). Aside from tracing blood line records they were really into measuring heads and stuff to determine whether a person was Aryan or not.
  17. I don't agree that Zionism is racism. It's origin was a LIBERATION movement for arguably the most persecuted minority on the planet. Yes of course some Zionist people are racists just like any other people.
  18. Do you think the Nazis checked the level of religious practice before sending Jews to the gas (as was recently advocated to happen again outside the Sydney opera house)? Your level of ignorance is stunning.
  19. I call B.S.! How is it that Zionist Israel which yes indeed is Zionist as that was the root reason for it's existence to be a homeland of political self determination for Jewish people wants it all when 20 percent of its population is Arab?
  20. Neither do I. It's a strong passport and you need another citizenship first to revoke it.
  21. If Zionism is racism as you think then Palestinian nationalism is racist too. Don't act dumb. You know perfectly well how the political ideology of Zionism developed. Thousands of years in the diaspora showed that Jews could never be safe for long term in any country that wasn't their own homeland. Pogroms, Inquisitions, Genocides, Incredibly restrictive anti-Jew laws, etc. It is debatable of course whether Jews are safe in Israel. But having a strong IDF helps. In any case, Israel exists and it isn't going anywhere unless of course it's enemies succeed to in their genocidal goals.
  22. Antisemitism is racism. Antisemitism is racism. We need to acknowledge that | David Baddiel | The Guardian
  23. Because conflicts aren't interesting to such people if there aren't Jews involved. Like Syria? CRICKETS.
  24. Non U.S. citizens receive SS benefits if they're eligible on credits just like citizens.
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