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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Sleepy Joe turns out to be Fiery Peppy Joe. Four more years for Dark Brandon! I'm one of the a rancid zucchini is much better than Trump brigade so what Biden did tonight was show he represents a lot to vote FOR on top of rejecting fascist Putin loving Trump.
  2. Biden did all he needed to do and much more.
  3. Refer to the youtube channel of maga Z pro Putin American called Expat American.
  4. Don't count his Big Macs before they hatch. He isn't running to eat. He isn't running to help the American people. He's running to stay out of prison.
  5. In the USA, nobody is supposed to be above the law, but Mr. Trump thinks that he should be.
  6. Historically state of the union addresses have minimal if any political effect.
  7. It's important but that's a bit overdramatic.
  8. If the topic offends you no need to read or post to it. As I have said I am making no predictions. As far as proof it will be knowable IF Mr. Trump comes into power. So I hope it doesn't become knowable! To add, there is much more to the fabric of societies than celebrities and garbage men. Though I reckon that overall garbage men are more useful.
  9. The topic is about ALL Americans. not just the tiny number of people who are celebrities. Americans leave all the time for different reasons. Some leave for political reasons.
  10. Eurovision in Malmo early May. Buzz about the Netherlands. Boycott buzz about Israel (they had to change the lyrics). They won't be kicked out though. Gotta love Olly.
  11. I guess I'm conservative then (I kind of am) because I did study Thai culture in my earlier years here and discovered it's really not my cup of tea, so I treat Thailand like a poorer man's Miami. It's strictly transactional. Of course mainstream American culture isn't my thang either!
  12. Because it's obviously total B.S. to suggest Muslims wouldn't be safe there. Of course if they're there to specifically to aggressively provoke Jews, that's another story.
  13. It means the rematch that nobody wanted. Unfortunately there is a strong pro authoritarian movement against democracy in the world and it's winning. This rematch doesn't help the small d democratic cause. Can't we have better choices on both sides? On top of congress being dysfunctional and one of two major parties supporting Russia over Ukraine. this plays into enemies like Putin.
  14. Yeah they were. The article is not so much about celebrities as masses of more typical people.
  15. I get what you're saying but it's more affordable than Puerto Vallarta.
  16. For people that are motivated to leave by politics, it would occur to them. I have met many Americans abroad over the years who have been motivated to leave by politics. But the vast majority have been right wingers.
  17. Historically most American expats do move to Mexico, but there are many other countries on the radar including Thailand, and qualifying for Mexico is now significantly MORE expensive than Thailand. You're making a prediction that there won't be an effect. I think it's possible but I do not know.
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