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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Four reasons She's setting the table for 2028 or hoping Trump's health burns out before the convention. Running as VP and losing ruins 2028 for her. This https://www.politico.com/news/2024/01/19/nikki-haley-vice-president-off-the-table-2024-00136626 She's crossed the Rubicon in the severity of her attacks on Trump. Trump has explicitly said she's off the list of possibles.
  2. You're not paying attention. She has disqualified herself for that. It's impossible.
  3. Well I think that Trump taking power again means the official end of American democracy and total victory for authoritarianism globally, and I'm not panicking at all. Yes I expect it to be Trump vs. Biden. I also expect Trump to be a convicted felon by then. Trump can win even as a convicted felon of course, but it way too early to prepare for his coronation.
  4. Your visa type or lack thereof is irrelevant. It's all about the 180 days thing as far as whether you're a tax resident of Thailand. If a tax resident, whether you personally are required to file or pay any Thai tax is a separate matter.
  5. Trump performed badly considering he's a virtual incumbent. 60 percent. Biden got over 95 percent in the same state. Of course the world's greatest grifter will win the nomination except IF: health crisis OR legal crisis Haley should stay in the race until the convention just in case. If she eventually does endorse Trump, which of course she will, may she live in infamy.
  6. No he's happy with the invisibility of LGBT people in Russia, but he's used to living in a free country where you can criticize the country and government about anything and Russia is the opposite of such a free country. Of course being an expat is hard anywhere. Moving to Russia with a large family when you don't know any Russian or have any relatives there is objectively at another level of difficulty. Expats tend to feel the need to vent when they face problems and there are always problems (witness this forum). Expats to Russia need to keep their venting private.
  7. Here you go. But I don't think they will leave Russia anytime soon anyway. They better learn to shut their pieholes saying anything critical of Russia, but the fascist Putin regime is committed to using anti LGBT westerners like them as propaganda useful idiot tools.
  8. So how does the Putin regime portray the west particularly the USA to Russians that want to move to the west (which of course is MUCH more popular than westerners moving to Russia)? Well, as a dystopian LGBT hellscape of course! It's notable that the LGBT thing is really at the top of the list of fear mongering in both cases. To me Putin is like our era's Hitler and fascists like Hitler need groups to scapegoat. This will be news to a lot of people. Russia is now adding CHILDLESS COUPLES as a group they are scapegoating along with LGBT people. Maybe that hits home for more people. Of course Putin needs an endless supply of future cannon fodder to fulfill his Russian world imperialist ambitions. I was watching another famous right wing farm family (Australian in their case) that moved to Russia talk about the issue. Their Daddy Z bear referring to them as perverts actually said, I really don't mind if they're persecuted.
  9. Your opinion but back to topic a good enough reason to drag a large family to the fascist dictatorship of Russia?
  10. I don't like it either but those ads are obviously for a subset of positons, nothing like all positions. Canada being a democracy can debate such issues and make changes if that is the will of the people.
  11. It is if they do as they propose which is: Half day instead of a full day so that they can be free farm labor the rest of the day, I'm assuming that a lot of that "education" will be religious and political indoctrination. As their plan is for the family to all be Russian citizens, teaching them an English curriculum in a very remote rural area means they can't possibly integrate well into Russian life, so the kids will be both Canadian and Russian freaks. Yes. Child abuse. But yeah of course if they did choose to integrate them into Russian schools, under fascist dictator Putin they would be indoctrinated that way and raised to be future cannon fodder for the empire.
  12. Well I support freedom of travel and expatriation if the target country is willing to play ball. As I said before I do see good reasons to move from the US and Canada. They might be different than Papa Canuck Z's reasons so in that sense I would agree Russia is almost always the wrong country. Not as wrong as North Korea but in that general direction.
  13. I call B.S. I already said I don't support postings like that, but don't play dumb about what that is about. It's obviously about a proactive policy to increase minority representation in a situation where straight white males already dominate and have for centuries. Yes the context is needed unless you want to promote scare mongering right wing propaganda. Don't try to hijack this topic. There are things to criticize and work towards changing about Canada or anywhere but to see moving to Russia as the answer is basically insane.
  14. Your post lacks context. It doesn't tell us what percentage of their faculty is not part of those minority groups. Its pretty obvious to me that though I don't support restrictive hiring like that that they have a policy to represent minorities. It doesn't mean that straight white men are oppressed or lack opportunities. And it's certainly no reason to move to a fascist dictatorship like Russia.
  15. I don't really know. Now I'm wondering if Canucks Daddy Z was motivated by his desire to violate child labor laws in his case more like child slavery. It's one thing having farm kids doing chores. It's another thing to cut off their education so they can be free labor.
  16. Read the article. That is NOT an endorsement of Trump.
  17. I like the idea of extremist right wing anti LGBT bigots self deporting to Russia. Cleansing the west of as trump says not our best people.
  18. I find the crime excuse an extremely weak tea obviously lame excuse for rejecting this change. But to their credit, it's an excuse I haven't heard of before.
  19. That is a lie. Nobody is demanding EVERYONE must celebrate anything.
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