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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Relatively incredibly free compared to Iran, Russia, and China and if you don't realize that, you're totally lost in space. BTW -- it's a key tactic of Kremlin propaganda to project that the west is as bad as they are. NO!
  2. OMG! The republicans DEMANDED that. Then they got it. Then that sleazeball citizen Trump ordered weirdo far right extremist Christian white nationalist speaker Johnson to kill it because he wants to preserve the border crisis as a campaign issue. Do you even follow the news? Apparently not.
  3. It's different when you have no high crimes and misdemeanors to charge which they did have to impeach Trump two times.
  4. Yes they took orders from their fascist dear leader who it turns out does NOT want to fix it. Rather he wants to preserve the problem to be his top campaign issues. What an anti-American sleazeball! The people elect representatives to fix problems, not worship a thuggish mafia style dictator.
  5. That moronic insult is so incredibly tired. Again -- it is the maga cult fans who are deranged. Deranged to the point of seeking a dictatorship over democracy.
  6. I think this impeachment based on nothing can be dismissed without a trial by the senate. If not that, they will do a super quick one. Zero chance of conviction.
  7. None. Republicans can't govern. They are pro authoritarian, anti democratic. They just play stupid theater games. Impeachment is not for policy disagreements or being displeased about performance. That's what elections are for.
  8. They were wild over the top inflammatory exaggerations and misinformation as well. You could join this guy in Russia and maybe get free first haircut. Putin welcomes you!
  9. You can still go there to visit museums. Many Americans moving there now are Z type fascists attracted to the "traditional values" and persecution of LGBT in Russia though. They are used as propaganda tools for the regime.
  10. Putin trolling. Classic Kremlin propaganda technique. Intentional mind f-ery.
  11. Especially if outside of Moscow or St. Petersburg.
  12. Many have indeed deified him which is of course as twisted as you can possibly get.
  13. It's a cult. He's insane. They're insane. Apparently, it's contagious. Trying to deprogram these cultists is almost alway a waste of time. The cult needs to be defeated ... without them.
  14. Pure gaslighting. That farce of an "interview" with Tucker Carlson was all about trying to help Trump. Again.
  15. If that. The River to the Sea Brigade generally justifies October 7 as resistance.
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