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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. That means this isn't a court of law, it's a forum, and nobody has an obligation to suffer fools who don't know basic information and/or know it and deny it.
  2. I can't cite stats but there are definitely plenty of Americans who already own homes with decent mortgage rates and booming retirement accounts. People that own free and clear are of course older. I'm not saying it's one way or the other. It DEPENDS on specific situations and that would be the same with any president. Economic change happens and there are always winners and losers. Politicians are tasked with surfing those changes to try to get elected.
  3. Not like that. Trump is telling us as much by his words and actions.
  4. Yes he's literally fighting for his life. His main motivation to be president is to save his own ample arse. If he loses, there is a good chance he ends his life in prison sans the golden toilets. The mental stress is showing. He's melting down.
  5. As said how people feel about their wealth depends on their specific circumstances. Aside from housing in general when the stock market goes up the significant percentage of Americans who have retirement accounts do FEEL richer and even tend to spend more even without touching those accounts.
  6. Sure that's capitalism. Whatever happens there are always winners and losers. Many Americans will be and will feel much richer under Biden and many will not. It depends on their individual situation. During the great depression most suffered but some were in a position to create great fortunes. All presidents deal with these kinds of complex contradictions. I understand most Average Joes vote based on personal economic perceptions. In this election that's particularly unfortunate. In Trump we have a monster intent on blowing up American democracy to replace it with a president for life cult of personality fascist dictatorship. Many magas understand that and want that. They are the opposite of patriotic Americans.
  7. That's typical maga. Hatred of domestic partisan opponents much more than enemy states particularly Russia.
  8. Carlson and Putin belong together.
  9. If only! It was bad enough in Pattaya before. They should rename the holiday -- Agoraphobia Promotion Month.
  10. Not all Trump voters are maga. I would say if you meet an American fascist, it's very probable they are maga, unless Trump isn't enough of a Nazi for their tastes.
  11. Unfortunately the fascist maga movement is bigger than just that one horrible man.
  12. He is. It's Trump that has it bad and the world if he comes to power again. Nobody Cares That Trump Keeps Talking More Like a Nazi, Expert Warns (businessinsider.com)
  13. No. Tucker is not an objective journalist. He's a useful idiot for Putin. As said he has been actively supporting Putin. What conspiracy? Putin did help Trump. Documented fact.
  14. Conspiracy theory garbage par for the course for Tucker fanboys.
  15. Funny if you have been following Russian propaganda you would know according to Putin the USA is their number one enemy, also the entire "collective west", not to mention their obession with hating LGBT people. I posted a clip before where Tucker openly says he is rooting for Russia. I can't help you if you fail to follow basic news. Come back when you're caught up.
  16. Yet women and independents are trending more heavily to Biden and IF Trump is convicted and imprisoned a large percentage of Americans say that would lose their vote. As I've said before, Trump could, but it's way too early to redesign the drapes for the white house room Melanie won't stay in anyway.
  17. Tucker Carlson is actively supporting Putin and has been for years. Of course he's a traitor.
  18. Exactly -- now wait for the disgraced ex president to start attacking and insulting the Border Patrol.
  19. You'd have to ask them and in both cases especially blacks not anything close to a majority.
  20. The magadonians are lying just to give their dear leader cover for doing what he's doing -- refusing to help a bipartisan fix of the border so he can keep it as a campaign issue. If enough Americans understand what Trump is doing, that hurts Trump. So the magadonians need to lie for him. What a disgusting movement. Worship of one incredibly horrible man with no interest in actually helping the country. On top of that, helping enemy dictator Putin. Reagan must be spinning in his grave. These aren't republicans. They're traitors.
  21. The quote that shows tells the main point. Again, I call B.S. x2.
  22. I call B.S. A Border Security Bill Worth Passing - WSJ The Senate bill has reforms Trump never came close to getting. Do Republicans want to better secure the U.S. border, or do they want to keep what has become an open sore festering for another year as an election issue? That’s the choice presented to Congress this week with the rollout of the Senate’s bipartisan border security bill, and we’ll soon learn what the GOP really wants.
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