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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. There you go again. You could just as easily say the seeds of this conflict started in the Bronze Age. Pick a date to suit your purpose. But back to reality: THIS WAR started October 7 and that's a fact.
  2. My current favorites are Frankies and Marcos (both Jomtien)
  3. Yeah, Uno pizzas are even better the next day cold from the fridge.
  4. Wow. That answer was incredibly stupid. On the other hand, she is trying to get the REPUBLICAN nomination, so ...
  5. NO! This conflict did. Certainly. This WAR started October 7.
  6. Yeah, on the other hand Mr. Vivek is running as trumpier than trump, so IF the real trump burns out in some way (health, jail, etc.) before the election, it's still not impossible for him to be seen as the natural replacement.
  7. Blimey, at this point I'm wondering what's it going to cost to pay a tax return preparer in Thailand that actually understands both the U.S. and Thai rules to (or whatever country you're from) if and when they ever clarify this stuff in the first place. I imagine not cheap.
  8. Onions on pizza was my thing at my college pizza hangout.
  9. The pineapple thing is kind of a litmus test. While I won't do it I can think of much more disgusting pizza toppings.
  10. From the mouths of babes and very old people. She won't be needing to travel --
  11. Extensions and 90 day address reports are separate things. Yes, you must do the report.
  12. I will focus on ONE of your sentences. This isn't another war. This is THIS war. Are you actually and seriously asserting that Israel went to THIS war with Hamas for no reason?!?
  13. Funny. I don't like the pizza at either place.
  14. OMG. Wait a second. I thought anything earned before January 1 2024 is exempt? So for example a typical IRA say 300k usd. So you withdrawal 12k. Isn't that all very old money so exempt in Thailand?
  15. So many of the Israel demonizers think that Israel's enemies are like Canadians.
  16. Garbage source. Also note I think 17 year olds are classed as children. Obviously teens are sometimes fighters.
  17. About field executions. That is obviously very much NOT OK. So I looked into EuroMed. NOT CREDIBLE. Clearly propaganda, labelling the war there genocide. I would say wait for a more objective source on this accusation.
  18. I guess it's a step up from Jew hating rhetoric calling Jews Nazis.
  19. I'm not seeing naked. You call them civilians. I reckon it's obvious that some are, and some aren't. I assume the IDF is seeking intelligence from those that are. You know, you lot complain no matter what. Bombing horrible, yes it is. This is something else. Remember October 7? I don't see them shooting, raping, and beheading these captives. I don't see women, children, very eldery being shot point blank, raped, burnt alive. You realize there is WAR on, yes? You realize Hamas started this war, yes? You realize Israel didn't ask for this war, yes? You realize Israel is obligated to defend itself against maniac Islamist terrorists that vow to kill all Jews and overrrun their nation? You realize Hamas is fighting the kind of war where it's very hard to know who's a fighter or not, yes? Or who is concealing weapons under their clothes, yes?
  20. Your concept of what any war is like is very comical. Israel did not ask for this war. Hamas forced this on them.
  21. No criticism of Israel will be tolerated? B.S.!!!!! Also -- The Zionist movement started long before the holocaust and Zionist pioneers were already in Israel long before the holocast. I reject defining Israel only in terms of the holocaust. The rationale for Zionism was about THOUSANDS of years of persecution in the diaspora proving that political self determination was necessary for the survival of the Jewish people.
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