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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Yes exactly. I grew up non Christian in the US and was definitely influenced by the dominant Christian culture.
  2. Yes, to be clear I'm not suggesting that the IDF doesn't prioritize saving Israeli lives or that they are suicidal angels. October 7 required a military response. Any country attacked that way would agree with that. But they could have theoretically done no bombing and do door to door combat from the start. But that would mean extremely high IDF casualties. It's unreasonable to expect intentional suicide from any nation. But weirdly so many people some ignorantly well meaning expect that of the one and only Jewish state.
  3. Creating such conditions to make Israel look bad is a key part of the Hamas terrorists playbook. I've said it before -- Israel cares more about innocent Arab civilians than Hamas.
  4. Jew hating (classic) from the far right is a constant. Jew hating from the left is what has blown up massively in recent years and much more dramatically since October 7. Of course I would expect denialism from you. To add, I think Jew hating should replace the term antisemitism because of the predictable Jew hating pushback game playing saying that Arabs are semitic too, Ashkenazim aren't really semitic or Jews, ad nauseum. With Jew hating there is no room for denial over definitions
  5. Agreed. Death penalty by the state or extra judicial is much more common in Islamic societies than Christian. But it's false to say thats not a thing at all among Christians.
  6. Don't know for sure how the supreme court will rule but assume they will vote pro Trump though. Ideally, they would vote based on the constitution rather than partisan politics. But the court's credibility in that department has been ruined going back to Bush v Gore.
  7. That is correct. "Progressives" in the west have thrown Jews (traditionally a key progressive demographic) under the bus. Jew hatred coming from the left is at all time high in the west. (Coming from the right is nothing new.) I don't recall the source but I will paraphrase a quote I heard regarding October 7. American leftist Jews went to bed as leftists and woke up as Jews.
  8. Chomsky is a Jew. Something accurate. American, not Israeli BTW. So that proves what exactly dear? If I post 1000 opinions countering the views of extremist Chomsky, their views would be worth more or less for being non Israeli Jews?
  9. As far as gay content in media (other than porn) there are different types. Like if a show is specifically made to appeal to a gay audience, it's insane for anyone to complain about that. It's very easy to identify such shows. Logo network tends to have a lot of such shows. Logo TV | Homepage | Watch on logotv.com But even those aren't necessarily black and white. Such as Asian "Boy Love" series -- my understanding is that most viewers are straight women, teen girls, etc. There aren't nearly enough gay people to support such a huge industry including in Thailand! Then we get into "regular" tv where gay characters and story lines are an organic part of the content. Like Modern Family. But even in that category it's not always easy to narrow label everything. Take the very excellent current series Fellow Travellers. Yes the lead characters are gay men and it's about their troubled decades long romance (one is married to a "beard" woman) but the overall story has great appeal to a much wider audience as it documents the red and queer baiting McCarthy era brilliantly. Anyone who complains about that kind of general audience contrent is most likely a very close minded person, bigot, etc. I will concede that sometimes there are more low quality shows that might use a tick the box system to include more "diversity" than seems organic to the story. To me that's more about complaining about low quality shows than showing gay characters and story lines. In any case there is more than enough content these days (approaching the infinite) to satisfy every kind of viewer.
  10. There are better countries, visa-wise, for Russians. Such as Georgia and Serbia. Each Russian will have their own story about their finances. Many that want to stay out of Russian world are forced to return because of lack of money. Sure it's common sense that a lot of them will be tempted to do illegal things. I have mixed feelings about them. They aren't a monolith. Most of the draft dodger types aren't really against Putin, they just want to save their own ass.
  11. Still no real stigma? Do you actually believe that or are you trolling? As it's not true. It depends on where a person lives, what their family is like, their larger community, economic class, etc. In the US for example: LGBTQ Youth Are Still Experiencing High Rates of Bullying (healthline.com)
  12. Yet another Queer for Palestine at a pro Hamas hate rally.
  13. Bait and switch straw man extravaganza. So sleazy! I was responding to your Jew hating global Jewish control conspiracy theory big lie that half the US congress are Jews You were busted so naturally you squawk like a headless chicken. Thanks for the ignore.
  14. Hilarious that you think that I haven't.
  15. You're still making excuses and trying to act like you're not.
  16. I could care less how the "English" say it.
  17. Yeah the dead guy. The elephant in the room. I hear he was a dark skinned Jewish Palestinian perhaps asexual or non binary fella. Woke from the dead. Many are grateful. The reason for the season.
  18. Yeah I get that but I would probably keep watching Thomas Brodie-Sangster reading a phone book (for those that remember what phone books were).
  19. I'm pretty sure it's billions. Terror tunnels don't come cheap.
  20. Generally someone who grew up in a majority Christian culture who is not very religious (or at all) but still relates to a lot of it. Probably more common for Jews to understand this concept (as Jewish is both an ethnicity and a religion). Cultural Christians - Wikipedia If you're going to be terminally literal and reject this, that's fine, I could care less.
  21. I like something even cornier than Adam Sandler if that's even possible. The Maccabeats.
  22. Persistent little bugger. Another version:
  23. No you don't. When you grow up in a majority Christian country, it's likely that even if you're a different religion, you will be at least partly a cultural Christian.
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