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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Not the same story. But you're wrong about Israel. If you're saying Israel currently has the resources to fight off the forces that want to annihilate them, then that is true.
  2. Sometimes war is necessary. Right now, both Ukraine and Israel are fighting existential wars.
  3. Neither side wants a full war. Proxy actions are par for the course. Yes it could happen accidentally but so could anything. Perhaps the countries that most want a US - Iran war where Iran is crushed would be Israel and Saudi Arabia.
  4. That's stupid. Why do you think Finland and Sweden are entering Nato? Because of out of control Russian aggression! Nato is a DEFENSIVE organization. Duh.
  5. Yes and I wouldn't call some Israeli troops being in Gaza now an occupation either. They're carrying out a war now The government has no intention to occupy Gaza. If that changes, then it would be.
  6. Of course the current very major outbreak started on that date. FACT.
  7. A Russian guarantee of Ukranian sovereignty would be worthless without NATO membership. Next ...
  8. He's sorry because he's a big baby and doesn't like that his actions have consequences. His Jew washing tour in Israel was a classic of its kind.
  9. Yes of course Thailand doesn't offer expats of retirement status residence security more than a year at a time, but they do have a formal retirement visa and extension program, they aren't going to abolish that, and Vietnam never will have such a program. I oppose Vietnam being put on any best places to retire abroad lists but weirdly they still often are. There are countries with not specifically retirement visa options that retirees can use to live there and even transition to permanent residence and citizenship. Those places are legit candidates for such lists.
  10. Well I would expect if they do this that the new buffer will be bigger, and I'm sure the RIver to the Sea brigade are going to be squawking.
  11. Maybe Hamas should of thought about being "fair" before they committed those horrible atrocities on October 7. The buffer land thing isn't a done deal. It's being talked about.
  12. Don't know. Do you want to live to a country permanently on such a temporary basis which can of course be reversed at any time? You can keep it. They clearly do not want retired expats. I don't blame them.
  13. Yes much more but there are plenty of Muslim Malays there as well.
  14. The Forward is an excellent source actually. It does openly have a liberal / left American Jewish POV. News That Matters to American Jews – The Forward People other than their targeted audience would benefit from broadening their perspective by reading it.
  15. This post is a bit OT. but have you had favorite creators who drop off the radar and you wonder what happened? Chris Lilley for me is such a creator. I think he's brilliant and incredibly funny. Well I had heard that he was kind of "cancelled" because of some edgy content (blackface done in content of characters particularly) so I hadn't thought about him for years. But I was wondering is he totally over or can we hope for new content from that comic genius? Well, according to this, he is working on stuff, but it sounds very very vague so I wouldn't count on it yet. But he is doing a podcast in the voice of Ja’mie. I sampled it but I doubt that will fill my Liiley hunger well. If you haven't watched his previous stuff, by all means give it a go. I don't think his work is dated as its about characters. Chris Lilley breaks his silence to talk about how he's doing and dismiss claim he's been 'cancelled' (unilad.com) The Aussie comedian is one of the greatest in character creation, having developed a diverse range of fan favorites from his hit mockumentary shows including Summer Heights High and Angry Boys. His ability to embody each figure is unrivalled. Take Ja’mie, for example, the unbearably spoiled ‘Queen of Quiche’ who got her own spinoff show Ja'mie: Private School Girl. As is the case with all of his characters, Lilley didn’t use prosthetics or heavy makeup to convince audiences, and instead uncannily transformed into Ja’mie using his voice, mannerisms and writing abilities. A sample: On the same theme of brilliant Australian funny men, there is Josh Thomas. He hasn't done any new television since 2018. I don't get it.
  16. Israel is talking about creating a border buffer zone in Gaza. If they do, that would indeed mean Israel taking more land. On the other hand, based on October 7, they have a strong argument that such a buffer zone is needed. Washington is strongly opposed but what else is new? I think we all know that whatever Israel does to castrate Hamas won't be complete. Why should Israel be forced to live with such an endless threat? Would any other country tolerate that?
  17. The man obviously hates Israel the one tiny Jewish dominated nation state in a world with a plethora of Muslim, Christian, and Buddhist dominated states with an extremist and irrational passion.
  18. Correction of this funny error in the OP. I wrote Take that rip off Chiang Mai and choky smoky Chiang Mai. I meant Take that rip off PHUKET and choky smoky Chiang Mai.
  19. A queer that gets it: This past Monday night I had the privilege of speaking for a community event here in Los Angeles. Here is an excerpt from my speech. . ✨… | Instagram
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