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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. The Luddites are the exceptions. I would agree oldsters are less likely to be early adopters. I see that as wisdom.
  2. You mean like Hamas on October 7? Very "human" of them.
  3. You've got all the buzz words. Open air prison. Apartheid. Occupation. Colonialism. Blah blah flippin' blah! Again where we're at now, how can Israel negotiate with a force that just committed the October 7 massacre? No other country would be expected to commit suicide like that. But people like you for not very mysterious reasons think the one tiny Jewish state in the world is somehow morally obligated to commit suicide. Happily, most Israels are not that stupid.
  4. Younger people have dropped FB. It's mostly for older people now. I'm annoyed with people that say "elderly" people don't like tech. It's the "elderly" generation (including me) that freakin' CREATED the tech in the first place! The tech PIONEERS. It's true we aren't tech natives though, born into it. Sometimes I encounter a young whipper snapper (sorry) who looks surprised to see my proficiency on my smart phone. I want to smack such ignorant punks. Who freakin' created social media? Not their generation, that's for sure.
  5. Hamas is their government. They had the choice whether to invest the massive funds they get from abroad to invest in building infrastructure and improving the lives (instead of the AFTER lives of their people as Hamas is a death cult) of their people but instead invested in war and terror tunnels. There is also a border there with Egypt as well as Israel. Of course Israel restricts movement of NON CITIZENS. Duh. If Gaza was governed by people that accepted the existence of Israel and weren't all about killing Jews and ending Israel, it's fair to assume relations between Gaza and Israel would be much much better. No, before you pounce. I'm not suggesting that the Israeli government has done no wrong in the history of the conflict. Anyone honest would say the opposite -- that they have done a lot wrong. But no nation just commits suicide to a force that doesn't accept their existence.
  6. Their perverted game is obvious. They want to erase what happened on October 7 just as holocaust deniers want to deny the holocaust.
  7. Thanks. I'm not surprised. I just haven't heard of any. In any case, they are very rare.
  8. Zionism is not a "forcible" ideology. That's hate speech. Also Jews are not a race. Next ...
  9. There are synagogues in Thailand. I'm not aware of any ethnic Thai Jews though there are children of mixed couples who are. There are ethnic Chinese Jews and some have become Israeli. The Chinese government doesn't recognize them.
  10. They stole Gaza? They actually left Gaza long ago. This current war was clearly started by Hamas when they committed the worst massacre of Jews since the holocaust.
  11. It's nothing like the trans debate. Of the Jewish peers I grew up with I don't even remember one that kept Kosher. In other Jewish communities everyone does.
  12. Since you are so interested in Jews you might consider learning some basic things about them. Jews are an ETHNORELIGIOUS group. Different than Christians and Muslims. A person is a Jew by being born to a Jewish mother. Like a tribal thing. Practicing or not is irrelevant. Have you heard of secular and cultural Jews? Yes it's possible to convert but Jews don't push it and it's quite an ordeal to do so. Judaism is a religion true. But Jews are also a people and non religious Jews are still Jewish people. If it offends you that Jews have this difference you won't be the first and tough cookies.
  13. When the Hamas terrorist scum was looking to murder Jews they didn't ask first if they keep Kosher.
  14. Non practising Jews are still Jews.
  15. Funny. If that was the case you'd think Israel would have long ago gotten rid of its population of 20 percent Arab citizens. The same Arab citizens that would rather stay living in Israel. But you keep spreading your lies.
  16. If you like Islamic extremist genocidal terrorists who want kill all Jews, end Israel, and establish an ISIS like caliphate.
  17. It would be good to hear if the Israeli employers have a problem keeping things together at this time. Many in the south have been murdered by Hamas terrorists or have close friends or family who have been murdered. There is now the biggest call up of reservists in Israeli history which has happened. Maybe things are so far from normal that paying anyone their regular salary is a problem at the moment. Of course workers in this situation should probably be repatriated. That's also a problem in a time of war. I'm not sure about how many missiles are still coming in from Hamas now, but I do know they are coming from the North. It's of secondary interest to the world at the moment but with all those Israelis mobilized in such a small country and not working their regular jobs, naturally the Israeli economy has been hit hard.
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