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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. It's not cool. War is hell, Israel understands that tragically many innocents will die, but the innocents aren't their target. Contrast to what Hamas is all about -- killing all Jews. Time to get real. Sometimes war is necessary. It's not like Hamas is saying, give us this, give us that, and we can make a deal. What they want is the end of the Israel and to drive the Jews into the sea. They tell us that. It's no mystery. Especially after the massacres. Impossible for any state to negotiate with such a force.
  2. Hamas is only the government and army of Gaza. Their openly stated ideology is to kill all Jews. You really can't see the difference? Israel has no choice now.
  3. Israel is targeting specific neighborhoods that they've identified as centers of Hamas activities. They told the civilian population to move south. They do give warnings before bombings. What other militaries do that? Obviously there have been and will be massive civiilian casualties. What country in the world would just sit back after what Hamas did? Certainly not your country whatever is it. Hamas knew what they did would start a war but they did it anyway.
  4. They're hiding dude. They change where they are daily. They have extensive tunnel networks. It's going to be massively difficult for Israel to meet it's goals.
  5. Stop it. Israel has no intention of killing two million Gazans. The goal is to erase Hamas. Obviously that's going to very bloody and there will be many dead on both sides. But its a reasonable goal of Israel.
  6. If anyone said that, it's obviously horrible. Wanting to wipe out Hamas (or Isis) is not about wiping out all Muslims.
  7. Why bother considering his message when you can call him racist?
  8. The time to stop is when Hamas is fully cancelled. Sadly, it's just the beginning.
  9. I'll never forget when the UN charter allocated two states that the Arab world immediately attacked Israel. Israel had no choice but to become a military power. That or perish. If anyone didn't get that before, they should now after the massacres.
  10. While now is a time of WAR and it's absolutely necessary and justified for Israel to try to wipe out Hamas, of course as the Arab world has failed them since 1948, I support the plight of those that identify as Palestinian Arabs to improve their situation and live in peace and prosperity. In theory that would be a two state solution, but realistically that doesn't have majority support on either side. It's become more of a pipe dream from other countries! So no, I don't have the answer, but I'm sure "Free Palestine" is not the answer. Why? Because Free Palestine strongly implies that Palestine won't be free until Israel no longer exists. Their chants often include river to the sea, meaning no more Israel. That's not OK. I truly wish moderate Palestinians would come up with a new slogan that makes it clear their goal is to live side by side with Israel. I'm not optimistic.
  11. In fairness they would be murdered for giving them up.
  12. What a sad reflection on Islamic terrorists.
  13. Don't be silly. American Jews mostly vote democrat because they are more closely aligned politically with the more liberal democratic party than the fascist republican party. Israel is one issue among many, as American Jews are American, not Israeli. But interestingly Israeli pundits are now saying that Biden just gave the most pro Israel speech in American presidential history.
  14. I don't think his impact will be significant either way. I'm much more worried about Cornel West.
  15. Me too. It's not cheap. I think my current plan is about 5 dollars a month. I picked it based on reviews but mainly because they let you choose optimized servers for file sharing purposes (torrents, streaming Stremio, etc.). They have a free level for basic stuff but for the file sharing services, you must pay.
  16. He's a horrible little man that wants to throw Ukraine under the bus and give it to Putin. So of course he's similarly radically isolationist towards Israel. He has zero chance of even being nominated by the republicans. Referring to his interview with Tucker Carlson who is widely celebrated in Moscow. Great pick, dude. Next ...
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