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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Have your people contact their people
  2. Make it happen brave IDF heroes. Yalla Bye.
  3. I don’t think it could be worse than Hamas.
  4. Refuted by the Harvard University administration.
  5. Israel is a legitimate nation state and Israel has every right to defend its very existence against Hamas terrorist scum.
  6. Here's a tip for you. Speak for yourself. Don't speak for me. And while you're at it: STOP TROLLING.
  7. More fake outrage. Hamas is a terrorist organization like Isis. How could life possibly be good in a region ruled by such scum?
  8. Funny use of the word dismantle. They want all the Jews there dead or gone. Not OK. Israel has every right to crush that Hamas terrorist scum. The state of Israel is certainly not illegal by international law. Why are things bad in Gaza? You want to put all the blame on Israel. What about Hamas? They're the rulers there. A more reasonable government would be in a position to create a peaceful and prosperous region there.
  9. Frustration? Hamas charter is about killing all Jews. Now any doubt that that might just be hyperbole has been erased. Hamas must be eliminated.
  10. I recall he has said he is skeptical about the recent atrocities such as baby killing done by the Hamas terrorist scum in Israel. Perhaps he thinks they're crisis actors. Alex Jones redux? Some kind of very fresh cousin of holocaust denial? Hamas is horrible. People making excuses for Hamas are horrible adjacent.
  11. Not equivalent and you know it. Don't play dumb. I was specifically talking about Hamas terrorists. That's not the same thing as all Muslims. Stop trolling.
  12. Hamas doesn't want a Palestinian state side by side with Isreal. They want a caliphate and the Jews in Isreal murdered. Think ISIS. You can't negotiate peace with terrorist scum like Hamas.
  13. I'm under the impression that rape of boys is common in Muslim countries but the victims are usually much younger.
  14. A curious sort of genocide where the population of Palestinian Arabs has grown dramatically.
  15. Rape isn't funny whatever the gender of the victim. The rapist was violent. Imagine if the victim had bitten down on his penis. Then he might have been murdered.
  16. Speaking of facts. Isn't EGYPT a SOVEREIGN nation? As far as restrictions consider why Israel might do that. Hamas. Gaza is ruled by a terrorist organization. If Gaza wasn't run by a faction dedicated to driving Israeli Jews into the sea, can you imagine that life in Gaza might be a lot better?
  17. Queers for Palestine can kiss my grits. Imagine what the Hamas terrorists would do with that lot. Everyone knows they love queers.
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