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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Transvestite does not indicate gender identity. Sorry if this is too complicated for some of you.
  2. No! Just putting on a dress fits no definition of transgender. Stop lying.
  3. Coming Out 1989 East Germany Historically significant film as the last film shown in East Berlin before the wall fell. Surprising excellent! But dark and depressing as I guess fitting the place and time. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coming_Out_(1989_film)
  4. Not about sticking up. Because it's the truth. A straight guy attracted to trans women is still straight. Fact.
  5. Yeah and you don’t speak for all the mostly straight guys who are attracted to trans women/LBs.
  6. So a straight guy that enjoys a naughty finger is gay then, is he?
  7. I'm not attracted to trans women / ladyboys, etc. in the slightest, dude. Because I'm 100 percent gay. I do give a second look to cute butch lesbians though. I realize these concepts are too sophisticated for many people though. Another case of willful ignorance.
  8. Do some research on who is sexually attracted to trans women and who isn't and get back to me. Gay men almost NEVER are. I've never met even one who is Some straight men are. You can see them every day in Thailand. Bingo.
  9. Gay men go for males that present as males. Trans women present as female. Those attracted to them are straight or possibly bi. It's not that complicated.
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