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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. There it is. Disgusting slur. The land that is Israel / Palestine was definitely part of the OTTOMAN EMPIRE (Turkish) before British Mandate. Who's ignorant?
  2. It's really quite perverted (and entirely predictable) that so many people are incapable of separating the Abbas ignorant statements about the holocaust and the Israeli - Palestinian conflict. If you want some "interesting" context consider the role of the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem who lived in Berlin during the war and got Hitler to promise to exterminate Middle Eastern Jews when he got around to it.
  3. That isn't historically accurate. There was British Mandate Palestine. Before that Turkish rule (who aren't Arabs). Your concept of the history there is way off base.
  4. He's a sacrificial lamb there to attack Trump which needs to be done of course but it's not going to work to get him nominated.
  5. I'm much more worried about "republicans" who still seem insanely intent on nominating the world's greatest grifter and the horror they will inflect on the USA if they succeed in getting him into power again. I don't think Christie has a chance to be nominated. Nicki Haley as polls now show is the stongest by far to beat Biden but the R's are too dense to abandon their deranged cult leader.
  6. Unfortunately he could still run and be elected from prison. As a felon he won't be able to vote though.
  7. Totally different issues. Wildly exaggerated Such migration happens under all presidents. It's not an invasion.
  8. Both routes are very different than baht bus routes.
  9. Did they do even five minutes of market research on the f-rang pricing?
  10. I can see a market for this here at 300 baht for tourists including Thai tourists to do a familiarization tour but at 800 they've lost the plot.
  11. 300 baht for Thais! Foreigners 800. Leaves a bad taste. They never learn!
  12. I'm assuming the bus goes to more "remote" areas that tourists can't easily get to otherwise. That would deliver paying customers to tourist attractions. Then they could reboard when they're done. The venues and city should pay! Yes, if not used and free, forget about it!
  13. I've got an unusual situation. Living in a high rise condo I've haven't tipped the office staff, security staff, maintenance staff, gardeners, etc. etc. I realize if I lived in New York extortionate tips would be required for door people at least. But this isn't New York. I kind of wish the condo management organized a formal tipping jar for New Years that would be shared with all staff in which case I would throw something in, but they haven't. I have tipped maintenance staff when they do a service for me in my condo at the time of service, but that's different. Well now I have one specific door/security staff person that has consistently given me ridiculously good service over a long period of time. From little touches to somewhat bigger things. I don't really need anything that he's done, but it's really been charming and I certainly wouldn't be so rude as to tell him to stop it. One example of how unusual this is. If I'm loaded holding shopping he enters the elevator and pushes my floor. It goes on and on. It's a little bit of entertainment to see what uncalled for service he will do next. So obviously he well deserves tipping. But it gets tricky. Do I tip a little bit for every little thing or do I give him a very big tip for the New Year? If I only tip him and no other service staff isn't that kind of rude? I'm also a tiny bit concerned that it would "corrupt" the situation as I really don't know if he's some kind of freak that just loves doing that sort of thing and it would be insulting to tip suggesting he was doing it for that. He keeps doing it, never hints in any way that I should tip, and I don't expect he would stop if I never tipped. Not sure at this point.
  14. Better to end the madness of that insurrectionist traitor being allowed on voting ballots!
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