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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. For the record Jewish people and Israel are NOT interchangeable.
  2. I call B.S ! Your own post I was replying to suggested other reasons and failed to mention racial ideology. You have no defense for that and either does Abbas.
  3. Good fun for you but please tell me what I said that was untrue.
  4. Nazi ideology about Jews was about RACE. They believed Jews are an inferior RACE and portrayed them as rats. A Jew being religious or not was irrelevant. Everyone wants to kill rats. Of course Jews are not a race but Nazi ideology said they are. The basis of Nazism ironically came from the American eugenics movement. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_eugenics
  5. You don't get it. We're subject to US laws regardless. Taxation FBAR FATCA Reporting if SS Policies if repatriation Laws financial institutions use as an excuse to close expat accounts Medicare abroad someday at least in Mexico? Etc etc
  6. Under their rules you're supposed to inform them of all residence address changes. So it's not exactly being honest, is it? People can make their own decisions but perhaps if more expats were honest about being expats showing our actual larger numbers we'd have some more clout in the US political system.
  7. In many countries the letter is every two years not every year. Yes if you tell them you live in the US no letters.
  8. We have sex criminals and strange behavior across all identifies. You're intentionally promoting anti LGBT hate. Now that's disgusting! Do your imaginary gay friends know you're obsessed with demonizing gay people that aren't "normal" enough for your rigid standards?
  9. Each person makes their own individual decisions on such matters. Not baffling at all.
  10. You might look into CBD oil as an alternative.
  11. Shoving it down your throat. There it is again. Totally reactionary. As said when countries try to attract LGBT tourists and expats of course they're seen as a bigger spending demographic and that's the reason. Also for trans people specifically Thailand has a large medical tourism industry for gender change surgeries.
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