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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Pushing back against the antisemitic holocaust equivalency narrative is not downplaying. It's calling out vile BS.
  2. It was going to happen regardless .The Zionist movement was well on the way by the start of ww2. Large amounts of land had legally been sold by Arabs to Jews by then.
  3. What a disgusting sleazy post! I never said anything of the kind and you know it
  4. It was happening anyway. It just would have taken longer. The antisemitism at the root of the holocaust had been going on for eons before the holocaust. The ideological underpinning of the Zionist movement was that Jews were continually persecuted in the diaspora so they needed a national homeland. The diaspora was from the ancient land that is now Israel, etc.
  5. Yes mostly gay men. Show your source for the mostly black assertion or it should be deleted.
  6. That's the narrative of the biased uninformed Israel was planned well before the holocaust. See Balfour Declaration. Zionist settlers had been there for very long before.
  7. Were Israelis victims of the holocaust? That would be some interesting revisionist history. The holocaust and the Israeli Palestinian conflict are separate issues.
  8. I'll ignore your "genocide" flame game but the majority of Palestinians do NOT accept the existence of Israel. See how that's worked out for them.
  9. That can be argued within limits. Holocaust equivalence cannot.
  10. I want to add that to suggest that Israel's role in the Israel - Palestinian Arab conflict has any equivalence to the holocaust is basically insane.
  11. That wasn't the question. It was about Palestine as an independent Arab State historically which it was not.. There was British Mandate Palestine which included Jews and before that Ottoman (Turkish rule). I was talking about more recent history. The area has changed hands numerous times. Palestinian Arab identity was created in more modern times by Arafat. This topic is not about whether Israel has a right to exist or not. It's about the ignorance of Abbas about the holocaust.
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