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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. It's America's version of the will of the people being crushed by dinosaurs. Shades of Thailand.
  2. You should worry about how it's been hijacked by right wing extremists. The newer radical right wing activists are younger which means their dirty work will stand for generations.
  3. Also of course the right wingers lie in confirmation hearings. Respect precedents! Like shell you do.
  4. I seriously doubt it! The policies to defang the generals and beer monopolies and to decentralize are unacceptable to the establishment as well.
  5. Of course it is. The right wing stole two seats. What do you expect? While the court can't be expected to be current with politics, this court is going backwards quickly. It's credibility has been destroyed. This is a danger for American democracy. If the people have no respect for important institutions there is nothing to hold it up. I'm sure right wingers understand the court has been unfairly hijacked. They might like the politics of that, but if they cared about the bigger issue, the viability of American democracy, they wouldn't be so gleeful.
  6. I never said they would care. As far as news, it is objective to news to report that the will of the people was crushed by the structure of the constitution. In a news item, what would be the point of saying that isn't good. Isn't that obvious?
  7. Voting won't cut it. What might work -- use your imagination and look at history in other countries. Are Thai people up to it? I wouldn't bet on it. Next ...
  8. It's not the job of responsible media to condemn in news items. That's for opinion and analysis articles.
  9. Mexico hasn't allowed direct coastal property ownership by foreigners for as long as I can remember. You have to do a 50 year renewable scheme for that. I see from the link there is another category of land that can be confiscated if you don't follow the complicated legal steps properly. Just don't buy land in that category. Details here https://www.liveandinvestoverseas.com/countries/mexico-countries/buying-property-mexico-step-by-step-guide-expats/
  10. Obviously never bothered to inform yourself about how Russia fomented armed separatist movements in Eastern Ukraine after they illegally stole Crimea.
  11. I don't know about Costa Rica but I don't think Mexican law has much changed about foreign ownership. Foreigners can own all over the country exactly the same as Mexicans EXCEPT within set distance to the ocean and also borders. For the exceptions, yes legal games need to be played and I suppose those arrangements are more risky.
  12. If it's open primary, I'm not even sure Harris will run. She'd have no chance. Newsom of course would run and I think a number of other interesting choices as well.
  13. Political office is not like corporate staffing. Anyway it's possible that Biden is just bluffing running in order not to be a premature lame duck. We'll know soon enough.
  14. But the magas will always filter out facts that don't support their world view.
  15. For option A Uncle Joe mostly just needs to perform as the president. You're forgetting that's very different than last time. Most of his travel can be office related. No need to Trump / Mussolini type rallies. Biden is not a cult like Trump No need to copy that hot mess of ugly chaos.
  16. Yes of course but I think Trump has visions of a Trump family DYNASTY as well. Keep in mind his core maga base actually WORSHIPS the man as a demigod and that's quite North Korean.
  17. It was a TROLL question and you know it. I try to not waste my time talking to members who have shown a pattern of being disingenuous, so thus I take my leave from further communication.
  18. I will not be discussing that section with you or anyone else, as per the laws of Kingdom of Thailand. I'm an expat. This isn't my fight. I'm just watching.
  19. Like winning the powerball lottery is possible. Realistically, it is not.
  20. Given the structure of the Thai constitution, I think its IMPOSSIBLE for any candidate to win enough seats without the need for the senators. You would prefer? Again, as I explained, that doesn't mean he would have won, and then he would have been soiled, and his young base would not have been impressed with that.
  21. Why didn't Pita compromise? Obviously I don't know, but I have an idea. If he had, he likely still wouldn't become PM, and even if he did, it would be a hollow win to have betrayed his voters, just another corrupt politician who doesn't stick to any core principles. But going down "pure" as he's a young man, perhaps he's playing the long game. A martyr as it were for Thai democracy. No guarantee such a gamble will even bear fruit, but at least he can look himself in the mirror without barfing.
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