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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. He was obviously joking around. But go ahead being terminally literal. The larger point is that trump leads a white nationalist movement.
  2. I have no idea what you're suggesting but I reject the absurd concept that you know what Harvey Milk would think.
  3. False equivalences. I don't believe many pretty girls are committing suicide because of being bullied for being pretty. On the other hand this is really a thing: https://edition.cnn.com/2020/05/26/health/lgbtq-bullying-suicides/index.html Many LGTBQ youth who die by suicide are bullied before their death, study finds A new study looking at hundreds of LGBTQ youth who died by suicide finds that many were bullied before their death, adding to a growing body of evidence showing how bullying can result in deadly consequences. The study found that death records of LGBTQ youth who died by suicide were about five times more likely to mention bullying compared to records of non-LGBTQ youth. Younger children appeared to be at greatest risk. Two-thirds of LGBTQ children age 10 to 13 who died by suicide, for example, were bullied before their death. -- I think gay martyr Harvey Milk speaks to this:
  4. Interesting. I stand corrected. It would never occur to me to call the restaurant when using a delivery service. As far as I'm concerned I'm doing business with the delivery service. I order through them and pay through them. I only complain when there is a real problem that I can document so.I get satisfaction when I do. From the delivery companies.
  5. No groups are monoliths! None! Why is that so difficult for people to understand? There are always debates and disagreements wherever there are people of any kind involved. As I was around during the early stages of the post Stonewall Gay Liberation movement I remember years of controversy about exactly how to include lesbians in the movement. Many lesbians wanted to be totally separate and no doubt many still do. So this coalition grew organically over many years and controversy never goes away and never will. LGBTQ don't have a democratic government on whether to include this group or that group. I suppose there is a sort of consensus that a coalition of sexual orientation and or gender identity related minority groups is better just because of greater numbers so politicians might pay more attention because more votes are at stake. My personal opinion is that it would be very crappy to drop this or that specific group just because they are being more scapegoated than the other groups in some countries. Transgender people and drag queens even more so considering the origin story of the Stonewall Riots. They won't be dropped unless they overwhelmingly choose to be dropped which they won't. There is one exception that I'm aware of. In the early years of the movement a pro pedo group was allowed to participate in parades. There really weren't any filters. Any group could march. Obviously they should never have been allowed. They were kicked out and I'm sure that there was overwhelming support for that!
  6. TNT gets it! Start at 13:40. He correctly disses reactionary critics of the Pride parades as the Pride parades are a key vehicle to promote the civil rights that Thai LBGTQ people are lacking.
  7. This makes no sense. When there are errors in orders you complain to the delivery company. The delivery company calls the restaurant for their side of the story and then if a decision is made to refund it comes from the delivery company.
  8. That's about TIBETAN Buddhism which is Mahāyāna Buddhism. Thai Buddhism is Theravada. Are Catholics the same as Mormons or Unitarians? In any case if it is true that this is about karmic consequences in Thai Buddhism, that's not the same kind of "anti-gay" dogma that we see in the west. Thailand really is a very different place for westerners. Getting deeper than the superficial in Thailand is arguably a rare thing for westerners.
  9. Here we go. LIVE | Trump’s hearing to take place at Miami courthouse following indictment
  10. About f-rangs perceiving western style homophobia in Buddhist Thailand, I neglected to consider that there are other religions here. Dare I say that I've personally experienced some very obvious homophobia in Thailand, but it was in the south from Thai Muslims. Pretty much the same (bad) feeling as western homophobia.
  11. There is a clue in the quote before that might point to why so many f-rangs think life for Thai LGBTS is better than it actually is. That is that westerners LGBT or straight know very well what homophobia is and we don't see very much overt Thai to Thai western style homophobia. But as suggested the negative aspects for LGBT Thais manifest themselves in Thai ways that f-rangs may be blind to picking up. Well it's a theory anyway!
  12. OK Thailand might have been or still is a "paradise" for gay EXPATS and TOURISTS but that's kind of side topic to what it's like for Thais.
  13. This link appears to be a treasure trove of very on topic information strongly confirming the assertion that Thailand is NOT a paradise for LGBT Thais. Interestingly it also appears to confirm contrary to a few responses here that there IS a Thai Buddhist belief that homosexuality is a negative karmic consequence. Buddhism matters as Thailand is one of the most religious nations on earth. Maybe the most! https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3039042/The-religious-countries-Earth-Thailand-place-56-U-S-saying-faith.html http://buddhism.lib.ntu.edu.tw/museum/TAIWAN/md/md08-52.htm Male Homosexuality and Transgenderism in the Thai Buddhist Tradition by Peter A. Jackson In my 1995 book Dear Uncle Go: Male Homosexuality in Thailand I argued that popular Western perceptions of a general tolerance of homosexuality in Thailand are to an extent inaccurate. While there are no legal or formal sanctions against homosexuality in Thailand, a wide range of cultural sanctions operate to stigmatise Thai homosexual men and women. These anti-homosexual sanctions are diffused throughout Thai Society rather than being focussed in any clearly definable institution or set of homophobic practices, as has historically been the case in most Western societies.
  14. How's the grub in Romanian hoosegows? I assume he's guilty but we'll see what happens.
  15. I am assuming that if that article existed you probably have left out all of the context. It's completely unbelievable that there was such an article in a teen magazine presented as you assert.
  16. Interesting. So you're an expert on the internal motivations of all trans people seeking gender affirming surgery? Color me skeptical. Very.
  17. Obviously sexual orientation and gender identity are very different things. Mutilation is deliberately a LOADED term. Do you call it mutilation when a lady gets a breast enlargement?
  18. Yes in certain areas that happens. The cartel becomes like local government. They provide employment, security if you don't oppose them, welfare for the poor, community services and facilities. Yes it's twisted but it's understandable that loyalty is built that way. Expats generally don't move into or visit such areas.
  19. Yes and no. Bullying combined with social media too often leads to suicide of the person being bulled. Schools should actively try to reduce it.
  20. It's a common tactic to claim homophobia is only about fear. Sometimes they might not know the real definition. But it happens so often that I think they usually do but act like they don't.
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