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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. If the Kremlin isn't paying him, they should be. Unpaid assets are called useful idiots for Putin.
  2. Following your example of Zelenskyophile you're saying you're a Putinphile.
  3. Try vaping then. I didn't suggest vaping before because it's an investment and we don't know how the laws will shake out. I suggest the Fenix Pro (about 4,000 baht) used at lower temps and if you learn how to use it, you won't cough and you'll be able to do all you need.
  4. So now people are against LGBT people getting health care cognizant of their needs? So much hostility.
  5. You ain't whistling Dixie. OK, Jackie O's relatives but close enough for jazz.
  6. Another one afflicted with terminal literalness. Transgender men and transgender women understand they are not the same as cisgender men and women. They are different. They know it. But they still want to live their best lives. This is diversity. No "mental institution" needed. I think your POV is cruel and heartless.
  7. But it's something that the west needs to prepare for as it becomes more the possibility.
  8. No incumbent president would bother debating with troll challengers. Get real.
  9. If nominated he would blow Uncle Joe out of the water. But maga fascist party is too stupid to nominate him.
  10. Nobody is scared of that nut job. Wishful thinking on your part.
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