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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. This guy is much more likely to be "first spouse" before the wife of DeSantis. Just saying as DeSantis has very little chance of beating the original maga Trump for the nominiation. So how do you rate him?
  2. Maybe. maybe not. "Sort" of a narcotic, whatever that means.
  3. Objectively it isn't and you lose all credibility trying to sell that lie. In my view, objections to weed are mostly based on CULTURE, not objective scientific reality.
  4. For me picking between Trump and DeSantis is picking between two different flavors of maga fascist demagogues. Ideally they'll damage each other badly.
  5. Liz Cheney. You don’t know her? A great American conservative republican American patriot. NOT MAGA!!!!
  6. This is going to hurt. Watching this show might hurt too, but for me in a good way. Dark dark dark! The adventures of a very non-stereotypical gay man as a stressed out NHS obstetrician (delivering babies). I am not a doctor so it's irrelevant to me how "authentic" the story is, but it does feel real. The satirical contrast to a private hospital vs. the NHS is delicious. Don't watch if depressed, it might trigger you. The lead actor is brilliant and funny. You've been warned.
  7. I guess you think that's funny. If you want to say gay people, say gay people. No need for silly dated euphemisms. In any case laws come from the legislature. Immigration enforces immigration law. The Move Forward Party is on record for marriage equality but not aware of any policy statements on same sex marriage between a Thai and a foreigner as far as immigration law.
  8. There he goes again! Very weak tea that DeSantis. This is a copy of the exact same complaint of Mr. Trump and his wife. Is this supposed to steal Trump votes?
  9. Many people actually do that but I reckon for most people that would get very boring much quicker than that.
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