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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. ‘Your Honor’ Ending With Season 2 at Showtime — Bryan Cranston Drama | TVLine
  2. Some are saying the vomit scene was too much. Woody Harrelson was brilliant as the communist ship's captain. You didn't like OK it's your taste.
  3. That happened to me too. I recognized the movie to have substance but decided I just wasn't in the mood for it at that time. But it's definitely on my list for later when I am in the mood even before the awards.
  4. Well up.to you but the film is a SATIRE and often satire doesn’t play like less sophisticated laugh out loud comedy. It's a head laugh. I do strongly defend the movie. It's award winning and the cliffhanger ending will have you searching online for clues. Also to note the South African actress that played the strikingly beautiful female model character Charlbi Dean has tragically died of a sudden illness.
  5. Your Honor season 2 turned out to be excellent. But now it's really over
  6. In fairness, Russians know they are a pariah nation now to westerners. Thailand is more or less neutral on the war, but I would guess Russians will be even more insular here than before. Even if they're anti Putin, to westerners, they are Russians, and we don't know what they are.
  7. It's gonna be wild (Jan 6) Stand back and stand by (Proud boys) Here he goes again. Trump, as stated before, like a Mafia Boss, speaks in code. The violent white nationalist right wing extremists know the code. It's not that hard to know but he hopes it give him plausible deniability. He's a freakin' menace to society! Trump sending a coded message to the far-right with the location of next rally: experts - Raw Story - Celebrating 19 Years of Independent Journalism Another thing to note. Trumpist incited violence won't necessarily be where the feds expect it like New York, DC, and Atlanta. It can happen anywhere in the U.S.
  8. That's a good list. I know many of those but obviously not all. Phaenang doesn’t belong as number one. That's crazy! Some dishes that are missing. Doro wat Ethiopian chicken Stew Fesenjen Persian pomegranate chicken Stewed Chicken mole Mexican includes chocolate Chinese clay pot cuisine There are so many though. My favorite is probably oyster with roast pork. I have yet to find a Chinese restaurant in Thailand with a good clay pot menu. Sigh.
  9. Somebody is nobody but they get around.
  10. Fair maybe but that's double the fare.
  11. Before we get too smug, I just heard that the Trumpists online are calling for a run on all the banks when Trump gets indicted. I say when, because if not in the Stormy case, it will be somewhere else. Obviously not all of them will do that, but that's the kind of action that could really cause havoc ... globally. Trump Supporters Plan Bank Run to Protest His Arrest (newsweek.com)
  12. Yes but many want to leave for good and options for stable permanent residency are very limited for most Russians. So many are stressed about that, finances, and leaving their friends/ family/property back in Z-land. Also their government has said some very nasty things about them and some of their friends and family likely agree with that.
  13. It's definitely the case and you would know that if you did any basic research. Putin's propaganda is very effective. But younger Russians do tend to be less likely to be Z Zombies. Avoiding the draft does not mean anti-war. Only a small percentage are activists.
  14. You're confusing people with Mexican background with the Mexican nation state. By your "logic" the USA is taking over San Miguel de Allende Mexico.
  15. Mexico is not annexing the USA in any way. To me Putin is acting like Hitler but you just want to resort to whataboutism.
  16. Actually there is very little gay content in the film and in my view it didn't feel overly long by even a second. I know what you mean about long films. I usually prefer 90 minutes or so but in case where your attention is fully engaged it doesn't matter if much longer. I liked the opening male model scene (it conveyed a humorous and probably true theme about cheap fashion vs luxury consumer items) but I don’t think not liking it would necessarily translate to not liking the movie. It was hardly pornographic or even titillating so I find your negative reaction to it odd.
  17. It's hilarious to me that there are still people that refuse to acknowledge the huge wave of Russians avoiding the war anywhere they are allowed to go including Thailand. Even Putin admits that.
  18. Another one that bought the Kremlin propaganda. What language they speak is irrelevant. Those are stolen lands. End of.
  19. So it's OK with you then if Mexico annexes the American Southwest? Also steals American children to brainwash them?
  20. Calling some Russians good Russians might be problematic.
  21. A star is born. Sanctioned Ivan featured on UK Channel 4. From Russia to Turkiye to Pattaya with love.
  22. The point is that Putin will not show up at the UN or any other of the nations that will arrest him if he shows up for the rest of his life.
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