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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. The Putin apologist attacks on this war crimes charge are remarkably weak.
  2. Putin has been openly broadcasting Nazi style war crimes stealing and brainwashing Ukrainian children on Russian state tv!
  3. Biden was stealing Syrian children that weren't orphans to brainwash them to later fight their own country?
  4. What was the point of that remark other than to broadcast classic right wing attacks that Biden is a puppet of whatever conspiracy theory they're pushing at the moment?
  5. Yes they are political trials only and there are no criminal consequences to being convicted in the senate.
  6. People saying Mr. Donald didn't incite violence January 6th and isn't inciting violence now are simply gaslighting. Don't fall for that noise!
  7. This is one of multiple possible indictments and may be the most minor one even with felony charges.
  8. Don't forget it's going to be wild. Trump acts like a Mafia Don as Cohen has revealed. When a mafia Don wants a hit he doesn't say do a hit. He says take care of the problem. That gets the message accross.
  9. There is the hope that his incitement of civil war can be seen by judges in cases as fair grounds to imprison and muzzle him, as would happen with any other TERRORIST.
  10. He's a kind of terrorist now. He cares nothing about America. He's willing to destroy America just to save his grifter ass. I would rate America's enemies now this way: Russia Trump China The founders could only do so much. They could have never imagined a trump.
  11. LDS dogma prohibits masturbation and certainly homosexual acts but that hasn't stopped a booming industry of Mormon gay porn. Their magic underwear is fetching. It can be confusing because missionary elders are actually twinks.
  12. Can someone kindly tell me how / where to buy sour diesel for a wonderful price? PM I presume. Thank you.
  13. Crypto according to Sanctioned Ivan youtube. He's now in Turkiye but headed to Pattaya. He's a flippin legend.
  14. This was fantastic. Somewhat similar to.White Lotus.
  15. This is inevitable. It's like robotics for intellectual work. Andrew Yang on Real Time overtime today said his large employer friends are already talking about laying off about 40 percent of their workforce. Somehow I don't think all of those people are going to become social media influencers. This tech can now pass US bar (lawyer) exams at a 90 percent rate. Surely the value of even employed intellectual workers will be cheapened.
  16. Let his crazed armed militias try and stop the justice system. It won't be a surprise this time. They will be easily and totally crushed. This will only be the beginning. The first indictment. There are more indictments coming and of course then the trials and possible convictions. If Trump keeps this up trying to start a civil war over his own personal well deserved legal problems, then he should be jailed and kept from further violent incitements.
  17. When he starts explicitly inciting violence I hope there is a legal way to muzzle him.
  18. Why is "German man" in quotes? Was there something non German or non man about this unfortunate person?
  19. This anti-woke obsession is Putinesque. Just as Putin hopes to erase the nation of Ukraine and Ukrainian nationality identity (impossible), the anti-woke neofascists hope to erase acknowledgement of the very existence of transgender men and women.
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