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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. One copy only. I can confirm that with 100 percent confidence. Yes.
  2. Well, I agree Israeli democracy is being degraded (somewhat of an international trend) but I think your analysis sounds off. Yes strange coalitions are needed to take power but if the more moderate and left parties had enough voters they could take power from the far right, but they don't.
  3. Looking into the background of Man With A Movie Camera led me this:
  4. This is an experimental Soviet film done in 1929. Not appreciated in its time, it now can be found on lists of ten best movies of all time. Not for everyone, ha ha.
  5. Being terminally literal is a terrible thing. You might understand this better if you study the race politics of the Dominican Republic. There you can learn the difference between social perceptions and biology. Another example Brazilians wouldn't consider Obama black but Americans do. Again these social constructs vary radically depending on the national culture.
  6. I won't comment on the foreign currency thing when mixed with multiple accounts but technically multiple accounts are OK according to the law. But when I think multiple for an extension, I think of two accounts. The more complexity that you add to your application the more work it is for immigration to figure out if you've complied with the balance requirements throughout the year. So I would say it is quite ill advised to submit an overly complicated application. Not everything is black and white.
  7. He's become a parody of himself (in a very dark comedy).
  8. Of course I meant with a family history not without. The majority of American blacks have that family history.
  9. Sure both sides but how is that supposed to happen? If just the Israelis magically elected a liberal government that wouldn't magically result in peace.
  10. He considers himself black and the majority of American blacks consider him black. They do consider him different than American blacks without a family history of slavery in America though. If you don't understand what social construct means, there are ways to learn.
  11. I wasn't talking about skin color. Racial classifications are SOCIAL CONSTRUCTS and they vary radically between different countries. Again, and this is a FACT, in the American racial context, Obama is definitely BLACK. Cheers
  12. That's a very weird post because to enroll in Part B you don't need a U.S. address. Yes for expats like me enrolled in Part B, that's about 170 a month for nothing. But for Advantage you do need a U.S. address and you still pay for Part B. Not sure if you're American but I'd say the majority of U.S. expats play some kinds of games claiming a U.S. address of a relative or friend for such things as banking and credit cards. etc. My information says a majority of expats in Colombia use their U.S. address for Social Security because there really isn't postal service in Colombia so complying with the proof of life letters is very problematical. I really don't mind that you're saying that using a US address for Social Security and/or Medicare is a kind of fraud. I wouldn't really argue with you. But so is lying to banks, etc. What are the consequences if found out? Arguably nothing or minimal. It's something for each expat to consider every time they use a U.S. address when they actually live abroad. I'm not the morality police and neither are you.
  13. I don't believe that Ukraine is targeting civilian targets but it's very useful for Putin to charge them with that.
  14. OK, fair enough. I'm not in his target market so I haven't really noticed what you're saying but after all he's not running a charity!
  15. You're largely right about the Nomad Capitalist. The site exists to attract high net worth clients. He doesn't hide that at all. But I disagree that there is no value in some of the videos for others not in his target audience. I will continue to click the ones that interest me. Cheers.
  16. Yes and No. There is always the hope that fellow Kremliniks will sense his weakness and send him out to pasture. But then we have the problem of who replaces him. Could be worse!
  17. Yes. I am considering the alternative plan because I'm not sure I want to take the risk of playing with changing SS and Medicare addresses as I've been Thai based so long and the address I would use is just a friend's address, I fear it would be red flagged as potential fraud. This information on Advantage may be cleaner for people who have not made a SS claim yet. They could start with a US address, avoid proof of life letters, then at 65 enroll in Part B also with their US address and buy an Advantage plan from this broker IF it works in Thailand! Then if they get flagged it might be seen as more innocent than changing later just to use this insurance tactic.
  18. Truth in posting: Be clear is as yet NOT CONFIRMED that the plans this broker is selling to expats in Mexico and Panama will work the same or at all in Thailand. So if it turns out not, then y'all can ignore all of this EXCEPT the part in his video where he makes an alternative insurance suggestion for those under 65, which if Advantage didn't work in Thailand would apply to over 65 as well.
  19. The responses here underline the fact that reactions to this maybe possible use of Advantage for Expats depends very much on your specific situation. Such as -- Your current age What benefits you might bring into retirement (such as military, employer carryovers, etc.) What age you start SS and whether you've started it yet. Using a Thai or US address? Your history with Medicare if you are 65 plus. Using a Thai or US address? Have you been paying Part B? Have you paying supplements if using a US address? I could go on. As I'm not an AI bot and can't possibly cover every situation, I did start this topic by relating it to my situation, but of course my situation is my situation and there are many other situations that would change how to approach things. My situation: Took an early SS claim Thai address Part A Medicare started at 65. I opted into Part B (to avoid penalties if I repatriate) also at age 65. Cost is now about 170 per month (down the drain).
  20. Not so much as the protesters there would quickly be hauled off in vans.
  21. I don't think it really matters whether Putin meets the definition of "mad man" or not. You are definitely correct that Putin fears losing power and also his life if he can't paint the outcome in Ukraine in some way as a victory. I agree Putin has no desire or intention to use nukes and I agree it is unlikely that he will. He bluffs a lot and it works out for him well by giving fuel to the isolationists in the west who are ready to cave to him under nuclear threats. But where I disagree with you is your certainty, I think we are the highest risk of nuclear war since the Cuban crisis and that was very close to happening. I think Putin very well MIGHT use a smaller nuke on a concentration of Ukrainians gathering to retake Crimea. For Putin losing Crimea means losing the war completely and almost certain death of himself. He knows all about window flying accidents. For Putin, Putin is Russia, so losing Crimea is an existential threat to Russia (his own sorry ass). Start with one nuke and then the war MUST escalate from that, which means of course a possible or even probably full nuclear war. The risk of this can't be quantified but it is real and even if it's one percent that is way too much!
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