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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. I'm not buying it. The majority still support Russia in the war. The repression wouldn't have ever gotten this bad if they hadn't accepted Putin's deal. There was a window of opportunity in the 90s for Russia to not go in the direction that it did, and they blew it. I hold this to all countries including my own. All citizens are part of the picture even though most do nothing, and that is a big part of a lot of problems. There is a difference between responsibility and blame.
  2. I'm not sure that Russia didn't deserve what happened to them. They accepted a deal with Putin to ignore politics as long as their material quality of life was improving. This is where it got them. Is there not at least some collective responsibility to that entire society? As far as the war, I think it might be apt to compartmentalize news like this. Of course the human tragedy, the pain of those killed or injured is just as real on the Russian side, the waste of life, the grief of their families. But the context is a war where Russia is the invading country. So as far as the war box goes, of course it's good if the enemy side suffers high casualties, even more so when like in this case, one side which is Russia is clearly the offending one.
  3. Pretty predictable as the entire Maga movement (which dominates the right wing republican party trump or not) is decidedly hostile to scientists and experts and so called intellectual elites (often as code for antisemitism). Reminds me a bit of the Chinese cultural revolution. Let's put the dumbest people in charge and exile people that actually know stuff. I feel this maga thing is massively more socially dangerous than any excesses that so called "woke" may have, and of course, there are some excesses.
  4. Yes exactly. As I'm not a medical professional, I have wondered in what situations surgery would be appropriate before 18. The needs for hormones and puberty blockers for some selected people is obvious. For surgery, all I could think of are people born with ambiguous genitals who are declared a gender at birth and then it turns out the person doesn't think they are that gender at all! That would likely happen very early in such a child's life. I assume that in such cases surgery to make their genitals fit their gender identity would be a huge benefit to them socially and psychologically as they grow up. But hey, these right winger demogogues really don't care about these children. Let's make it all illegal! That'll make them a maga-rific winner.
  5. Yes one of the most qualified men to ever serve as president. Thank God he beat the clown grifter.
  6. Not a joke These maga fascists are criminalizing medically neccessary health care to a demonized minority just to get more votes. That is EVIL. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/gender-dysphoria/symptoms-causes/syc-20475255 "Adolescents and adults with gender dysphoria without gender-affirming treatment might be at risk of thinking about or attempting suicide."
  7. I will also add that NOT taking puberty blockers is an irreversible decision. Those trans people that do will have a great lifetime benefit for having done so before puberty . No politician fascist maga or otherwise should dictate such momentous decisions. Of course nobody is suggesting that medical and psychological screening isn't needed for such things.
  8. The subject here is trans non binary etc. LGB people are generally cisgender and don't need gender affirming medical care. While it's true that the American right wing is usually but not always anti LGBTQ civil rights in general, trans, non binary, drag queens etc. have been selected by the republican bigots for extra special scapegoating.
  9. Trans Americans suffer violence and murders at higher levels. The righr wing doesn't care. In fact they inflame it.
  10. No way. These right wing laws all come from the American right wing party. Totally political.
  11. Actually these laws will directly result in more suicides of trans youth.
  12. Yes it is very common indeed to advance in politics by oppressing hated minorities.
  13. I call BS. If your theory applies then why aren't assault weapons banned when there are multiple mass gun massacres of children? Please be honest. These laws are about hatred and intolerance of an especially unpopular minority passed only for political.gain.
  14. I get the feeling that Putin wouldn't care if was 10,000 a day. He will keep going and going and going. Ukraine needs to WIN, Ukraine's allies need to stop namby-pambying around and saying the same out loud and making sure that it happens. That's the only way that Putin will ever stop.
  15. It's not about calories or will power. It's much more about HORMONES. Simply counting calories and doing what you think is a deficit WILL NOT WORK because your metabolism will slow down dramatically, you will be miserably hungry, and you will stop losing weight, even start gaining it while feeling starved on the same calorie number.
  16. No it won't! Also of course Ukraine lands occupied by Russia are not Russia.
  17. Nobody is advocating pushing children. That's a fear mongering red herring. The what's taught and discussed in schools and fascist laws to make LGBT people invisible is really separate from fascist laws that seek to ban and criminalize medical care. This topic is the latter Of course this is political!!!!! It's interesting how American maga fascism and Putin fascism are quite aligned on these types of issues. https://www.teenvogue.com/story/trans-people-right-wing-media The Narrative on Trans Rights Is Being Shaped by Right-Wing Media
  18. You're not going to get much serious thought from super maga extremists like Noem.
  19. People, don't conflate issues about what happens or not in schools to medical treatments such as prescribing hormones etc. Schools don't offer medical therapies
  20. Kristi Noem as is customary among these far right wing maga anti-trans demagogues is very much pro guns and very much anti gun control. People that think such people care about children in any way are very mistaken. These anti trans laws have nothing to do with protecting children. It's all politics. Demonizing trans people for political gain is the flavor of the decade among these opportunist Maga-heads. They don't stop there unless good people stop them. They don't call them culture WARS for nothing.
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