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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. In any case it won't be a cake walk. As it stands now, the republicans are structured to nominate somebody that is maga fascist type, whether it's trump, DeSantis, or another one of their bozos. Old school non maga fascist republicans still don't have a chance. Trump himself is fading away, but Trumpism is tragically still very much alive.
  2. You know, totally useless saccharine sentiments of sending our hopes and prayers to the victims families would be remarkably better than the "they had it coming" and "Israel shouldn't have ever existed in the first place" type of posts here.
  3. All because trumpist fascist demagogue DeSantis hopes to be president. DeSantis Is 'Very Dangerous Individual' Without Trump's Drama: Expert (businessinsider.com)
  4. Major well deserved black-lash against trumpist fascist DeSantis in Florida. When he says anti woke its transparent bigot code for anti LGBT, anti women's rights, anti black, and anti immigrant. According to recent reports he is fixing to run for president. If nominated he shouldn't expect a coronation. The grand democratic party coalition is ready to deflate this cynical demagogue.
  5. I knew that but I was suggesting vendors might demand a tax for eating anyway. No free food!
  6. That's more than a little over the top. But Stalin's mass murdering can fairly be compared to Hitler. Putin on the other hand is an evil genocidal war criminal but has a ways to go before Hitler territory. On an abstract level yes all Russians do have some collective responsibility for Putin's war of choice but for the majority not very much. Like I might have a wee bit of responsibility for the US war in Iraq just for being American but not enough to lose any sleep over.
  7. Its causing incredible unity and resolve in the west. It is decreasing the chances that China will China will attack Taiwan.
  8. Many will then bop around to places they can go next such as Vietnam and Thailand will be on their rotation. They don’t have the best passport these days.
  9. For Russia's goals, how is it working for global economics. Europe has said bye bye to their gas and can live with that. Russia sells the gas at deeply discounted prices only to far away places where the transport costs are horrific. The ruble is being artificially propped up and that is not going to last. Russia has lost many of it's best and brightest who have fled the country offering their talents to other countries. If you say, their friendship with China, that is BS. China is not a real friend. They are thrilled to see Russia weakened so dramatically.
  10. They're not conquering, They've already demoted themselves to a middle level power, at best.
  11. Not exactly. ALL EU. In Asia, Singapore, South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan. Also Australia and New Zealand.
  12. True but if Russia does that, then NATO can then legitimately target Russia itself.
  13. Overreacting to Putin's nuclear bluffing threats is playing right into his hand and makes people useful idiots for Putin. Don't do it. Sure the possibility has increased because of this war, but neither side wants it, because MAD is still in effect, so it's more of a matter of increased risk because of mistakes and miscommunication.
  14. I'm surprised the restaurants didn't try to make him pay. If the guy needed the food, he needed the food, but using the same utensils is gross.
  15. It would hardly be surprising if he has some preexisting immigration issues. Maybe cooperating with the press was a cry for help? But it's doubtful that "help" is what he's gonna get.
  16. My impression from the esteemed Vlad Vexler about Russians back in Russia. 20 percent Gung Ho Putin Z fascists 20 percent strongly anti war / anti Putin regime 60 percent aggressively apolitical As far as the draft dodgers probably a higher percentage are anti war but probably the majority only became political when the politics came knocking at their door threatening their lives. I'd say consider each Russian with respect initially and don't make any silly assumptions either way. Very few saints among them which you could say for any nationality.
  17. Definitely true but most that do will be smart enough to lie to westerners while outside of Russia.
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