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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Hard core Zionist. As if Zionism is a bad thing. No translation needed.
  2. As I've said the most logical eventual path forward is a binational state with the then minority Jews rights fully protected by its constitutional structure and perhaps UN or US security presence. No two state solution. Thats over. No way for the Arabs to destroy the Jewish character including the right of return. Details? I haven't a clue. Great leadership will be required on both sides. Nothing like that now. The carrots for the Arabs would be improved quality of life, prosperity, health care, education, LGBT rights, and peace dividends. Being partnered with Israel among the most advanced nations could be an incredible step forward for the Arabs in that region.
  3. Don't even bother trying to conflate those situations That is disingenuous and perverted. You and others claim no side Bull!. Its the side of anti Zionism, Israel demonization, and no regard for the right of Israel to exist It is truly nauseating.
  4. Historical fact about the persecution for thousands of years in the diaspora. That is as real as it gets even if you don’t get it. That's what gave rise to political Zionism long before the holocaust. It's OK if you're anti Zionist. But the Zionists won. So now what?
  5. Some do. Some do. Also to note the fascist regime in Russia is trying to ban Russian companies from using draft dodgers remote services.
  6. Yeah but lots have no advanced skills. Not to mention tech companies are shedding workers now.
  7. Never mind the history of the Jewish people during thousands of years in the diaspora.
  8. The Arabs rejected the partition. The Grand Mufti actively tried to get Hitler to extend the holocaust to the middle east. Refugee camps? Whu didn't the Arab world integrate them? Compare to how the Jews expelled by the Jewish Nakba got over being refugees very fast and normally . Your use of the word concentration camps of Arabs sounds intentionally inflammatory in the historical context As I suspected you have no realistic alternative Just the same old demonize Israel garbage. So what now?
  9. Arabs in the region never have and never would have agreed to the establishment of a Zionist state in Israel. To suggest otherwise is totally ridiculous and obnoxiius misinformation. The early Zionist movement settlers thought they could build their new homeland gradually and succeed over time. They bought a lot of land from the Arabs who sold it willingly for the reasons anyone sells anything. During WW2 before Israel was a state the Grand Muslim Mufti of Jerusalem moved to Berlin and got a promise from Hitler to exterminate all the Jews in the middle east which Hitler could not fulfill because he lost the war.
  10. It's not necessary to believe in the old testament to support Zionism. The origins of Zionism are political not religious. It was a very rational and very necessary response to the fact that the Jewish people had been persecuted for thousands of years in the diaspora so the solution was seeking the power of a nation state in a Jewish homeland. Yes it didn't need to be where it is to meet that goal.. It could have been in Uganda, Arizona, or some other place. But it is in Israel and being in the ancient homeland of the Jewish people brings with it pros and cons.
  11. They know there are no consequences for ignoring it so naturally remembering to hand it out is low priority
  12. I assume you use Jomtien office. You can ignore that report orders. There are no consequences if you do.
  13. Very old news. People commenting on possible solutions should really keep up on OLD NEWS at the very least. There was a time when a two state solution was still realistic. That is LONG GONE. There is consensus agreement on this on both sides. It's not really a matter of serious debate. Why there can never be a two-state solution | Conflict News | Al Jazeera 2017 At this point, it's not a matter of what people want or what people think is fair, it's a matter of the best possible plans going forward considering the actual hard baked in realities.
  14. Yes, the west bank settlements are there to stay. Yet another reason that it's too late to take the two state solution seriously.
  15. The DeSantis book banning storm troopers on a roll. Like the Chinese "cultural" revolution, the stupidest people have seized power. It's not only in Florida manlandia. This kind of idiocy is showing up in many places all over the country. Call the "woke busters": Ron DeSantis sends volunteer army to snatch books from students' hands | Salon.com
  16. Another idea that neither side will ever agree to. Yes, I know you're being sarcastic but some won't. Next ..
  17. Neither side sees a two state solution as viable. Thats water under the bridge at this point.
  18. Exactly. It's disgusting They are either completely ignorant of the history of the Jewish people or worse.
  19. Every place with lots of American tourists.
  20. The way American tourists tip has corrupted so many places in the world so I wouldn't call it a positive side.
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