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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Yeah I'm definitely skeptical. Surfshark seems to be hinting that they're offering this feature without explicitly saying it which of course suggests they don't actually have it. Another thing they have is an entire page detailing the benefits of using a VPN for bank logins without mentioning the issue of banks sometimes freezing accounts of such users. Another small clue. I watch a major YouTube channel of some American expats in Mexico. They sell Surfshark as an affiliate program and they feature US bank logins as a major reason to buy it never mentioning any problems on the banks side. So I am left wondering if Surfshark or any other VPN actually solves this issue.
  2. Yeah. This is real! To those that don't know, the New York Post is a right wing newspaper.
  3. I have actually. But issues with this form are not really their area. I think the place to go with such problems is MANILA FBU.
  4. I was just today shopping for a VPN to watch the World Cup but also interested in logins to US banks, etc. Coincidentally Surfshark is leading. But I have a question. obfuscated servers? Doesn’t using them indicate streamers and banks etc. won't be able to tell you're using a VPN and less likely to block access? Or am getting this wrong? https://surfshark.com/features/obfuscated-servers
  5. Or at the very least cut off his "Diet" Cokes! Notice that the market isn't exactly excited about his announcement.
  6. Manila has this formal form now to initiate contact. Form 7162 issues is an option on the drop down menu but there isn't a way to include a file there. I think it might be good to start with the form and then hope they reply and if they want a scan, they would presumably email and request it. FBU Inquiry Form - U.S. Embassy in the Philippines (usembassy.gov)
  7. Donald J Trump will never be president again. Everyone knows that. This running is a ruse to try to pressure against indictments.
  8. And keeping his ample keister out of the hoosegow.
  9. Keep in mind the show money report and the balance maintenance rules which cover the entire year are totally different. The report you may skip. The balance maintenence rules you must comply with (or if not seek an agent or start over). I am concerned that some of our dear elder expats might think that they don’t have to learn and comply with the balance maintenance rules. That is not the case.
  10. Not really that easy. You have update your bank book which for some people involves needing to go on a bank. You need to do copies. You need to schlep to Immigration. Hardly just a few minutes. But you don’t need to do it at all because there is no consequence to not doing it. I dare say there is no benefit to doing it either. . What matters is actually following the balance maintenance rules THROUGHOUT THE YEAR. Not only 3 months. You can submit that optional report but if you fall out of balance compliance later in the year your application will be rejected regardless.
  11. Yeah. Twice impeached. Led a failed coup attempt. Attracted the worse kind of racist far right wing followers. Very likely to be indicted on multiple felony counts including possibly treason. They broke the mold when they made him.
  12. Trump can't win the presidency with such speeches but he can win the nomination as all he needs for that is 25 to 30 percent of Republican voters. His movement which admits is a movement is a classic political cult of personality. To his cult members it matters little what he says. What matters is that it is him Dear Leader I alone can fix it who says it. But his problem is that his obnoxious inflammatory act has grown very stale It has little chance of attracting enough new cultists.
  13. He still has his base 25 to 30 percent which will give him the primary win if there are multiple opponents like last time. One on one vs. DeSantis would be a real contest.
  14. Poor Melania. I reckon she's contractually obligated to occasionally stand by his side onstage. Cringe city.
  15. The biggest loser is running for president again again. But actually his odds of winning the nomination are very high if he has multiple opponents.
  16. Of course there are such laws. He's scapegoating LGBT people just like Putin. He's making LGBT people's very existence to be invisible in schools in ALL GRADES. He's responsible for spikes in anti LGBT violence and LGBT youth suicide. There was a recent case in Miami where a school wanted to cover LGBT history in a 12th grade class. It was denied by the school board in response to fear of financial consequences from the fascist DeSantis law.
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