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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Jingthing


    The need for surgery for phimosis is not too uncommon. Phimosis - Wikipedia
  2. Jingthing


    Of course but with a divisive topic like this, pretty much unavoidable. So here goes -- you don't miss what you don't know.
  3. This is interesting. I've been suffering from very itchy scalp myself. I think probably eczema because I have that generally. I also take meds for low thyroid, don't get me started ... I've been experimenting with mild shampoos, scalp care shampoo when the itching gets worse, limited conditioning and avoiding going deep with it. Also not shampooing at all every day, sometimes skipping two or three days. Another weird thing. I haven't really noticed any visible dandruff or flaking. I have noticed when using scalp care shampoo there is a burning sensation. Just saw this and it has me wondering. Obviously, not for everyone ... but maybe for some? Are you down with the NO POO movement?
  4. Jingthing


    I really don't think that's typical. There usually would be pain involved and afterwards for I don't know how many days while healing. With babies too but they don't remember it later.
  5. Jingthing


    Sex partners usually prefer what they're more used to in their experience and culture with exceptions like fetishists (who are more likely to be into cut than not). If you cut the chances of him complaining about it later are remote and the chances of there being a medical problem with not cutting are more likely.
  6. Jingthing


    Is there even one mohel operating in Thailand and if there were what they do is based on a ritual ceremony so they wouldn't be interested in just doing a soulless cut job.
  7. I admit to being humanity centric but happy days might be coming for cock-a-raaches (sic).
  8. I get the impression that Trumpists assume democrats will react to possible indictments of Hunter or his Daddy the same way they react to possible indictments of Trump and his family members. In other words, threatening civil war. The hilarious thing is that democrats are totally OK with ANY citizen being subject to accountability if they are convicted of serious crimes. It's really like there are two countries. One pro democracy. One pro autocracy.
  9. Trump's crimes are way too serious far that, but if convicted he won't go to prison. He'll be locked up at Mar a Lago.
  10. It seems that way but hopefully his Russian insider peers will stop him before it's late. An alternative would be if he can create some kind of fiction of some kind of victory. That's more of a battlefield issue.
  11. Because Zelensky is showing the world anew that democracy and freedom are worth fighting for and Putin is showing the world that leaders can sometimes give Hitler a run for his money in the total evil department.
  12. Not initially, but at that point the ball will be in Putin's court as far as devastating escalation, and a court ruled by Putin is a court you don't want the future of the earth to be subject to,
  13. Politically speaking, this was an issue that the republicans could have owned (and benefitted from) as they do have a libertarian side to them (outside of culture wars things like LGBT civil rights and abortion rights). So it is also a great thing that President Biden has made this step to make marijuana decriminalization something identified with the democratic party.
  14. Nothing wrong with pandering for votes if the actions are good for the country, and this action is definitely that.
  15. He is actively advocating that it be done at the state level. US presidents aren't dictators (not yet anyway) so he has done all he can at the executive level.
  16. Yeah that's the right wing (demonize "Brandon") line and it has become very tiresome. The idea isn't original. Nobody said it was. Be HE did it! Credit where credit is due, dude!
  17. Ukrainians are fighting for the survival of their country. Putin invaded with evil genocidal intentions. To suggest a moral equivalence is DISGUSTING!
  18. Well yes I do think about Vietnam. I knew some draft dodgers but all were active dissenters (but the penalties for that were mild compared to Russia). I was an active dissenter myself, sorry, Okies from Muskokies. About Russians fleeing. Come on man. Can you name one time in world history where there has been such a dramatic and large wave of "draft dodgers" fleeing any other country?
  19. Yes, of course. My personal impression (to back this up watch videos from the 1420 channel) the vast majority of Russians have been lulled to declare themselves apolitical with the attitude that political matters are for politicians only. So I assume that applies to the draft dodgers as well. A minority of them (many escaped long before the mobilization) are actual dissenters, and another minority were personally against the war but understandably intimidated by the harsh penalties for expressing that. But I am convinced that the vast majority of escapees were not against the war before it might impact them, and probably the majority of them supported it at the very least in the sense of accepting decisions of their dear leader.
  20. My thinking is that if the evidence points to serious indictable crimes, then of course charge him. That goes to his father too in case the evidence points there (after he leaves office). A political bonus of that would be it will be easier for most of the country to accept the indictments of Trump and his family when it comes time to indict them, as dollars to doughnuts the evidence is there for that. No citizen is supposed to be above the law. However my personal opinion is that very trivial crimes should not be charged regardless of the status of the person. US prisons are filled with inmates, mostly minorities, convicted of crimes that usually aren't even charged to others. Lighten up. Give warnings and fines, community service, etc. Prisons have become a profit industry and that is just totally wrong. Next ...
  21. The thing about these Russian "draft dodgers" is morally ambiguous. In general most people in most countries don't exactly exalt people evading military service when their country calls. Most of the Russians escaping now didn't have a word to say in opposition to the evil war chosen by their dictator UNTIL the war came to them. Not exactly profiles in courage. Of course, I don't blame them, but if this war lasts a long time, many are going to find it impossible to stay abroad because of visas and expenses.
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