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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Some of the youtubers I've been following. Zack the Russian Young guy Now in Georgia Extremely and openly.anti Putin. He burned his draft order online! Inside Russia Now Outside Russia. Now in a Stan country. Left his wife and children with a day's notice. He witnessed men being refused exit. Middle aged man very educated did many videos about Russian culture and history encouraging people to read between the lines. Niki Prosin An odd young man just escaped to Istanbul. His recent videos were getting dangerously political. He feared the draft so bye bye. NFKRZ Very successful youtuber. Now set up in Georgia. He refuses to be explicitly political out of fear for his family and his desire to return someday. But obviously anti Putin anyway and o great source to understand the complications of being a Russian expat in wartime. Bald and Bankrupt Very famous Brit. Its over for him now. He traveled all over Russia humanizing ordinary people with an obsession with Soviet relics. Arrested in Russia. Forced to make a propaganda apology. Deported and banned. Yes I have a strong personal interest in this war for family background reasons.
  2. If Putin loses this war he loses power and his life. He will never accept defeat.
  3. Another thing. The timing of this dire warning is probably related to the mobilization. Males are being questioned trying to leave Russia. All are being asked when they bought their ticket if by air before or after mobilization. As of a few days ago some are not being let out because of assumption of evading the draft. The air and land border exit option might be closed soon to all males 18 to 65 or even a full closure. Dual citizens might get their draft order before they even try to leave with the US embassy powerless to help. I've been following multiple youtubers in Russia. They all recently escaped and one so recently that he witnessed several rejections. Some others were smarter and left further back. I don't think this warning is about a US first strike. It's about what's happening in Russia already. It's getting worse and worse very quickly.
  4. Is that what you're taking, half of 25? That's a pill you can split not a capsule I assume? Are you taking it long term or only for shorter time periods?
  5. An American in Russia would need to be very clueless not to realize its time to leave long ago.
  6. That's a fascist anti democracy anti American POV. The nerve of those Trumpists to call themselves patriots. The press isn't the enemy of the people. They are.
  7. True. Biden has the advantage of the incumbency. That's a huge advantage in any election.
  8. I have heard reports from white house insiders believe them or not that despite the public embarrassments Biden's intellect is working fine during decision making processes. Of course he has made questionable decisions like all presidents but its unfair to assume that "dementia" caused them.
  9. Yes the Senator that hounded him out of office has admitted it was a mistake. Too late though.
  10. I can't find an antihistamine of that name. Did you mean dormirax? But it's not an antihistamine. https://pillintrip.com/medicine/dormirax
  11. Anyone who follows Jon Stewart closely well understands that he will NEVER run for any office. Nor will Bill Maher. We did have a wonderful comedian who was unfairly hounded out of office who was otherwise destined to run for president. Al Franken. Own goal losing him but he does have a good podcast. (Jewish?) comedians can make great leaders. Zelinsky has proven that. .
  12. Yeah if he runs it will be fine and he will beat Trump again if trump runs.
  13. That he wasn't a fascist and he had the right stuff to beat the fascist. But I don't think he should run again. Not because he failed but because it's time for a new and yes younger top democratic leader.
  14. When in Edinburgh stop by Taco Mazama for their Haggis burrito. Proof that God doesn't exist?
  15. I actually think Thailand did a fairly good job against Covid especially when compared with the world's most <deleted> responses in the USA, Brazil, and China.
  16. Biden will not step down unless he has a very serious health crisis. His gaffes aren't that so dream on. I guess some of you guys are pining for Harris God knows why. Of course he faces a momentous decision about whether to run for reelection. I trust he will include his great age and associated health concerns in the process. But there is also politics.
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