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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. His policies and accomplishments are mostly good. Of course I wish he was younger and sharper but if he's running again against a pro insurrectionist, anti democracy, white nationalist adjacent demagogue, he will continue to be the much better choice. It would be better for the country if we get a 2024 contest between a fresher democrat and a non Trumpist republican though but I doubt we will be so fortunate.
  2. They wouldn't plan such a thing. If there's an open primary she would have an automatic contender status just as VP incumbent. I guess it's foolish to say she has no chance. She would then have an opportunity to try to resell herself. Personally I don’t want her to be nominated.
  3. Is clicking a youtube clip from CNN a problem for you? If so maybe the same context from Live at Fox might go down better? Just click the play button.
  4. Maybe even cut off from internet access as well. He could tweet by carrier pigeons?
  5. I don't think enough even to nominate him but sadly he would retain the hard core cultists. Ironically for the Democrats running against trump would be their best chance to hold the white house.
  6. Again the absurd arguments which I've already rebutted! He's an ex president! Not a normal defendent! I won't bother repeating what I've posted before but I will add this. I didn't say you watched Fox News so I am not wrong. Your defenses sound Fox News style. That's all. You don’t understand impeachment. Perhaps you're not American. Impeachment is a political process not a criminal one. Criminal code charges are not part of it. The result of Impeachment plus conviction is removal from office. It takes an extra step to bar from future office. Trump was impeached twice FACT. 100 percent. The only president ever to be impeached twice. He was not convicted twice. Unfortunately. If he had been convicted there would have been no criminal consequences FACT.
  7. He was impeached twice. Impeachments even when convicted have no criminal penalties. Your argument seems to be that just because he wasn't indicted YET means indictments aren't coming or if they're coming won't be legitimate Its an absurd Fox News style of argument. Again. JUST WAIT.
  8. Yes you must comply with the balance rules but that's not the same thing as the show money report which is the topic here.
  9. Yes the Russian families understand this new wave mobilization is being sent to die They have no motivation to fight beyond trying to survive. It is scary. If Putin is willing to treat his own countrymen like that, beyond all the war crimes we already know about, what is he capable of against enemies?
  10. There won't be many Russians here anytime soon. I follow some war related youtube channels mostly from anti Putin Russians. Just reported one way ticket Moscow to Bangkok 5000 dollars Russians wanting to escape now go to places where they can easily stay long term without a visa. Georgia is very popular. Thailand could attract them if they offered the same as Georgia to Russians but they won't as Putin would see that as unfriendly to his genocidal regime.
  11. For reference there is a member here who pressed the staff there very aggressively with the obvious question. Are there any consequence for not doing the three month show money report? Such as fines, etc. Answer: NO CONSEQUENCES. Believe it or not. I choose to believe it for these reasons. Almost no other office does it. There is nothing in immigration law mentioning it. There is no mention of consequences for not doing it on the form. There have been no reports here of consequences for not doing it. Taking this even further. You show up for your next extension and you have been non compliant with the balance rules. Your application will be rejected. Whether you did the show money report irrelevant. OR You show up for your next extension and you have been compliant with the balance rules. Why would they even bother then to check whether you did the report or not? The report is about strong arming compliance. You complied. The report is irrelevant.
  12. Fair question. He couldn't have indicted him as he was president at the time "Because we determined not to make a traditional prosecutorial judgment, we did not draw ultimate conclusions about the President's conduct. The evidence we obtained about the President's actions and intent presents difficult issues that would need to be resolved if we were making a traditional prosecutorial judgment. At the same time, if we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state. Based on the facts and the applicable legal standards, we are unable to reach that judgment. Accordingly, while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him." Mueller https://www.commoncause.org/resource/read-the-mueller-report/
  13. You seem to be suggesting that Ukraine should cave to Putin's tactics. They will not.
  14. The territories Putin is now annexing by sham votes are not Russia. Border area military targets are legitimate. Russia invaded Ukraine. Ukraine was never interested in invading Russia.
  15. Being convicted apparently won't automatically stop him from running for president.
  16. He will have legal problems for the rest of his life. He already finds it hard to find competent lawyers willing to work for him.
  17. Personally I think Amy Klobuchar would be the strongest. She's much more likeable than Harris who let's face it has turned out to be a DUD, and it really is finally time for the first woman president. Yes, not perfect and not progressive enough for the far left, but so what? 11 Democrats who could replace Joe Biden in 2024 | CNN Politics Then there's Gavin Newsom. He does look like a president from Central Casting.
  18. You wish it would be that easy for Republicans to win but that's just a pipe dream. Also Biden is a much stronger candidate than Harris. If Biden doesn't run there will be an open democratic primary.
  19. It comes down to two choices. If Biden runs again and the Republicans put up Trump again Biden will win again. As things stand now Biden will run again and the Republicans will put up Trump again if he can manage to dodge incarceration. There are many issues. The economy of course but also immigration, Ukraine, China, abortion, LGBT rights, health care, climate, inequality, housing, and probably most importantly democracy vs. autocracy.
  20. The indictments are coming and they will be proven or not. I find your arguments absurd and lacking appreciation of the special situation of a deeply criminal ex president.who has dodged consequences all his life with corruption and clever legal tactics only on offer to the rich. The Mueller investigation as well as the two impeachments weren't criminal investigations. Now he is subject to.actual criminal investigations. You say you aren't a trump guy and readers are expected to believe that. This is getting tiresome. JUST WAIT. Agree to disagree End of.
  21. I reckon the original intent was to teach applicants about the balance rules the hard way. Then if it was discovered that the applicant messed up upon the next extension they could blame it fully on the applicant. But the balance rules have been in effect for many years already. I guess there might be some utility to give the order on the first extension. Anyway doing the report is not necessary. Believe it or not.
  22. There is no need to comply with this show money report There is a need to comply with 90 day address reports. Those two things are not related in any way. You do need to follow the balance rules though or you will be rejected for your next extension. They are at least 800k for two months before extension application, at least 800k for three months after extension granted, and at least 400k for the rest of the year. Do the show money report if you insist but it is not necessary. If you do you will receive no receipt of compliance and more than likely a look that says what a goody two shoes that wasted his time.
  23. He couldn't be indicted while in office. January.6 and the Atlantic find me the votes thing happened at the end of his term. The documents thing happened after his term. Where are we? I'm not going to own making you aware of all of that. We can all watch any indictments and convictions happen as they occur. If you're suggesting that there is nothing to indict about you are welcome to that opinion. Cheers.
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