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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. It might look like January 6th. Obviously I don't know exactly. If it's in Atlanta, that seems an especially rich venue for the white nationalist warriors. A heavily black very blue great big city smack in the middle of tres rouge Georgia. Of course a huge mess which all could have been avoided if the trump had simply conceded his defeat like every other losing presidential candidate in history. Indicting and convicting him could spark a civil war and also not indicting him could spark a civil war as well. For example, he gets nominated, loses again ... because as we all know, he can't ever lose.
  2. Whatever. I don't agree with republican politics, including old style ones like Liz Cheney. But the new style is actively authoritarian and actively anti democracy. So there are levels. It's good news to hear more republicans speaking out against Trump and his dangerous movement.
  3. This is about Republicans only. The Republican primary has nothing to do with the electoral college.
  4. Well if it was listed on the menu no problem. Many places that sell a lot of beer make the prices for soft drinks so high that it becomes crazy not to order beer. Yes they are manipulating customer behavior but that is their business decision and you don’t have to eat there to access a Coke for much less.
  5. I find your point basically meaningless in the context of this topic. "Reasonable" and "affordable" are of course subjective terms depending on the economic situation of the individual. You seem to be indicating that in YOUR case YOU would have a wide choice of decent options to repatriate to. Well maybe anyway. Depending on if you insist on living in higher cost areas or not. You don't want cold and damp? What about Texas for one example? While places like Austin are in a bubble there are many less desirable but still perfectly OK places in Texas where a decent place could be bought for much less than 500k. People BE CLEAR! The premise of this topic is that repatriation would be very economically challenging for SOME / MANY expats in Thailand. Not all!
  6. Well I think we can safely assume former Senator Simpson is in that half. A must watch and on Fox yet. Stop the Squeal!
  7. Scheme. Schmeme. Sometime should tell Sweden that they didn’t actually choose to seek NATO membership then.
  8. Has it occurred to you that Turkiye's demands can be met in other ways? Ever heard of bargaining chips?
  9. Contempt is an apt word. It's what decent Americans feel about Bannon.
  10. I really would put Medicare into another category although it is quite complex and there are still large out of pocket costs needed. Medicare is basically National Health Care Lite but only for elders.
  11. You seem to be under the impression that the current president of Mexico kowtows to the US. Nope! https://edition.cnn.com/2022/06/07/politics/summit-of-the-americas-joe-biden/index.html Snubs from key leaders at Summit of the Americas reveal Biden's struggle to assert US leadership in its neighborhood -- On the Assange matter yes of course the US wants him to face trial in the US for alleged serious crimes. I think Obrador is trolling because he knows very well that his suggestion won't even be considered by Washington.
  12. Well Sonny back in my day we had to look at underwear ads in Sear's catalogs. Oh, never mind. Let's just say they're fighting an uphill battle shall we?
  13. I'll save my sympathies for the victims of Putin's war crimes rather than super corrupt Putin cronies with super yachts.
  14. I will also ask about Jomtien. Also not received.
  15. Expanding on this. Yes there will definitely be Trump cult member violence if Trump is indicted. Walsh doesn't think he will be. I think he will, particularly in Georgia. But he brings up a worst case scenario. Indictment without being found guilty. But Walsh ignores the risk of not indicting him which is very real as well. Expect 'Major Violence' if Donald Trump Indicted, Joe Walsh Warns (newsweek.com)
  16. I think you'll find that the last thing most Canadians want to be called is American. Next ...
  17. Sounds kind of like Obrador is trolling Biden. Of course Biden can't accept that. Perhaps a compromise can be crafted. Since Assange is so used to confined spaces now, how about a deal where he must never leave the premises of Senor Frog's in Cancun?
  18. *Deleted post edited out* The REAL reason Trump will run. It's not to save America. Its to save his own ass.
  19. Obviously it's a triage system. In the U.S. it's more of a money based triage system. The vast majority of Canadians would never trade their system for a U.S. system!
  20. That's a detail I don't know but as for any travel, travel insurance is recommended. I assume though that they would at least offer emergency care but I have no idea of the cost if uninsured. Yes Canada does have waiting times for many procedures, but obviously if you're bleeding out it's a different story. Canadians don't routinely go bankrupt because of health care costs, as do Americans.
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