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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. United Shades of America. Season 7 has started and the first episode about the "Woke" culture wars issue is one of the best treatments of it you're going to see anywhere.
  2. Wait until after the midterms. It would be foolish to have such division before then.
  3. Which he reportedly passed and he's bragged about that since then as if he was admitted to the Mensa society.
  4. Here is my stab at an objective take on this. The white house should not have referred to this case before it was better confirmed. It might be true or it might not be true. Obviously they did use it because of the emotional power of talking about a raped 10 year old. But the laws that were being objected to are the same regardless. The right wing plays this game of seeking possibly flawed details to destroy the other side. But again the laws are in effect regardless of whether the story of this case is true or not and they are highly objectionable laws. So the political process of the white house can be legitimately criticized but that's all.
  5. What are you on about? Sounds like you're watching too many unhinged Trump rallies.
  6. He's not going to step down. He's just not going to run again. Even if he did that wouldn't mean Harris wouldn't have to compete in an open primary.
  7. There are many people staying in Thailand on retirement extensions with low income but enough assets to cover the 800k baht bank method. Obviously people can easily live in Thailand on less than the 65k monthly income method. But 800k baht if that's most of what you have won't go far at all upon repatriation.
  8. Arguably "only an idiot" foreigner buys in Thailand (like me) when they have no guarantee of residence security here.
  9. Your timings are way off. The democrats will probably hold on to the senate. Democrats have already rejected both Biden and Harris for 24. Biden won't run and there will be an open primary.
  10. I wouldn't say the story is highly dubious. I would say it hasn't been properly confirmed
  11. Pushed out of Thailand for one reason or another and can't afford to move back home? Jerry Brown and Lori have your back! Go east old man to CAMBODIA.
  12. There are arguments to cash out when the market is high. There is no works for everyone every time rule on such matters.
  13. Not all renters are idiots relative or otherwise just as not all landlords are evil.
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